The first time was a long time ago, but the time was short.

Until the last day of September, Mo Ci was still practicing hard...

And the [Martial Arts Competition-Trial] of the Ability Academy just started today.

The trial they held was one day earlier than the martial arts competition and the military academy, stealing a lot of limelight.

It was night, and the largest stadium-shaped [Open-air Martial Arts Hall] in the Ability Academy had lit up bright lights.

And this battle was the fourth game of the signature warrior [Qi Beidou] of the Ability Academy today...

This morning in other martial arts halls, he killed other warriors in seconds with a slight move.

He didn't even use his superpowers, and each battle lasted no more than 3 minutes!

The reason why this match was arranged in the largest open-air martial arts hall was because his opponent this time was matched with Xie Fan, who ranked second!

There were a lot of warriors watching the match tonight!


At this moment, in this open-air martial arts hall, there were already extremely fierce fighting sounds...

Swords crossed, cold light flashed!

These fierce metal collision sounds became clearer and more dense under the enthusiastic shouts of the densely packed audience!

Two dark figures were fighting under the spotlight and swords...

Accompanied by the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, they seemed very excited!

"I didn't expect that Qi Beidou really had something!"

"What else? He is the Tiandu champion who won 1,300 points. How can he be the same as those liars like Mo Ci!"

"Indeed! I think Qi Beidou can definitely win the championship of the Zero-level Martial Arts Competition!"

The students from the other academies in the stands were discussing the event in the center of the venue very fiercely.

By the way, he also dragged down Mo Ci next door...

Qian Tianbai, who was sitting in the crowd, frowned angrily at this time and glanced at the people behind him.

At this moment, he was disdainful in his heart:

"Tsk... Is Tiandu's martial arts exam difficult?"

"The beasts sent are all old, weak and sick. The boss you fight is a level 15 thorny pig king, and the boss we fight in Nanzhou City is a level 15 wind and thunder elephant!"

"The so-called genius Qi Beidou... If he were to take the martial arts exam in our Nanzhou City, he would have no chance to catch up with Mo Ci!"

It is well known that Tiandu's martial arts exam is simple.

He didn't dare to refute when he heard the ridicule of the crowd, but just scratched his white hair, looking a little irritated.

Qian Tianbai sighed and thought secretly:

"Damn, Mo Ci's terrifying value is definitely true, but no one in this supernatural academy believes it..."

Qian Tianbai tried to fight with Mo Ci during the martial arts exam, and was almost defeated by Mo Ci.

He never understood why Mo Ci's strength improved by leaps and bounds.

He still felt that he had a chance to surpass Mo Ci.

It was not until Mo Ci showed his ability at the [Opening Ceremony] of the martial arts competition that Qian Tianbai was convinced.

Qian Tianbai had fought with Mo Ci before, and he knew that it was absolutely true.

But no one believed him...

Because he was just a special student with a middle-low martial arts test score and a middle-low blood value in the [Superpower Academy].

His blood value was only 480 calories now.


Another crisp sound rang out!

The two dark figures in the middle of the martial arts hall retreated at the same time after the collision of swords.

Qi Beidou, with black curly hair and wearing a solemn black battle suit, was looking down on the warriors with two black knives hanging on their waists not far in front of him...

Qi Beidou raised a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

He lazily placed the black-gold long sword in his hand on the ground, and said with a smile:

"Xie Fan... What's the point of holding four knives in the competition? Do you have four hands?"

Hearing this, the gray-haired middle-parted boy holding two knives was stunned for a moment.

Then, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and the veins in his temples bulged, and he said angrily:

"You ask me... why I hold four knives?"

"You have never understood what my ability is, right?"

Xie Fan frowned. After all, his blood value was only lower than Qi Beidou's 681 cards, as high as 601 cards.

But Qi Beidou was arrogant and didn't even know what type of his ability was!

Qi Beidou shook his head and laughed coldly:

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm not targeting you. I'm talking about the abilities of everyone here. I haven't even tried to understand them!"

Hearing this, Xie Fan lowered his head.

He said calmly:

"Then let me introduce you to my abilities... S-level [Impermanence Twin Souls]!"

After that, Xie Fan's entire body instantly turned extremely dark!

A pair of extremely white and transparent ghost-like arms instantly stretched out from Xie Fan's chest, and then grabbed the remaining two black knives hanging from his waist!

Qi Beidou frowned slightly, clenched the black-gold longsword in his hand, and muttered:

"Transformation ability? No... Summoning ability?!"

Xie Fan's entire body was shrouded in darkness, with only two white lights in his eyes.

He was staring at Qi Beidou and whispered:

"Battle Skill... Life-Taking Slash!"

The ghostly white arms twitched instantly,

and a pure white figure holding two Tang horizontal swords rushed out of the dark Xie Fan's body like a soul leaving his body!


The white spirit with empty eyes rushed quickly, and was about to give a cross-cut to the careless Qi Beidou in front of him!

Qi Beidou reacted instantly and immediately jumped forward and upward with the black and gold long sword!

