"Auntie, do you still want to die now?"

The woman and child had been sent away, and now Xia Zhi stood in front of the hospital bed and looked at the full moon.

Chengyue wiped the tears from her face and said silently,

"I won't die. Since this man is so cruel and has been plotting against me from the beginning, why should I die?

He is plotting against me and my family, but I want to die to bury my own love.


Maybe this love was fake from the beginning and I won’t die.

I want to live well and watch this man be punished. "

Xia Zhi sighed, okay, Cheng Yue finally had the will to live.

As long as people want to survive, the follow-up will be much easier.

After the nutrient solution was given, Chengyue slowly began to eat white porridge.

Come back to life bit by bit.

Everyone outside the ward was stunned just now. They had no idea that there was such a truth in this matter.

Father Shen stopped talking, and even he felt a little ashamed.

They didn't investigate the truth, and they didn't understand it as deeply as Xia Zhi.

Just blame the two of them. If Xia Zhi hadn't brought Cheng Yue back, Cheng Yue might have died right now.

What right do they have to blame these two children?

It makes no sense, has no reason, and is untenable.

The old man's operation went very smoothly, probably because his daughter was getting better and staying with him.

The old man has no idea what happened in the past two days.

The main reason is that I am afraid that the old man will have an operation soon. If he is affected by the truth of these things, no one can guarantee whether it will be good or bad.

Both the old man and Cheng Yue are recovering at a rapid speed, but Cheng Yue's body is still weak.

There was no way, those toxins had been eroding her internal organs for many years, and even if she could survive, her lifespan would not be very long.

The doctors are trying their best to take care of her body, but something is broken.

But compared with the situation before where one step would require three gasps for breath, Cheng Yue has made great progress now.

It doesn't matter if you can even sit in the old man's ward and chat with him for several hours.

The old man was discharged from the hospital, Cheng Yue was also discharged, and He Jianbin's case has come to an end.

All the interrogations came to an end with nothing.

He Jianbin didn't say anything at first, but when he saw his children, he finally relented.

Such a heinous case.

The news Zhou Zhengan brought back was that after being transferred to the procuratorate, He Jianbin would definitely be sentenced to death.

Because the nature is so bad and the social impact is also very bad. If everyone learns from He Jianbin, how many people in the world will be enlightened?

Although there is no real verdict yet, the final punishment is similar.

Zhou Zhengan and Xia Zhi returned to their peaceful lives.

Xia Zhi's hotel is operating very well, especially when a new branch was opened a year later.

This time Xia Zhi bought the land, built a new hotel, and built the latest five-star hotel.

Zhou Zhengan has been officially transferred from the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade to the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau.

The two of them are developing in a good direction step by step.

However, the two have been married for two years and still have no children. In fact, they did not use contraception, but they still have no children.

Father Shen seems to have softened his approach to many things as he has grown older in recent years. He hopes to ease the relationship with his son Zhou Zhengan.

But it is obvious that the knot left between father and son back then is difficult to untie.

The relationship between them and the Shen family is like that, neither far nor close.

On the contrary, the Gu family is relatively close to the couple, for example, today is Sunday off.

Zhou Zhengan and Xia Zhi are at the Gu family now.

Zhou Zhengan is playing chess with the old man, while Xia Zhi is picking vegetables with his mother in the vegetable garden. They will stay here for lunch.

Mother Gu said while picking vegetables.

"Xia Zhi, what's going on between you and Zheng'an?

I've been married for two years. Why don't you have any children? "

"You and Zheng'an are both young now. You can't think of children as a burden like other people do. With children, this family will be complete."

Xia Zhi pulled out the cabbage in his hand and said.

"Mom, we didn't use birth control, we just wanted to let things happen. But if the baby doesn't come, there's nothing we can do."

In fact, Xia Zhi also wants to have a child of her own. The more anxious she is, the less likely she is to have a child.

Zhou Zhengan comforted himself every time that it didn't matter whether he had children or not. Anyway, he didn't care about that and didn't need anything to continue the family line.

"Well, I won't say any more, you just have to know what's going on.

I just think you two are old enough to have a child.

Mom is resting at home now. If you have children, I can help you take care of them, and you can still be busy with your work. "

"With the help of your parents, it won't matter even if you have children."

Gu's mother knew that her daughter had always had her own opinion, and they could not change the child's mind at all.

The two of them were busy in the kitchen.

Xia Zhi is also the chef. Every time Xia Zhi comes back, he will personally cook his grandparents’ favorite meals.

While blanching the meat, Xia Zhi looked at the layer of foam on the boiling water in the pot and frowned.

Just when he was about to brush off the surface, Xia Zhi suddenly covered his chest, turned around and ran out.

Mother Gu looked at the spoon her daughter had thrown on the chopping board, quickly picked it up and said, while skimming off the foam,

"What's wrong with you kid?"

Gu's mother suddenly paused, hurriedly turned off the gas, turned around and ran out.

I saw Xia Zhi squatting in the toilet and vomiting.

He hurriedly walked over and gave Xia Zhi a favor while asking in surprise and joy.

"Have you had your period this month?"

Xia Zhi finally vomited up, and raised his head a little confused.

"It seems...it seems to be more than a week late."

Suddenly Xia Zhi was stunned. She immediately understood the meaning of her mother's words, and Gu's mother hurriedly pulled her up.

"Then there's no need to say anything, just go to the hospital and get checked out."

Gu's mother pulled Xia Zhi towards the house.

"Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhou, quickly take Xia Zhi to the hospital for a check-up. Leave now."

Zhou Zhengan was playing chess when he was startled by these words and stood up hurriedly.

"Xia Zhi, what's wrong with you?"

Looking back, he saw his wife's pale face and hurriedly came over.

He stretched out his hand to support Xia Zhi and asked,

"What’s wrong with you?"

Summer Solstice waved his hand,

"Actually, I don't know. I just felt a little sick."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Zhengan hurriedly grabbed the keys on the table.

"Mom, then I will take Xia Zhi to the hospital for a check-up."

Gu’s mother took off her apron,

"I'll go with you."

An hour later, they came back from the hospital, and everyone in the Gu family was a little worried.

"How's it going? How's Xia Zhi? There's nothing wrong with it, right?"

"Mom and dad congratulate you.

In nine months, our family will have a great-grandson or great-granddaughter. "

The old man was surprised and happy when he heard this. He slapped his thighs and stood up, staring eagerly at Xia Zhi's belly.

Xia Zhi's face turned red,

"Grandpa, don't be like this. I didn't expect to be six weeks pregnant."

"Okay, okay, this is a double blessing."

"This is a good thing, come on, we have to celebrate."

Nine months later, Xia Zhi gave birth to twins.

Two identical little girls were held in the arms of the Gu family and couldn't put them down.

Although Father Shen looked unhappy outside the ward, he couldn't help but Zhou Zhengan was so fond of his two daughters that he couldn't bear to look away.

Zhou Zhengan stayed with him in the hospital bed, looking at his wife's eyes as she just woke up, and kissed her on the forehead.

"Xia Zhi, we have a daughter, we have two daughters.

Daughter-in-law, thank you, thank you for giving me a real family. "

Two pairs of big hands clasped together.

There were two more pairs of little hands next to them. The couple looked at each other, and their future happy life had just begun.

Xia Zhi found her own happiness in this life.

She has a loving husband and two caring daughters. (End of chapter)

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