This feeling was completely different from what he usually felt when he woke up. Xia Zhi naturally rested her head on his shoulder and placed a hand on his chest.

Zhou Zhengan's whole body was a little stiff because of disbelief.

How could this woman get so close to him without waking him up?

You know, even in his sleep, he remains alert.

Any small sound or movement will wake him up, which is a result of his long-term training.

Even if he sleeps in a safe dormitory, he will not lose his vigilance.

But Xia Zhi approached him silently, and now the woman was almost lying on his side.

And he felt absolutely nothing.

This panic frightened him a little.

As members of a secret unit who have received special training, any lapse in vigilance will cost them their lives.

Zhou Zheng was lying quietly, feeling her soft body leaning against his side.

What made people even more speechless was that one of Xia Zhi's legs was straddling his thigh.

This position between two people is too intimate.

Zhou Zhengan began to sweat on his forehead.

Oh my God!

He is a normal man.

Next to him is a soft and sweet mature woman.

If he doesn't have any ideas, then he is not a man.

Zhou Zhengan almost gritted his teeth and gently pushed Xia Zhi's body away.

He was suddenly a little angry. It was the first time that someone affected him so easily.

Some angrily withdrew their arms and shoulders.

And pushed Xia Zhi's shoulder.

(The male protagonist is a little angry.)

"ready to go."

He didn't want to admit that he did it on purpose.

Unfortunately, Xia Zhi was obviously not awake at all and muttered something.

He didn't open his eyes, then turned around and fell into a deep sleep again.

Zhou Zhengan felt a little unreasonable.

"Summer Solstice, wake up, get up."

In fact, he also felt that what he was doing was a bit cruel, but they couldn't delay any longer.

As long as he wakes up and is alert, he must do something.

Don't give the other party a chance to find them.

Xia Zhi turned over again, sighed deeply, buried her head in her bent arms, and found a more comfortable sleeping position.

This time Zhou Zhengan could only grit his teeth and shake Xia Zhi vigorously.

For the first time he felt like a tyrant.

No wonder his subordinates call him warlord.

"Summer Solstice, we have to set off, we have to get up."

Xia Zhi opened her eyes hazily. The light coming from the branches made her blink for a long time before she realized what she was doing.

Those eyes were watery, revealing a sense of confusion and purity.

It almost made Zhou Zhengan's heart tremble.

Damn it, don't look at yourself like that.

"We have to be on our way during the summer solstice."

Xia Zhi's eyes were completely awake and she blinked at Zhou Zhengan.

Finally woke up.

"Okay, I'll get up right away."

He got out of the shed and dusted off the dirt on his body. If the dirt hadn't been shielded by the fleece clothes last night, the two of them would have been even more disgraced now.

Xia Zhi even smoothed her hair while tidying up her body, and quickly braided her long hair into two braids.

After a hard day's work yesterday, my hair felt like a chicken coop.

Watching the summer solstice is like magic, quickly making myself clean and tidy again.

Zhou Zhengan had serious doubts. Apparently he knew too little about women.

But while it was just getting dark, they had to set off and find their way before the other party caught up with them.

The two continued to move forward. After last night's rest, Xia Zhi's legs were obviously much better than yesterday, and she had no problem walking.

On the way, Xia Zhi casually chopped off two pieces of cactus. In any case, these things can replenish water and physical strength.

The two of them devoured the food voraciously, filling their appetites.

We also searched for something to eat along the way.

Even Zhou Zhengan is not sure whether these things can be found in the desert outside after walking out of these jungles.

Zhou Zhengan went to catch some small prey.

He also thoughtfully removed the shells of these prey, so that they were completely unrecognizable and could not tell what they were.

Otherwise, Xia Zhi would probably not put it in his mouth even if he saw it.

The two people have a very tacit understanding, and the distance between them is not far. In many cases, they are only five or six steps apart, doing their own things.

One is busy collecting plants that can be protected and used as a source of water, while the other is looking for meat that can be used as protein.

Not to mention that the speed along the way was not slow, but the two of them also collected quite a lot of supplies.

This was also thanks to the military green satchel Zhou Zhengan was carrying across his shoulders. If it hadn't been for the optimal storage function, the two of them would probably be unable to move even now.

The bag is full now.

The two of them had full stomachs.

Soon they saw the edge of the red yeast forest, and the two looked at each other. This was also the most dangerous place.

There is no obstruction outside this forest, which means they are in the sight of others.

If those people had been chasing them, this would be the best place to ambush them.

Zhou Zhengan took Xia Zhi and squatted among the bushes.

"You stay here while I walk out. I walk 50 steps away. If there is no movement, you run quickly.

Just run in one breath, no matter what noise you hear or anything you find, just run away. Do you hear me? "

Zhou Zhengan's eyes scanned the surroundings sharply.

"This is not good, you will become an easy target."

Xia Zhi didn't like the feeling of letting others act as a target for her.

They are all human beings. No matter what responsibilities and responsibilities Zhou Zhengan has, he should not sacrifice his life to protect himself.

"You are a woman, and I should stand up to protect you right now. Besides, I have gone through a lot of training. If there is real danger, I can avoid it more easily than you.

It is our duty to protect women, the old, the weak, women and children. Serving the people is my belief. "

After Zhou Zhengan said this, he stared at the road intently.

In fact, as long as they run forward about 1km, there is a sand dune. After climbing over the sand dune, they will basically disappear from the opponent's sight.

This is why he chose 50 steps.

At a distance of 50 steps, even if the opponent holds a rifle, it may be difficult for them.

Zhou Zhengan pressed Xia Zhi's shoulders, hiding her in the bushes, and walked forward quickly.

His speed was very fast, and Xia Zhi watched the figure gradually rush out of the red yeast forest.

Xia Zhi's heart was beating fast and she clenched her fists hard, not knowing what would happen.

Just pray in your heart that nothing happens.

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