Su Nan took a deep breath and sent Ning Zhi a copy of the video in his hand.

Then handed it to Su Qi.

Su Qi watched it silently, his face even more gloomy and ugly.

"I have already handed him over to the police. In the current situation on the Internet, no matter how clever PR is of no use, we can only rely on the police to investigate and clarify. At this time, we should not speak up."

Su Nan pursed his lips.

Speaking out at this time will only increase the burden on Ning Zhi.

doesn't work.

There was silence in the living room.


The maid outside shouted:

"Ah - President Ning jumped off the building!"


Su Qi rushed out like a gust of wind.

Su Nan and Qin Yu then ran out.

Ning Zhi, who hadn't seen her for a day, had no grain of rice in it, she just lay on the ground, blood flowing from her head.

This picture made people's heart hurt suddenly.

Qin Yu was already crying.

Su Qi hugged her in the past, cautiously, her face pale.

There was deathly pain in his eyes.

"Got it..."

Countless flashing lights flickered not far away.

Everyone obviously.

But no one cares.

Su Nan's heart was suddenly empty, and he walked over, distressed to death.

"Quick... get to the hospital!"

She was so busy that she was shaking when she made a phone call.

She asked the maid to find the private hospital's phone number from her cell phone so they could be ready at any time.

to the hospital.

Ning Zhi was sent to the emergency room.

Su Qi's eyes were flushed, and the scarlet red blood in his eyes was a bit terrifying.

He tried to follow, but was stopped.

A heavy punch hit the wall, and Su Qi's fist was bleeding.

Qin Yu fell to the ground and cried bitterly, "I'd rather know this, what's the big deal, what's the big deal..."

Why did you choose to leave them in such a decisive way?

Did she just admit defeat?

The Ning Zhi who went upstream in countless predicaments, the Ning Zhi who never gave up, and the one who was scolded by netizens gave up.

Her justification attracted more scolding, as if her existence was the darkness in the circle.

She lives, she breathes, she is at fault.

Damn her!

A man dressed as a doctor walked in front of him and probed the probe:

"Is Miss Ning inside? Is she still alive?"

Su Nan was alert and realized that this was definitely not a doctor.

Su Qi's eyes widened, he walked over and picked him up:

"Do you want her to live or die?"

The man took off his mask in surprise, "You are Suying Emperor? Why are you here? What is your relationship with Miss Ning?"

Su Qi squinted his eyes, and a strong chill swept over his body instantly.

Su Nan quickly ran over to stop him.

"Are you a reporter?"

she asked coldly.

The man nodded guiltily.

"It's not just me, there are reporters outside. Don't you plan to answer these questions? Is it a default to not answer?"

He asked Su Nan, but glanced at Su Qi's body.

Su Nan gritted his teeth, "Okay, I'll answer, let's go, I'll go out and answer all your questions!"

She walked over and tore off the man's doctor's coat.

Then he took his clothes and left.

The man followed reluctantly. He actually wanted to get first-hand information.

This happened and there were more security guards around the emergency room.

The entire hospital has been banned from entering and leaving, and the security is heavily guarded.

As soon as Su Nan went out, countless flashes began to flicker.

She has been through this scene countless times.

But this time, she really wasn't so calm!

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