The two swords passed by and swung in the air, and Qi Beidou perfectly avoided Xie Fan's battle skills!


Qi Beidou snorted coldly, glanced at the spirit behind him, and then looked at Xie Fan in front of him who was covered in black!

He murmured:

"Battle Skill... Seven Star Stepping Gang Slash!"

In an instant, an invisible spiritual power pulse spread to the entire competition venue!

Qi Beidou seemed to have opened some kind of invisible barrier, and then he stepped on the air and dodged in the air!

"Not dodging?!"

Qi Beidou opened his eyes and instantly realized something was wrong!

In order not to hurt Xie Fan, he had slowed down. Logically, Xie Fan could not avoid this sword!

Xie Fan stood still and was instantly chopped in the abdomen by the black and gold long sword!

But he did not suffer a single injury. Instead, he raised his two swords and slashed two vertical slashes at Qi Beidou behind him!

Qi Beidou raised his long sword and blocked the two swords from bottom to top!


A crisp sound rang out, and the audience was completely boiling!

"Xie Fan! What a fast body movement!"

"Good job! Kill Qi Beidou!!!"

Qian Tianbai frowned and muttered:

"No, Xie Fan didn't dodge..."


Qi Beidou looked at the dark Xie Fan in front of him and thought quickly:

"The blade didn't give me the feeling of being cut... Could this be the spirit?!"

After thinking for a moment, Qi Beidou secretly clenched his fist with his free hand...


Qi Beidou disappeared on the spot!

Xie Fan's two Tang swords that were against the black and gold long swords were instantly swung into the air and deeply embedded in the venue!

Qian Tianbai suddenly opened his eyes and said in shock:

"Disappeared instantly?!"

Everyone knew that Qi Beidou's ability was S-level [Space Imbalance], but they didn't know what its effect was.

At this moment, Qi Beidou had flashed behind Xie Fan's white spirit!

The black spirit turned and looked at Qi Beidou, and instantly jumped up, drew his two swords and rushed towards Qi Beidou!

The white spirit also reacted instantly, turned around and gave Qi Beidou two powerful slashes!

"Tsk! Such a quick reaction!"

Qi Beidou frowned slightly, raised his sword to deflect the white spirit's two swords one by one, and then had to deal with the black spirit's two swords swinging at him!

"Hing heng heng heng heng heng -------!!!"

Metal collision, swords and knives rubbed out sparks!

The long-lasting steel symphony sounded again at the scene!

Qi Beidou was still at ease at the beginning, easily dealing with these four crazy slashing Tang swords, but gradually his physical strength consumption became greater and greater!

The speed was getting slower and slower!


The white spirit's vertical slashing knife path suddenly changed, deviated a few centimeters to the right, and slashed towards Qi Beidou's wrist!

Qi Beidou's face was shocked, and he disappeared instantly!

"Hmph! Bang!"

The audience fell silent!

Even Qian Tianbai opened his eyes wide, staring blankly at the field with his mouth wide open...

Qi Beidou had already flashed and floated in the air, looking indifferently at the two spirits, one black and one white, on the field.

He glanced at the bloody scar on his left hand that was holding the black sword, raised the black sword high, and then slowly raised his right hand and clenched his fist...

"Fighting skills... Airborne pull."

In just a moment, Xie Fan's two black and white spirits,

Immediately teleported into the air!

It was as if a pair of invisible hands were holding the two tightly, unable to move!

Xie Fan's eyes widened and he said in confusion:

"What the hell?!"

Before Xie Fan could react, Qi Beidou's black and gold long sword slashed through the two spirits at the same time!


Xie Fan's black spirit instantly spurted out a stream of blood!

In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared again and teleported to the venue...

Xie Fan sat on the ground, one hand on the ground, and the other hand covering the wound on his abdomen.

He knew that Qi Beidou had shown mercy.


"Winner: Qi Beidou!"

After the host's announcement, the whole martial arts hall burst into a warm cheer!

Qian Tianbai, who saw Qi Beidou use his supernatural powers for the first time, was shocked and stunned at this moment! ! !

He said lightly:

"I'm sorry, my tone was a little harsh just now...Mo Ci, are you sure you want to play this thing?"


"Fuck it!!! Damn you!!! Mo Ci?!"

"What exactly is Qi Beidou's ability?! Can he control the enemy and flash in mid-air?!"

Liu Chi and Zhong Lingling were sitting on Mo Ci's sofa at this time, watching the official live broadcast of [Superpower Academy] on TV.

The two were dumbfounded!

They had never known Qi Beidou before, and had no idea what his ability was.

Mo Ci, who had just finished taking a shower, was walking out of the bathroom.

He walked over to take a look at the picture on the TV, and then wiped his hair by himself...

Mo Ci thought secretly in his heart:

"It's really okay..."

Then he went up to the room on the second floor.

Liu Chi and Zhong Lingling looked at Mo Ci's back and swallowed nervously...

Zhong Lingling thought secretly:

"If Qi Beidou can really fight against Mo Ci, then he will be finished..."

In Zhong Lingling's heart, Mo Ci seemed to be a more terrifying existence.

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