When the clock struck ten on the summer solstice, it turned out to be already 10 o'clock.

We agreed to meet at Xiaonan Square at 10:00.

Xia Zhi touched the bundle in his arms, got up and walked out quietly.

From the small kitchen partition, if you want to go out, you have to pass by the living room.

On the summer solstice, I groped my way forward in the darkness.

My heart was in my throat.

The sound of the ticking clock was in my ears, like thunder at the moment.

His hand was on the door lock.

The moment she was about to unscrew the door lock.

Gu Han, who was lying on the single bed, actually turned over.

Xia Zhi held her breath, her whole body tense like a bow.

He stood motionless.

I prayed to God in my heart to open my eyes.

Let her live.

Gu Han turned over and fell into a deep sleep again. You could even hear Gu Han snoring slightly.

Xia Zhi finally opened the door.

The moment she walked outside and gently closed the door, Xia Zhi finally took a breath.

Xia Zhi quickly left the dormitory building.

The moment I left the dormitory building far away, I turned around and looked at the dark window.

She left the home where she had lived for 18 years.

Xia Zhi quickly ran to the South Square and caught up with the truck going to the train station.

There were not many people in the car.

In the darkness, Xia Zhi huddled in the corner of the truck alone, hugging the bundle in her arms tightly.

This is just the beginning.

I arrived at the train station anxiously, and when I boarded the train with all the people, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I found a seat to sit down among the crowded crowd and looked at all the people around me with their bags.

I wish I could move my family to the farm.

Only Xia Zhi only carried a thin bundle and could not find anything on his body.

The train will start soon.

Xia Zhi didn't speak, put the baggage under his butt, sat on the seat, leaned against the window and closed his eyes.

Finally leaving this place, she never wanted to come back here again, finally saying goodbye to the past.

When the sun rose, Yu Guixiang put on her clothes and walked out of the house. She didn't see the familiar food on the table.

There was no movement in the room, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Summer solstice, summer solstice, you damn girl, what time is it?

The sun is shining on my buttocks, why don’t I get up and cook quickly.

I don’t know that your dad and I have to go to work. If we don’t go to work to make money, you will starve to death. "

"Forget it if you're too lazy. Look, who's girl is as lazy as you? She's already 18."

One hand pulled open the curtain of the small cubicle and saw that it was empty, not even a single person.

I couldn't help but be a little surprised.

I saw the neatly folded quilts on the bed.

It was obvious that there was no sign of anyone sleeping on the bed.

Yu Guixiang's head buzzed and she panicked a little.

"Gu Han, where is Xia Zhi? Where did Xia Zhi go?"

He turned to ask Gu Han, who was drowsily rubbing his eyes and just sitting up from the bed.

"Mom, how do I know where she went? Isn't she in that cubicle?"

Asked Father Gu, who ran out dragging one shoe after hearing the sound.

"What's wrong? What's all the fuss about? What happened to Xia Zhi?"

"The child's father, it seems that the child did not sleep in the house last night."

Yu Guixiang was a little flustered, her hands were shaking, and she always felt that something big had happened.

"Don't make such a fuss. There's no chance that girl will go out to do laundry in the morning. Let's go out and look for her."

The couple went out to find someone.

I searched all over the water room and toilet, including the canteen and snack bar outside.

I asked the neighbors along the way but no one had seen it.

The couple wiped the sweat from their heads and returned to the corridor door.

He happened to bump into Director Liu who was holding a certificate in his hand.

Director Liu couldn't help laughing when he saw the couple sweating profusely from exhaustion.

"I was just going to find you two."

"Director Liu, what's the matter?"

Yu Guixiang was already panicking and wanted to go home to see if the dead girl was back.

This damn girl is gone, what will happen to my son's job?

"It's a good thing, here it is! Yu Guixiang, Gu Cheng'an, this is your honorable family certificate. This was specially awarded by our neighborhood committee."

Yu Guixiang held the red certificate in her hand and couldn't help but feel a little confused, but she still smiled when she heard about the glorious family.

"Director Liu, I have never heard of how we became a glorious family."

"It's not all your Xia Zhi. You have raised a child with a conscience."

When Yu Guixiang heard this, she seemed to feel that something was not good.

"Director Liu, what did Xia Zhi do?"

"Your summer solstice is to save food for you and save your family from difficulties.

I signed up to support border construction and left by train last night.

It is because Xia Zhi went to support border construction that I gave your family a glorious family. You should thank that little girl very much.

They are afraid of dragging you down. "

When Yu Guixiang heard this, the certificate in her hand fell to the ground.

He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Father Gu hurriedly picked up his wife from the ground.

When Director Liu saw that he was giving someone a certificate, he was so excited that he fainted. This was the first time he had ever encountered this.

He had no choice but to lend a hand and send the person back to Gu's house.

After Yu Guixiang woke up, she sat there and cried.

Director Liu came out of Gu's house and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"I didn't expect that Yu Guixiang doesn't treat my daughter well at all.

Unexpectedly, it really hurts my heart.

This girl went to support the construction of the frontier, you see how distressed she is. "

Only the Gu family knew what they were crying about.

Crying they flew away from the eldest son's job.

Xia Zhi opened his eyes while staggering. It was already dawn, and the sunlight outside the car window shone in.

The summer solstice has a feeling of being transformed and the whole person is very relaxed.

Several young men and women sitting around had begun to introduce themselves to each other.

After a night of deep sleep, everyone began to get to know each other better, paving the way for the future.

Xia Zhi glanced around and saw that it was a year earlier in this life than in her previous life when she and Ding Jiannan went to support border construction.

I actually met a few familiar faces.

Sitting opposite her was Liu Zhiyan.

Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, he looks like a cultured person. He usually holds a newspaper or a book.

But this man is a sweet-faced and bitter-hearted person.

Even though he claims to be friends with everyone and speaks in a friendly manner, in order to get a place in college, he resorts to absolutely cruel methods.

She is also one of Liu Zhiyan's stepping stones.

The silly big guy sitting next to her, Liu Qianjin, was tall and strong, but the only problem was that he had suffered a brain injury when he was a child.

So the intelligence has stayed at the age of a teenager.

He is kind-hearted, but he is easily fooled by people like them.

In her previous life, when she was about to faint from hunger, it was Liu Qianjin who secretly saved his own wotou, often stuffing half of it for himself.

When this silly boy was building a dam, the water ran out early because of leaks in the dam.

There was a familiar face across the aisle, his nemesis.

In her previous life, she had many rivals in the reclamation area, except Gu Han.

This is Chen Yumei in front of her.

Benefactors and enemies gathered together.

It really makes people feel comfortable.

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