After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 997 Hand over the things

Chapter 997 Hand over the things

what happened?

People didn't see it clearly, why did they suddenly kneel down?

Wasn't it quite horizontal yesterday?

The people in the surveillance were confused, and Zhi Mengmeng was even more confused.

The main reason is that she looks even more confused because she can't hear anything!

What's going on here, the boss is already so awesome, does anyone just kneel down when they see it?

I thought that the matter would be easily resolved by the boss, but I didn't expect it to be so easy.

But Qiao Jin was not as indifferent as she appeared on the surface, she frowned slightly, looking a little pensive: Furuo...

When the name came out of her mouth, it seemed a little ethereal.

She remembered Furuo's name, but she didn't know who Furuo was.

It's me, Master Qiao.

With tears in his eyes, Fu Ruo looked at Qiao Jin and was very excited: Master Qiao, you told me to wait here for you, and I dare not leave even one step. Over the years, I have seen the changes around me become bigger and bigger. I have experienced countless times, experienced countless things, and met countless people, but I will never forget Master Qiao's order, I have been guarding here, waiting for your appearance, and you finally appeared!

In fact, she is not speaking Huaxia, but a rather ancient language.

This ancient language is extremely complicated and difficult to pronounce, but it can taste a mysterious flavor from it.

Others can't learn it easily, but Qiao Jin understands it right away.

Just understanding, and knowing things are two different things.

She just looked at Furuo silently: Unfortunately, I have amnesia, I don't remember anything about you.

Can not remember?

Fu Ruo was obviously a little stunned, she didn't expect to see a teacher Qiao who didn't remember her.

Thinking of something, Fu Ruo said again: Is this the price you have to pay? But...

A trace of hesitation appeared on her face, Qiao Jin said, Fu Ruo, who are you?

Fu Ruo was still kneeling on the ground, Qiao Jin was not used to it: Just get up.


Fu Ruo responded and stood up from the ground. Zhi Mengmeng could only hear Qiao Jin talking continuously, but she couldn't hear Fu Ruo's answer clearly, which was quite suffocating.

From the beginning to the end, only Joe can be heard talking to himself.

Fortunately, the female ghost's actions followed her words, which meant that the two of them could communicate normally.

So is it true that he is too weak to hear the conversation?

Fu Ruo respectfully said to Qiao Jin: Master Qiao, you told me to wait for you here. Now that the time is up, if you come, my task will be completed.

Qiao Jin felt that Fu Ruo's soul was not very stable, she was indeed not a human being.

It is a soul body that survived by special means.

Qiao Jin asked her, What task did you complete?

Fu Ruo took out something from his pocket and threw it towards Qiao Jin.

That thing is light and fluffy, but upon closer inspection it turns out to be a delicate purse.

Yes, it is the kind of purse in ancient times.

The blue fabric is rather ordinary, but a powerful formation has been set up on the purse, and there is something hidden inside.

It cannot be opened with physical strength alone.

After giving the purse to Qiao Jin, Fu Ruo showed a relieved smile on his face: I have waited for thousands of years, and now I can finally leave with peace of mind.

Qiao Jin looked at her sharply, and Furuo smiled and said, Master Qiao, you don't have to be like this. You have already said that everyone has his own destiny. It is against the sky that I can exist for so long. You were the one who set up the battle for me in the first place. You can’t pay the price, if amnesia is the price you have to pay, then what’s in your purse is what you need.”

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