The next day, the sky was just getting light.

There was still a chill in the air.

At this time, it was already autumn.

Most of the outdoor areas were already covered with golden yellow.

And Chen Taiping, who was in a courtyard at the foot of the mountain in Daofuzong, was holding the naked Xiaoyu.

He was stroking Xiaoyu's bun slowly.


"No, don't."

Xiaoyu's voice was getting more and more foul.

Chen Taiping took a deep breath, and then he pushed Xiaoyu down on the bed.

About an hour later.

Chen Taiping looked at Xiaoyu, who was flushed and limp on the bed. He felt more and more that he seemed to be an extremely pure scumbag.

He only thought about satisfying his desires, but did not communicate well.

Except for Xiaoqin, Xiaozhu, and Xiaoyin at the beginning.

Xiaoyu who came later, and Xiaowan.

He did not invest much emotion, just wanted to solve his desires and increase the number of offspring as much as possible.

"Have a good rest at home."

After saying this to Xiaoyu beside him, Chen Taiping silently put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

"Husband, drink porridge."

Xiaoyin, who was wearing a white coat and whose delicate body was completely wrapped in the white coat, immediately brought a bowl of white rice porridge that was still a little hot after seeing Chen Taiping come out.

Came to Chen Taiping.

Although Xiaoyin had been pregnant with his child for almost a month.

But most of the food was still prepared by the little girl Xiao Yin.

Xiao Qin, Xiao Zhu.

These two little girls didn't pay much attention to this.

It was mainly because Xiao Yin's food tasted the best.

And she was also more talented.

"Where are Xiao Qin and Xiao Zhu?"

Chen Taiping looked around while drinking the rice porridge in his hand.

"Sister Xiao Qin is reading in the room."

"Sister Xiao Zhu seems to be still sleeping and hasn't woken up yet..."

Chen Taiping sighed helplessly after hearing this.

Xiao Qin likes reading books.

The bookish air on her body.

It made Chen Taiping feel that this little girl was different from others.

But Xiao Zhu seemed to be getting lazier recently, and she hasn't woken up yet.

"Xiao Yin, you are still the best."

Chen Taiping touched Xiao Yin's fair and delicate face.

Xiao Yin's face was red, and she lowered her head shyly.

Even her heartbeat seemed to be much faster than usual.

Such a scene made Chen Taiping laugh twice.


After leaving the courtyard, Chen Taiping rushed to the direction of the sect's Alchemist Hall.

"Junior brother, why are you here again today?"

"Didn't I tell you yesterday that this Alchemist Hall is not a good place."

"If you can leave, you'd better leave quickly."

"Or did Elder Yin give you a full amount of 100 low-grade spirit stones?"

Daofu Sect, Alchemist Hall.

Zhu Chen, who woke up early and started working, said to Chen Taiping with some regret.

"No." Chen Taiping shook his head and said, "Yesterday, Elder Yin issued me ten pieces of low-grade spirit stones of average quality, but Elder Yin said that if I make fewer mistakes this month, I can increase the number of low-grade spirit stones issued to me."

Zhu Chen looked at Chen Taiping, and he was a little confused for a moment.

"This is Elder Yin's empty promise, you know?"

"You can see it, but you can't eat it."

"In this case, let alone a hundred low-grade spirit stones, even if Elder Yin says that you have performed well and gives you a thousand low-grade spirit stones a month, can you get it?"

Chen Taiping was silent.

He didn't say anything else.

Anyway, it's impossible for him to leave.

It's also impossible for him to tell the truth and say that he wants to do something secretly in the Alchemist Hall.

After all, people's hearts are separated by their stomachs.

Don't look at this current Senior Brother Zhu Chen, who seems to be easy to get along with.

But who knows what kind of person this Zhu Chen is.

"I'm really impressed by you, you bastard."

Zhu Chen saw Chen Taiping's deathly look, and he shook his head helplessly and turned away.

In the past, there were people like Chen Taiping who refused to give up.


Anyway, he said it all, and persuaded him with kind words.

But what can be done, Elder Yin is really good at drawing cakes.


In the Alchemist Hall.

Wait until his senior brother Zhu Chen completely leaves.

And, Chen Taiping is extremely sure that Elder Yin will not appear in this Alchemist Hall today.

Chen Taiping silently walked towards the direction of the Alchemist Hall where various spiritual medicines are stored.

After walking for two or three minutes, Chen Taiping arrived at a room where a large amount of spiritual grass was piled up.

This batch of spiritual grass was just delivered today.

You can see the dew on the spiritual grass clearly.

Chen Taiping swallowed his saliva and looked around.

Then, he grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth.

After chewing a few times, rich juice appeared.


"A smell of grass."

After swallowing the spiritual grass in his mouth, Chen Taiping quietly grabbed a handful and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

After repeating this four or five times, he felt a little bloated.

When the spiritual power in his dantian became more and more concentrated.

He gradually stopped his behavior.

He had to eat.

But he couldn't eat too much.

If he ate less, he could say that it was the loss caused by carelessness when the spiritual grass was refined into liquid medicine.

He was stupid, there was nothing he could do.

But if he ate too much, wouldn't even a fool be able to see that something was wrong?


In the blink of an eye, it was half a month later.

"I have reached the second level of Qi Refining..."

"The speed of this cultivation improvement is really good."

Daofu Sect, at the foot of the mountain, in a small courtyard.

Chen Taiping closed his eyes and silently felt the amount of spiritual energy in his body, which had reached the thickness of twenty index fingers.

On his calm face, a faint smile could not help but emerge.

"Old man, you never expected it."

"You withheld my spiritual stones."

"And I, I just eat spiritual grass as food."

Chen Taiping thought as he silently climbed up from the bed.

In fact, cultivating immortals does not necessarily require maintaining a certain special posture.

Like the Daofu Record he practiced, he only needed to deliberately maintain the flow of spiritual energy in the dantian, deliberately absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world, and refine it.

His cultivation would be improved accordingly.

"Husband, are you awake?"

"I'll help you get up."

Sensing the movement beside her, Xiaowan, who was lying beside Chen Taiping and had a more proud figure than Xiaoyu, sat up, rubbed her eyes, and said with a tired look.

Chen Taiping looked at Xiaowan's big bun that was not deliberately covered.

Immediately, he reacted.

Although he was immersed in bed all day long.

But the three blood deer whips rewarded by the sect were not just for fun.

"No, I want to lie down for a while."

Xiaowan's pretty face showed a little doubt: "Ah?"

However, before Xiaowan could react.

Chen Taiping had already pounced on her like a ferocious tiger and wolf.

"Husband, can you go find sister Xiaoyu?"

"I, I still feel a little pain."

"You tossed me three times last night."

Xiaowan was thrown on the bed, and she struggled weakly.

However, Chen Taiping seemed not to hear Xiaowan's words.

Well, since she was powerless to resist, Xiaowan could only be forced to endure this painful and beautiful moment.

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