The old man was very angry.

As the voice of Cui Shu, the current great elder of the Seven Stars Sect, gradually rang out in the meeting hall.

At the scene, many high-level elders of the Seven Stars Sect nodded.

It seemed that they were catering to the suggestion of the great elder.

And most of these people were peace advocates in the Seven Stars Sect.

These people have always avoided the so-called war.

After all, no matter what.

War will always kill people.

And in the Seven Stars Sect, there are old ancestors of the Nascent Soul Realm.

No matter how fast the Daofu Sect has developed in the past three years, what does this have to do with the peace advocates of the Seven Stars Sect?

Could it be that the Daofu Sect dared to launch a war of extermination against the Seven Star Sect?

In recent years, the Seven Star Sect has not made many moves.

But as an old-established force deep in the Million Mountains, the Seven Star Sect is not a simple existence.

If they don't take action, it's fine.

If the Daofu Sect really takes action against the Seven Star Sect.

The Seven Star Sect will naturally let the Daofu Sect know the strength and foundation of the Seven Star Sect.

Of course, the Yuanying Realm ancestor-level figure deep in the Seven Star Sect is the absolute backer and strong foundation of the Seven Star Sect.

Without this Yuanying Realm ancestor-level figure, these people in the Seven Star Sect probably can't be so relaxed.

"Grand Elder, aren't your words a bit too much?"

"You just watched the Daofu Sect grow and become stronger without doing anything?"

"The interests in the Hundred Thousand Mountains are all limited."

"Do you think that after the Daofu Sect grows and becomes stronger, it will not touch the interests of our Seven Star Sect?"

Situ Wu's voice gradually echoed in this meeting hall.

And as Situ Wu, the current leader of the Seven Star Sect, said this.

The high-level officials of the Seven Star Sect at the scene also fell silent.

Others, it doesn't matter.

But when it comes to interests, this really hits the soft spot of those who advocate peace in the Seven Star Sect.

"The interests of my Seven Star Sect, the Daofu Sect dares to touch it?"

Cui Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expression seemed to gradually become a little serious and solemn.

If his own interests were touched by the Daofu Sect.

This would damage Cui Shu's personal benefits.

"Do you think that Daofu Sect doesn't dare?"

"In the past three years, has Daofu Sect launched a few wars of destruction?"

"You should be very clear about the situation of Baifeng Sect a few days ago, Great Elder..."

Situ Wu said calmly.

While Cui Shu listened to this, although he still looked at the Sect Master Situ Wu in front of him silently, his heart was also silent for a while.

Daofu Sect... dare?

Really dare?

Cui Shu thought about what Daofu Sect had done in the past three years, and he suddenly didn't dare to comment for a while.

It seems that, judging from what the people of Daofu Sect did.

They don't seem to dare.


Cui Shu's breathing sounded continuously in this silent consciousness hall.

At this time, whether it was the sect's pro-war faction, the pro-peace faction, or those neutral and personal factions that did not stand on either side.

They all turned their attention to the elder Cui Shu.

It seemed that they were curious and waiting.

As the current elder Cui Shu of the Seven Stars Sect, his next decision and his personal attitude.

Until a long time later.

Cui Shu looked at the people in front of him and whispered, "I thought about it carefully and found that what the sect master said does seem to make some sense."

"And since the sect master has made a decision, as the elder of the Seven Stars Sect, I naturally have to follow the sect master's intention."

As the leader of the peace faction, the elder Cui Shu of the Seven Stars Sect, said this.

In the meeting hall, the opinions of the Seven Stars Sect's high-level officials instantly reached a great unity.

Main station, peace.

After these two major factions made a decision, the Seven Stars Sect will also follow the intentions of these two major factions.

As for those scattered neutral and personal factions.

These people naturally cannot affect the current trend of the Seven Stars Sect.

"Good, very good."

Sitting quietly on the main seat, the current leader of the Seven Stars Sect, Situ Wu, saw that the chief elder of the peace faction finally agreed with him. He looked at the people around him with some excitement.

The high-ranking officials of the Seven Stars Sect said loudly: "The threat of war with the Daofu Sect will be launched immediately. If the Daofu Sect agrees, it will be fine. If the Daofu Sect disagrees..."

"In order to maintain the situation deep in the Million Mountains, our Seven Stars Sect has to fight with the Daofu Sect."

After saying these words.

Situ Wu stood up silently and walked out of the meeting hall.

It was not easy for the opinions of the pro-war and pro-peace factions in the Seven Stars Sect to be unified.

He naturally had to prepare well for the things to come.

After all, this threat of war is not a joke.

If it is not handled properly, it may have a great impact on the Seven Stars Sect if you are not careful.

"Grand Elder, do you really want to officially start the threat of war against the Daofu Sect as the Sect Master said?"

Suddenly, an inner sect elder of the Seven Stars Sect came to Cui Shu's side.

He frowned and asked with a puzzled look.

Cui Shu looked at the peace-loving elders who were surrounding him. He was silent for a moment, and then he said helplessly: "I thought about it carefully. In fact, what the sect master said this time is not without reason."

"The cake in the depths of the Baiwan Mountains is so small. If the Daofu Sect takes more, the benefits left for our Seven Star Sect will be rapidly reduced."

"And if the interests of the Seven Star Sect are reduced, the interests of us, the elders of the Seven Star Sect, will naturally be much less than before."

"So, the threat of war against the Daofu Sect is not something that cannot be done."

"Besides... As forces with Yuanying Realm ancestors sitting in charge, even if we threaten the Daofu Sect with war, will the Daofu Sect really dare to start a full-scale war with us?"

"Obviously, this is impossible, so..."

Speaking of this, Cui Shu, the great elder of the Seven Star Sect, did not continue to speak.

And which of these Seven Star Sect masters and elders of the sect at the scene is not a shrewd person?

Even though the Great Elder Cui Shu did not finish his words.

But the people at the scene more or less understood what the Great Elder Cui Shu meant.

"In that case, then follow the Great Elder's orders and threaten the Daofu Sect with war."

Someone said this to Cui Shu.

Cui Shu shook his hands repeatedly and retorted: "It's not my order, but the order of the Sect Master."

"It's okay for you to say this in front of me, but if you say this in front of others, it's a bit inappropriate."

The Seven Star Sect elder who said the wrong thing nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, the Great Elder is right."

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