"Hey, Zhou Zhengan, what do I think of you? What do I think of you?"

Xia Zhi chased after Zhou Zhengan, but his feet slipped and he bumped into someone's back.

Zhou Zhengan turned around with a smile and grabbed Xia Zhi's arm.

"Be careful. Although I understand what you mean, it is still not appropriate for us to do this in broad daylight in public."

The meaning in that look and words made Xia Zhi's face turn as red as a piece of red cloth.

"Zhou Zhengan, you are so stupid..."

"Captain Zhou, Comrade Xiaoxia, what are you...?"

A passing comrade saw the two people's intimate attitude and asked doubtfully.

Xia Zhi took his arm back for a moment.

He stammered.

"The road was slippery...I almost fell...Captain Zhou helped me."

Zhou Zhengan lowered his hands.

I rubbed my fingers unconsciously, feeling a little empty.

"Oh, this road is slippery. Captain Zhou, you should support Comrade Xiaoxia."

I only saw this comrade winking at Captain Zhou.

Then he turned around and ran away.

"Don't get me wrong, the road is really slippery."

Xia Zhi weakly shouted towards the back.

"Comrade Xiaoxia, don't worry, I know the road is slippery, and I won't say anything nonsense."

The man replied thoughtfully.

The summer solstice is even more frustrating.

Zhou Zhengan's laughter was heard in his ears.

Xia Zhi raised his head angrily, and Zhou Zhengan's serious face was actually filled with smiles.

The moment Xia Zhi, who was originally angry, saw this smile, he suddenly felt like the warmth of spring.

She remembered that novels and TV shows often said that a person's smile would make people feel like spring blossoms, but she never understood what that feeling felt like.

But now when I see this smile, I understand for the first time that it is like a flower blooming little by little in my heart.

And the blooming speed is not fast, but the feeling is very healing.

All the negative emotions of displeasure and displeasure were swept away, and I was quickly infected with joy and pleasure.

"Come on, let's go quickly. I have to take you back after the measurement. The road will be even harder to walk after it gets dark."

Zhou Zhengan almost generously stretched out his hand to hold her arm this time. Although he didn't hold her hand, the distance was so close at this moment.

Both of them felt their hearts beating a little faster.

"I can walk steadily without support."


As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped in the face and staggered on his feet.

Xia Zhi was embarrassed to find that one hand took the initiative to grab Zhou Zhengan's hand, and the other hand automatically placed itself on Zhou Zhengan's shoulder.

What's more important is that the fingers are intertwined and the grip is tight.

Zhou Zhengan's long, strong hands felt particularly warm and safe.

Broad and solid shoulders make people feel as stable as a mountain.

"It's better to hold on, otherwise when will you be able to walk to the team headquarters? How many falls will you have to fall along the way?"

Zhou Zhengan said calmly.

Xia Zhi hurriedly shook off Zhou Zhengan's fingers and carefully supported his arm.

This time she no longer dared to brazenly say that she couldn't fall.

However, the atmosphere between the two was indeed a bit ambiguous. This ambiguous atmosphere made neither of them speak.

Xia Zhi was embarrassed, but Zhou Zhengan was inexplicably enjoying himself. Just by looking at the slightly raised corners of his mouth, you could tell how happy he was inside.

The two people arrived at the team headquarters. Zhou Zhengan watched the guards on guard at the gate salute him.

Especially those eyes that were definitely full of gossip as they stared at their arms holding each other.

"team leader!"

Zhou Zhengan felt that this road was too short.

I don’t know why I’ve been a bachelor for so many years, but I suddenly feel like I’m in love.

Zhou Zhengan shook his head slightly, and the smile on his face gradually faded away, returning to his original serious look.

The two walked into the team headquarters.

When Xia Zhi saw Jiang Yifan in the team headquarters, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With outsiders present, it seemed that the atmosphere between the two was finally broken.

Jiang Yifan's eyes widened when he saw the two of them.

"You, you, you...Zhou Zhengan, Captain Zhou, you are a bad student."

Zhou Zhengan let go of his arm.

"Stop talking nonsense there. The road was too slippery. Xiaoxia almost fell down, so I helped her. This is called normal mutual help."

A malicious smile appeared on Jiang Yifan's lips.

"It turns out we help each other!"

"Xiaoxia, what are you doing here at the team headquarters?"

Xia Zhi took out the soft ruler from his pocket and said.

"Vice Captain Jiang, let me measure Captain Zhou's clothes. Director Wang entrusted me to make a down jacket. I need a model."

When Jiang Yifan heard this, he immediately stood up, patted his chest, stepped forward and squeezed Zhou Zhengan away with an elbow.

"It turns out I'm a model. I can do it too. You see, my height is no less than your Captain Zhou, and I especially like to be a model for others."

"Come on, come on, measure it for me."

Jiang Yifan stretched out his hands generously and stood in front of Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi rolled her eyes, how could Vice Captain Jiang act like a child.

"Is Jiang Yifan's skin itchy again these past two days?"

Zhou Zhengan's voice came from behind in an eerie voice.

Jiang Yifan turned around and saw that Zhou Zhengan's expression was absolutely eerie.

He hurriedly patted his chest,

"Hey, Captain Zhou, why are you like this? Do you know that this is very scary?

I understand, your threat worked, is it okay if I go out? Doesn't bother your eyes. "

He turned around and said loudly as he passed by Xia Zhi.

"Comrade Xiaoxia, my name is Jiang Yifan. I am 28 years old. I have good facial features, a dignified appearance, and a tall figure. And I am in good health.

I don't have a partner or a wife, so why don't you consider me? We are an unmarried man and an unmarried woman. If you marry me, I promise to hold you in the palm of my hand from now on. "

This time Xia Zhi's face was completely red. The Jiang Yifan in front of him was definitely not doing anything right. See if he was clearly teasing him.

"Vice Captain Jiang, I just want to support the border construction of the motherland and contribute my youth to the construction of the motherland. I have not considered marriage. Thank you. Vice Captain Jiang thinks so highly of me, but we are not suitable for each other."

"How could Xiaoxia be inappropriate? It's very suitable!

You see, we are a talented man and a beautiful woman. Although I am a bit glib, I tell you, if I get married, I will definitely be a good husband. "

"Jiang Yifan, shut your mouth and get out of here!"

Zhou Zhengan's voice was like an ice cube at minus 100 degrees.

"Hey, Captain Zhou, if you tell me to get out, I'll get out immediately, but of course I have to take care of this important matter of marriage.

You are my little boy, so you can't watch me become a bachelor, right? "

"If you give me some advice, Comrade Xiaoxia will consider me."

Jiang Yifan turned around and ran away with a grin, and thoughtfully closed the office door.

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