"Zhou Zhengan?"

Summer Solstice is a bit confusing.

Yesterday, I accepted half a steamed bun, so Zhou Zhengan wouldn't come to ask for payment now, right?

Zhou Zhengan definitely didn't look like this.

Could it be that I misunderstood?

He looked around uneasily, and sure enough, Zhou Zhengan's appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The main reason is that Zhou Zhengan is too eye-catching, and his uniform clearly separates him from the others.

In the eyes of everyone, this is the cutest person in the world.

What's more, Zhou Zhengan's facial features are not right, if I have to use one word to describe him.

Zhou Zhengan's facial features are not only Zhou Zheng, but also somewhat handsome.

The facial features are particularly three-dimensional, especially the steep bridge of the nose. Just looking at it from the side will probably arouse the admiration of many girls.

Plus this outfit.

This is the halo of the protagonist.

"Comrade Xia Zhi, I finally found you."

"I just took some food from the dining car. It was brought here just for you."

While smiling, he handed over the lunch box and tea jar.

And it was pushed into Xia Zhi's hands a little forcefully.

It's the kind of strength that cannot be denied.

Xia Zhi didn't react at all and took it in his hand.

There was millet porridge in the lunch box. Although it was not boiling hot, the temperature still shocked Xia Zhi.

He hurriedly placed it on the small table in front of him.

Her face was slightly red, mainly because she could feel the indignation in the eyes of the female educated youth opposite her.

Zhou Zhengan's sudden appearance obviously attracted a lot of red eyes to him.

"Otherwise we should go out and talk!"

Xia Zhi hurriedly took the lunch box and tea jar to lead the way, leading Zhou Zhengan back to the door where they were standing yesterday.

Not noticing anyone's gaze, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Comrade Zhou, what are you doing? I already accepted your kindness yesterday. But how can I ask you to specially deliver food to me?"

"Comrade Xia Zhi, don't be embarrassed. You must be encountering difficulties now. Besides, you are going to support border construction. You have the same goal as me.

I should be more loving, kind, and helpful to you.

Come on, this is what I packed for the morning. I’ll share half with you. I also brought you the teapot. Share it yourself! "

Zhou Zhengan deliberately did not take action.

Xia Zhi heard this.

Mainly because she glanced at the teapot. She needed this teapot so much now. If she refused Zhou Zhengan now, it would be equivalent to denying water.

She didn't want to use the dog's eating bowl.

He gritted his teeth. Anyway, he already owed me half a steamed bun yesterday, so he probably owed a little more.

"Comrade Zhou Zheng'an, thank you, we will be revolutionary comrades from now on.

When I get to the reclamation area, I will work hard and return these things to you today. "

"No, no, it's just a small favor, don't take it to heart."

Zhou Zhengan was a little bit intolerant, he came with evil intentions.

Although he is willing to help others, after all, it is mixed with other purposes and the purpose is not pure.

The starting point of helping others is completely untenable.

Xia Zhi thought about it, so she naturally poured half of the millet porridge from the lunch box.

She was a little greedy when she saw the millet porridge, and then took half a steamed bun.

I also put some shredded pickles on the lid of the teapot.

Didn't take the eggs.

Eggs are nutritional supplements, and only special talents like Zhou Zhengan can receive this kind of treatment. You can't rush to take advantage of others.

He handed the remaining lunch box to Zhou Zhengan.

"Comrade Zhou, thank you, this is enough."

Zhou Zhengan glanced at Xia Zhi. She had touched steamed buns, pickles, and porridge just now, but she had not touched eggs.

"You're welcome. I'll bring you food at noon. If you feel embarrassed or inconvenient, just come to this door and wait for me."

Zhou Zhengan suddenly realized that his sudden appearance just now could easily hurt a girl's self-esteem.

One look at Xia Zhi's clothes can tell that Xia Zhi's family conditions are not good, otherwise she would not have been hungry on the train.

Zhou Zhengan felt ashamed that he didn't care about the girl's feelings and patronized him.

Too selfish.

"Thank you, Zhou Zhengan! Okay, then I won't be polite to you. Anyway, I owe you a meal, and I owe you a few meals.

I'll be here waiting for you then. "

Xia Zhi's cheerful attitude made Zhou Zhengan's eyes look a little appreciative.

Xia Zhi waved and left with the teapot.

Zhou Zhengan then looked at the lunch box in his hand and took a sip of millet porridge.

After a mouthful of millet porridge entered his stomach, he felt comfortable and wanted to sigh.

No wonder people in the canteen often say that millet porridge is the most nourishing, fragrant and rich, with a thick layer of rice oil floating on it.

When they often drank millet porridge, he couldn't feel anything at all.

Now I finally know this feeling.

I took another bite of the steamed bun.

Zhou Zhengan's eyes were red, and it tasted exactly like the steamed buns last night.

Strong wheat aroma.

I took another bite of pickles.

Everyone shouts about this thing all day long, the most unpalatable thing is the pickles.

It's like beating a salt seller to death. There is no other taste besides salt.

But now he was eating it as if it were a delicacy.

Finally, he carefully picked up the egg, peeled off the skin and took a bite.

He had always remembered it clearly.

He had been holding the eggs in his hand and did not pass them over when passing the lunch box.

When Xia Zhi got the steamed buns, she handed him the lunch box, and he put the egg in the lunch box.

This deliberate action caused the current impact.

Sure enough, as he expected, no eggs were touched during the summer solstice.

Therefore, the taste of eggs cannot be compared with other things. Eggs still have no taste.

Zhou Zhengan was eating eggs and suddenly burst into laughter.

Laughing and laughing, I put my hands on the window and cried again.

People passing by in the corridor pointed at his back, wondering what this man was crazy about.

Zhou Zhengan burst into tears. He finally figured out that he could only feel the taste of food that Xia Zhi had touched.

He didn't know what caused it.

But at least his life now has a different flavor.

He knew the sweet smell of steamed buns, he knew the salty taste of pickles, and he also knew the sticky, soft and glutinous taste of millet porridge.

He doesn't care who Xia Zhi is or what's special about him, he just needs to know that Xia Zhi is his taste buds.

Xia Zhi returned to her seat with the teapot in hand.

Liu Zhiyan, who was sitting opposite and chewing a black-noodle steamed bun in her hand, suddenly pushed up her glasses and asked curiously.

"Xia Zhi, who was that comrade in uniform just now?"

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