If this was not what Xia Zhi said, Zhou Zhengan would definitely reject it.

Not because of the secret between him and Xia Zhi, but because he would not agree with the proposed method at all.

After so many years of driving their cars here, there will be many accidents every winter.

When it snows, everyone's default policy is to stop driving on the road.

This is a painful lesson. Countless people have tried to solve this problem, but there is no way. Even the best driver cannot guarantee that his skills can move freely on the ice.

There are many young comrades and old comrades who die in car accidents every year.

If there is a way, wouldn't so many people try to find a way?

But for some reason, when Xia Zhi said this, Zhou Zhengan always felt that this method might not really work.

Since Xia Zhi came here, he has shown a very high ability to survive here in every aspect.

Moreover, Xia Zhi never talks nonsense and always implements what he says very seriously.

These are all proven.

Zhou Zhengan took Xia Zhi to the transportation team and held a meeting with the young comrades and the driver. Xia Zhi explained what he meant.

Although she has seen this kind of thing before, it is these drivers and comrades who are needed to actually execute it and use the existing materials to make this thing.

She can only use her mouth at most, but she has strong hands-on ability.

When several veteran drivers heard this, they were suddenly overjoyed.

"Not to mention that Xia Zhi's method might not really work."

"We have this kind of iron chain."

"We have thin iron chains to try out first, and we also have cowhide strings, but I don't know if the cowhide strings can withstand this kind of weather."

Everyone was talking about it and began to think of solutions based on Xia Zhi's suggestion.

An hour later, thin chains were tied to the wheels of one of the team's two large trucks.

The wheels on the other wheel were tied with cowhide bands.

At present, based on our technology and materials, the work is very rough, but it is also the best that can be achieved at present.

Some careful old drivers even re-polished the areas where the chains might damage the tires.

The two cars drove twice on the road in front of their door, so that they could at least check the safety factors first.

The two cars drove steadily, not at a high speed, but the speed of 40 miles per kilometer was much faster than walking alone.

Sure enough, after a while, the two cars came back, and the driver jumped out of the car happily.

"Captain, there's nothing wrong with it. This thing has a very strong grip, and the wheels didn't slip at all when we walked over it. The only drawback is that it's not very fast, but even if it's not fast, it's better than our ox cart."

"Captain, there's nothing wrong with me here. Let's hurry up and get food this time, otherwise it won't be easy for us to get food after the snow comes."

Two drivers volunteered.

Zhou Zhengan still couldn't let go, but after all, this situation was much better than driving a bullock cart to pull vegetables.

"Okay, now that the cars are packed, the rest of you will study at home to see how to put snow chains on every car.

After all, our winter snow has just begun. There is a snow season of four to five months every winter.

In the future, every car will need to know how to protect the tires to the greatest extent and increase the safety of our car travel. "

Zhou Zhengan ordered a dozen more young comrades, and they set off together. After leaving, they speeded up the transportation of food. He had already made up his mind to bring back at least a month's worth of supplies this time. After all, after today's snow, I won't be able to go out for at least a while.

Turning around, he saw Xia Zhi standing nearby, and Zhou Zhengan hurriedly walked over.

"It's a cold day in Xiaoxia, so you'd better go back first, don't worry. This time we'll bring back a little more food, especially for you educated youths.

By the way, is there anything in particular you want? I'll bring it back for you. It's definitely not suitable to take you there in this kind of weather. "

Zhou Zhengan was thinking about them. This truck didn't have a windshield at the back. It would be unbearable for everyone to be so cold in the back all the way back.

Xia Zhi thought about it and realized that everyone actually had some necessities, especially their lesbians.

"Captain, can you wait for me for half an hour? I'll go back and collect the things everyone needs and write a list for you."

Zhou Zhengan hesitated for a moment and looked back. The driver was packing up the car's pulley and refueling.

"Okay, otherwise you can come with me with the list when the time comes."

"Okay, captain, don't say anything. I'll go back and gather what everyone needs."

Xia Zhi hurriedly walked back. She wanted to run, but the road was covered with ice.

I went back to collect the things everyone needed and made a list.

Basically, most people want food. Of course, any food will be fine. It is not easy to have food in this winter.

A small amount of daily necessities are needed. After all, some daily necessities may not only require money, but also tickets.

Not many of them, the educated youth, can save enough votes.

Liu Zhiyan was indeed a rich man, and she proudly offered meat tickets to buy a pound of meat, which was a satisfying meal for them.

In fact, their life is much better than that of other educated youths. After all, Zhou Zhengan brings food here every day.

Although he was eating with them, the quality of Zhou Zhengan's food was indeed much higher than theirs.

Even if it's just two bites per person, it's much better than not having any meat to eat on weekdays.

Xia Zhi thought about it again and realized that they actually lacked a lot of things, so they might as well buy everything they could if they had any.

He took out his only money and tickets from the box.

Taking the list they made, they turned around and left. Feng Xizhu and the other eight of them, Xia Zhi, were not prepared to care about others. She clearly drew a line with them with a cold face. Why should she be a good person?

Whether you like to eat or not, if you want to eat, you can go buy it on your own.

Xia Zhi is carrying a small military green satchel. This satchel was specially given to them by the team in praise after they came back last time.

Zhou Zhengan also specially brought him a portion and said that if there had been no summer solstice, he might not have been able to walk out of the desert alone.

It comes in handy now.

Xia Zhi came to the brigade door and saw two cars parked on the road, obviously waiting for her.

A dozen soldiers were all crowded in the cockpit.

Big trucks these days have two rows of seats, front and rear.

In addition to the driver, two people can squeeze in at the front, and four people can squeeze in at the back.

Don't ask, it's just that we don't have such a strong sense of safety in this era.

We can't let these little comrades stand in the pocket of the open car at the back.

That's not freezing to death.

Zhou Zhengan opened the car door and stood under the car waiting for her. When he saw her approaching, he smiled and came over to help her.

The driving position of a large truck is relatively high, making it difficult for ordinary people to get in.

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