It snowed for three days in a row.

During the summer solstice, they usually just make quilts in their nest in the ground. They have no choice but to bear the electricity bill now.

Basically, we have to clear the snow three times a day.

Since Feng Xizhu's house collapsed, everyone has clearly realized that snow clearing is necessary.

Otherwise, everyone would have to be like Feng Xizhu and the others, which would be miserable.

It took Feng Xizhu and his family five days to repair their underground den, and they had no place to stay at night, so they had to live in the drafty underground den.

I heard that all six male educated youths in those three dens fell ill.

There is no place to live at the moment, no one can make room for them.

No one sympathized with them.

The days are calm and leisurely.

After this snow, it cleared up for at most three days, and then it started to wind and snow again.

But it didn't snow that much, but the snow inside and outside here made the road outside more difficult.

Ten days later, by the summer solstice, their quilts were all ready.

The craftsmanship is getting better and better. From the beginning, the stitching was a bit rough, but now the stitching is not only even and dense, but also looks very beautiful.

Xia Zhi clicked the quilts, and there were already 100 quilts piled in their room.

On average, there are so many quilts in each nest, which is not a small number, and all the materials have been made.

It can't be left here forever.

Xia Zhi saw that the snow had stopped and the weather was good, so he hurried to find Zhou Zhengan.

"Captain, we want to borrow a carriage from the team to deliver those quilts to the county."

I was too embarrassed to ask for it, so Zhou Zhengan said he wanted to borrow a truck. Trucks need to burn oil, and this oil requires fuel stamps and is usually used by the public.

Xia Zhi knew that the government must not take advantage of the public in such matters, especially for a special unit like theirs.

Zhou Zhengan hesitated for a moment. He also thought that the educated youth had made so many quilts that if they were pulled by a horse-drawn carriage, one horse-drawn carriage would probably not be able to pull them all.

But if you use a truck, this is taking advantage of the public.

"Can you drive a carriage?"

"I can drive, and it seems that Liu Haidong can also drive. I think the two carriages are about the same. It should be okay if the quilt is tightened."

After doing some calculations during the summer solstice, they now have more than 1,000 quilts.

If the quilt is pressed more tightly, the two carriages should be about the same size.

It only takes four people to deliver all these quilts.

Zhou Zhengan thought about it.

"Canteen? How is the food there? Do you need food now?"

Hang up the phone and call the cafeteria.

When Zhou Zhengan put down the phone, his brows were already relaxed.

"No need to go to such trouble. The cafeteria is just about to pull food. We have been holding on to the food we brought last time. Anyway, we have to go together to pull food. I just happened to pass the quilt over to you and bring the materials back to you."

When Xia Zhi heard this, he immediately beamed. After all, driving a carriage and riding a truck were two different things.

How fast the truck is.

If we had to drive the carriage back and forth, it would take almost a day.

Maybe I won't be able to come back until dark.

And it's freezing. It's not a pleasant feeling to be freezing outside for a day.

"Captain, on behalf of the educated youth, thank you!"

Zhou Zhengan couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he saw Xia Zhi bowing to him, and quickly stepped aside.

"Okay, are you so polite? I'm just helping you by the way, not specifically helping you pull things over."

"If you really want to thank us, let me tell you that the New Year is coming at the end of the twelfth lunar month, and our cafeteria has to prepare a New Year's Eve dinner.

If you really feel like it, come to the cafeteria to help cook the New Year's Eve dinner. "

Zhou Zhengan smiled and made the request, which was not excessive at all.

"Copy that, Captain Zhou, don't worry. During the New Year's Eve dinner, I will definitely take my close relatives to the cafeteria to report and help the cafeteria masters."

What was left unsaid was that by the way, the educated youths became familiar with the master chef in the cafeteria, so that everyone could become more harmonious.

After all, educated youth are aliens both in the eyes of local people and in the eyes of comrades in these special units.

This is the best time to ease the relationship between everyone.

"Okay, as long as you say this, that's all. Just ask them to bring the quilt over, and we'll set off right away."

Zhou Zhengan had to admit that he liked Xia Zhi's refreshing energy.

Xia Zhi hurried back to call out all the male educated youths, and carried all the quilts from various dens to the brigade headquarters.

I helped load it onto the truck, and a layer of plastic sheeting was laid under the truck.

Because there are trucks to help, there are no need to go to so many people. Liu Zhiyan set off with Xia Zhi in order to visit the county town, open his eyes, and even buy some things.

Others don't get this treatment.

Zhou Zhengan's face turned dark when he saw Liu Zhiyan and Xia Zhi appear.

"Wu Zhigang, come to the front and ask them to sit in the back."

Wu Zhigang reluctantly jumped out of the car and whispered.

"Captain, why me? Finally, a lesbian can sit together, and Li Tiecheng can also sit in the front."

Zhou Zhengan's eyes turned cold.

"Then there's no need to sit down, let's find someone else."

Wu Zhigang hurriedly begged for mercy, "Captain, captain, don't!

I sit, I sit, every good thing I encounter with a lesbian is not mine. "

Zhou Zhengan gave him a hard kick.

"What's going through your mind all day long?"

"I want a wife! Captain, who doesn't want a wife?"

Wu Zhigang got into the front seat obediently.

Zhou Zhengan said to Xia Zhi with a straight face.

"Get in the car!"

He ignored Xia Zhi and got into the car.

Xia Zhi was baffled as to why Zhou Zhengan had such a bad look in just a short time.

Didn't you offend him?

Even if he offends him, he won't be in a confrontation with her. The two of them are such familiar friends, what can't they say?

Xia Zhi didn't understand, but Zhou Zhengan and the others had already boarded the car, so it was not good for them to delay further.

Two people crowded in the back with two comrades.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit solemn along the way. Zhou Zhengan said nothing and had a calm face.

How dare the rest of the people speak?

Xia Zhi and Liu Zhiyan were even more embarrassed to speak.

Almost everyone is sitting upright.

After finally making it all the way to the county seat, the comrades in the car jumped out of the car to help move the quilts in the back.

No one can stand the atmosphere in the car.

Liu Zhiyan pulled out of the formation, and the two of them also got out of the car. Liu Zhiyan stuck out her tongue.

"What's going on? Why do I feel that Captain Zhou looks a little displeased with me today?"

Xia Zhi shook her head, took the quilt from her comrade, carried it on her shoulders and walked to the supply and marketing cooperative, whispering,

"I don't know either, but it's not that Captain Zhou doesn't like you, it's probably that he doesn't like me."

Liu Zhiyan also carried a few quilts and followed her.

"How could I not like you?

It was originally fine, but it seems that since you brought me here, I noticed that Captain Zhou smiled informally, which must be because he didn't like me. "

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