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Mo Ci frowned and asked:

"War skills upgraded?"

Julie folded her hands in front of her chest, raised her index finger and slowly introduced:

"This is knowledge that can only be learned in college. It's very difficult for you not to know it. Normal..."

"Some low-level combat skills, after reaching level 40 to 59 [Mastery], you can choose to integrate your own abilities... create combat skills that are unique to you. ——【Unique Combat Skill】!"

“Just like Qi Beidou, he upgraded the ordinary telekinetic combat skill [A-level combat skill: Telekinesis] to [S-level combat skill: Aerial Pull]! "

Mo Ci stroked his chin, secretly recalling the scene of Qi Beidou on TV...

[A-level combat skill: telekinesis] is an extremely common telekinetic combat skill.

It has only one effect, Use telekinesis to move an object to your hand.

Qi Beidou's [S-level combat skill: Skywalking Pull] is even stronger!

He can teleport all objects within the barrier to designated locations within the barrier, including opponents and himself...

Julie shook her head and added:

"Your senior brother created the [A [Level Combat Skill: Phantom Claw] Although it was also upgraded from a low-level combat skill...but in order to sell it, he chose not to use supernatural powers... "

"But later, he still Upgraded to an S-level combat skill. ”

Mo Ci was speechless.

He raised his hands calmly, summoned the turbid black water, stared at it for a long time and said:

"Will the upgraded combat skill rating and level be inherited?"

Hearing this, Du Ziteng slowly took out a purple combat skill After a light cough, he explained:

"This bright purple combat skill ball is specially used to absorb [unique combat skills]..."

"When releasing combat skills, a weak and unique burst of energy will burst out from the whole body. Memory aura, the purple fighter ball will absorb aura after detecting it, and use aura to simulate combat scenes and rate combat skills! "

"After that, you can take this combat skill ball and go to the [Warrior Association] to enter it into the illustration book, You are the creator of this combat skill!"

"And the new combat skill after upgrading will be reset to the new combat skill of level 1..."

Julie waved her hand and pointed to the rock armor heavy rope in the distance. Ma said calmly:

"Let's not waste any more time... Let's use it for experimentation!"

"You need to think carefully about combining [A-level combat skill: venom injection needle] with your special ability and the characteristics of the beast. Combine with each other... create your own [unique fighting skills]!"

"If you don't understand something, I can also give you some pointers..."

Julie folded her arms in front of her chest , looking at Mo Ci in front of her with confidence.

She seemed to have known how to perfectly upgrade and develop Mo Ci's [Venom Injection Needle]...

Hearing this, Mo Ci walked to the center of the field.

He looked at his hands that were already filled with [Corrosive Bacteria] and pondered secretly...

[A-level combat skill: Venom injection needle]:

This combat skill will gather all the warrior's toxins in the fingers The tip of the needle pierces into the enemy's flesh like a syringe, and then injects all of it within 0.099 seconds!

This move exists so that Mo Ci can use [Corrosive Bacteria] when dealing with large beasts with thick skin and flesh. 】 Quickly inject it into the other person's body.

It's like a fatal poison that takes effect immediately after an injection.

In the blessed land of [Fulong Mountain Wilderness Area], the sneaky black bear was killed by Mo Ci with one injection.

And if you want to If this combat skill is upgraded and developed, the characteristics of the original combat skill must be maintained!

Defense breaking and injection!

Mo Ci looked at the rock-armored heavy-drawn horse in the distance and thought to himself:

“This horse has an extremely thick and hard rock armor on its body... If the rock armor is accidentally pierced during the battle, Xuan The tide claws can't break his defense..."

Mo Ci recalled Julie's [S-level combat skill: poisonous spider fang bite] and began to ponder again.

The action was replayed over and over in Mo Ci's mind. In my mind...

Julie's [Poisonous Spider Bite] uses a certain toxin stored in the body that can harden and transform into a needle.

That's why she easily broke the Ivory Boar King Of course, with his strength as a sixth-level warrior, even a light lick with his tongue can still break the defense. Suddenly, Mo Ci had a flash of inspiration! He smiled and suddenly realized:

"So that's how it is, I understand!... Teng! Assistant, I'm ready!"

Hearing this, Du Ziteng grinned.

He slowly pressed the button on the purple combat ball, which then started a broadcast:


"The upgraded combat ball has been used, please prepare yourself!"

After that, Mo Ci raised his right hand lightly...

And the rock armor heavy horse in the distance seemed to have noticed something, and was neighing to the sky (this one is a waste, let's restart)...

Du Ziteng slowly raised the purple combat ball, and Julie's eyes showed an expectant look...


"Please start to perform combat skills!"

Hearing this, Mo Ci looked at the rock armor heavy horse and smiled...

His right arm slowly crawled out of the [Thousand-foot Centipede Armor] that reflected the cold light, just like a black bandage, tightly wrapped around his entire right arm!

Until even the palm was wrapped into a conical black drill!

The [Thousand-foot Centipede Armor] that was crawling slowly was like a living centipede wrapped around Mo Ci's arm!

From a distance, it really looked like a rotating black drill growing on Mo Ci's hand!

The sharp part of the drill was hollow, and after entering the flesh, it could immediately spray out the black water!

Immediately infect the beast's flesh!

Julie looked at Mo Ci's back and laughed secretly:

"This guy... really thinks the same as me!"

"But I thought he would turn the [Thousand-foot Centipede Armor] into a needle... I didn't expect it to turn into a drill!"

Du Ziteng laughed:

"Drill... It's very effective against those large beasts with extremely high defense!"

"But this pony may not be able to withstand the power of this drill... Judging from the pattern, it's estimated that even bones and flesh will be dug through!"

At this moment, the purple combat ball in Du Ziteng's hand detected Mo Ci's weak spiritual energy and suddenly opened the lid!

The invisible spiritual energy field beside Mo Ci was being continuously absorbed by the purple combat ball!

Mo Ci leaned down, staring at the Rock Armor Heavy Horse in front of him, and said to himself:

"Average attributes are enough... Let's test the defense-breaking effect of this combat skill first!"


Mo Ci's right foot rolled up a cloud of dust, and he rushed to the front of the Rock Armor Heavy Horse like a black meteor!

Mo Ci pushed with his right arm!

The black drill instantly hit the Rock Armor Heavy Horse's rock armor!

The rock armor exploded and shattered almost the moment it touched the drill in Mo Ci's hand!

And when the drill pierced into the horse's body, it immediately shot out a turbid liquid corrosive bacteria!


The liquid corrosive bacteria immediately poured into the body of the Rock Armor Heavy Horse, instantly making it swell into a swollen big meatball!

Mo Ci passed through the chest, instantly drilled through the body of the Rock Armor Heavy Horse, and blew it into a gorgeous blood flower!

Zhu Li and Du Ziteng were stunned!

The purple fighter ball was also absorbed at this moment!


"Under testing... The combat skill was successfully upgraded, and the quality is S-level!"

Mo Ci walked towards the two.

Du Ziteng handed the combat skill ball to Mo Ci and said lightly:

"It's S-level for the first time, good job!... Now it's time to name your [unique combat skill]!"

Mo Ci took back the [Thousand-foot Centipede Armor], was stunned for a while, and then said:

"The alias of [Thousand-foot Demon Centipede] is the Thousand-foot Poison Dragon... Let's call it [Thousand-foot Poison Dragon Drill]!"

The voice of the system sounded lightly:


"The host's [A-level combat skill: Venom Injection Needle] has been upgraded!"

"Changing to [S-level combat skill: Thousand-foot Poison Dragon Drill (1/100 level, entry level)]..."

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