Before they could find the two comrades, they had already returned, and with them were three cows.

The responding comrades arrived three hours later and carried the dead cow into the car.

They also sat in the driver's seat.

Someone is responsible for driving the remaining live cattle.

After returning to the team, Xia Zhi was embarrassed to say anything.

He turned around and returned to his home.

Seeing Liu Zhiyan who had returned, she realized that other teams had also found a lot of cattle.

All in all, except for two of the 500 cattle that had been eaten up by wolves, the rest were recovered.

Of course, some of them must have died, and those who survived finally rushed back to the breeding ground near their brigade.

Everyone was exhausted, but Liu Zhiyan and the others were obviously not as embarrassed as Xia Zhi.

Seeing that today is the 28th of the New Year.

There is no New Year's Eve this year. Tomorrow is the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, which is this year's New Year's Eve.

Xia Zhi came back and had a good sleep. Early the next morning, all the educated youth from their educated youth point went to the canteen to help.

The master chefs in the canteen have also begun to be busy.

Today there will be a reunion dinner and a New Year's Eve dinner at noon, and there will be a cultural report and performance in the afternoon.

Everyone wants to watch the performance. There are not many entertainment projects these days. This reporting performance is very attractive.

They have already rehearsed the program in advance for the summer solstice, just for the cultural performance to put on a program on behalf of their educated youth.

Now they were assigned to make dumplings.

The dumplings are divided into two kinds of fillings.

One kind of pork and green onions is to take care of the living habits of these Han comrades, and the other part is wrapped with mutton stuffing.

In order to take care of the living habits of local comrades.

The master chef in the cafeteria is busy frying fried cakes and making cold dishes and large pot dishes.

The educated youths are making dumplings here.

They divided into two waves, and now most people can make dumplings.

Xia Zhi and Liu Zhiyan brought Fang Xiaoya, Li Jinhui and eight male educated youths to make dumplings stuffed with pork and green onions.

Zhao Hong, four female educated youths and eight male educated youths were making the remaining dumplings stuffed with mutton.

This way the lines are clear, easy to separate, and less likely to be confused.

They were busy until 11 o'clock, when their dumplings were finally finished, and they started busy setting the table in the canteen and clearing away the dishes.

The canteen is very large and can seat 50 people at a time.

The tables are all large and can seat ten people, but now 15 people have to squeeze into them.

The comrades in the team came to eat in groups.

On average, one meal takes half an hour, mainly because the place is crowded and the place is small.

Starting at 11 o'clock, all the comrades in the team will be entertained for dinner.

Of course, this team refers to the staff of Zhou Zhengan's special confidentiality unit.

They have 5,000 people here alone.

In this way, people came to eat one after another, and it took almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

The cultural performance starts at 5 p.m.

They kept making dumplings because they had finished eating here and there was still room for the next batch.

The first group of people who came at 11 o'clock were the leaders of the corps who came specifically to express their condolences.

There are more than a dozen new faces and leaders at all levels in the team who follow them.

There are more than 100 people in total.

Not only did I visit their canteen, but I also personally saw the staff who cook in their canteen, and shook hands with them cordially.

At this time, the summer solstice represents a friendly handshake between all the educated youth and the leaders in front of them.

Summer Solstice became a representative, mainly because she can roll 12 pieces of skin at a time with a rolling pin.

I just got a little carried away for a moment, so I performed a stunt of rolling out dumpling wrappers.

As a result, the leaders came in just in time. When they saw her unique skill, all the leaders who came down to inspect applauded.

So the summer solstice became a symbol.

"Comrade Xiaoxia, we have heard about your glorious deeds. You are on the list of meritorious deeds declared this time."

The leader in front of me looks quite young, only in his thirties.

He Zaishan looked at the girl in front of him and couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

This Comrade Xia Zhi is also famous here, because Xia Zhi is included in the lists submitted several times.

They discovered a suitable land for planting lotus roots, invented a snow tire chain, and battled wits and courage with the foreign devils who violated the border last time. In addition, this time they risked their lives for collective property and were knocked into the water by a cow.

Several things combined can deepen everyone's impression.

Summer Solstice is also one of those who receive advanced individual medals at the end of this literary performance.

He Zaishan just didn't expect that this girl who was so familiar to them would be so young and so beautiful.

Mainly because it's so beautiful that it's hard to forget once you see it.

The confidence in this girl's eyes, the bright smile on her face, especially her cheerful personality, and her crooked eyebrows when she smile, are hard not to remember.

It is indeed a pity for such a beautiful girl to stay farming on a farm in the northwest.

"Director He, I just did what I was supposed to do. If it wasn't me who went there, someone else would have done the same thing."

Be humble in a grand way during the summer solstice. Being humble is definitely a virtue at this time.

As long as you are proud, others will look at you wrongly.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, the young Director He in front of him looked at him more and more kindly.

Xia Zhi knew that he had passed the test.

What's more important is that if you leave a deep impression in front of the leader, it will be easier to do things in the future and there will be many benefits.

Even when I return to the city, I am afraid that my name will be noticed immediately.

Xia Zhi also feels that he is too utilitarian.

But there is no way, after a lifetime, it is difficult for a person's heart to return to simplicity after it matures, and it is inevitable to weigh the pros and cons when doing things.

If you don't plan ahead in this life, will you really be able to stay here honestly for the rest of your life?

Xia Zhi wants to live a free life and a happy life.

She could live her whole life here, but she didn't want to continue to be an ordinary person in obscurity.

Even in the Northwest, she still has to shine brightly and let everyone remember her.

"Comrade Xiaoxia, you are so humble. You, a lesbian, still have such courage when facing such danger.

It is really worthy of our admiration and worth learning by all of us. "

He Zaishan was full of praise for the Xia Zhi in front of him, and his admiring gaze made the eyes of the female director accompanying him twinkle.

The women's director was thinking cheerfully. Director He was young and promising. He heard that his previous daughter-in-law died in childbirth.

Director He is still single now, and Director He is so fond of Xia Zhi in front of him. What does this mean?

It means there is drama.

The women's director knew what was going on.

These leaders saw them off, followed closely by the comrades who came to have New Year's Eve dinner.

It wasn't until 2:30 in the afternoon that the last group of people were sent away and their own dumplings were served. Everyone was already hungry.

After finishing the dumplings, they hurried to the art auditorium.

Backstage, I started changing clothes and doing simple makeup.

There was already a sea of ​​people outside.

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