Chapter 972

There was a bit of a cold taste in saying this, which made Cheng Yujun subconsciously tremble in fright.

Although Mo Jiang said that she played a murderous witch in her recent performance, her acting skills were extremely poor.

Looking at Cheng Yujun's appearance now, the murderous intent in his eyes was real, which made Qiao Jin raise his eyebrows.

Mo Jiang was the high priest before she was alive, she must have a high status in Qiancang, otherwise, there would not be so many people willing to sacrifice their lives in order to restore her to the country.

Although she lost her memory, she was not stupid.

Human nature is hard to erase for a while.

Judging from Mo Jiang's performance, it can be judged that she, as a high priest, should have a high status, so she does things regardless of the beginning and the end. In the eyes of others, it seems arrogant, but it is a feeling that others will not disobey.

I don't know how such an arrogant high priest overturned his car.

Even the country is gone.

Hao Jiuzong looked at Mo Jiang and realized that this woman was not an ordinary person, after all, she was obviously used to being arrogant.

Hao Jiuzong quickly made a judgment, but judgment is one thing, he is a member of the Hao family, so naturally he would not be afraid of Mo Jiang, besides, Guo Zhulian must be taken back.

The girl hid behind Mo Jiang, and what he said just now touched his heart a little.

He also understands Guo Zhulian's pain, but Zhuyi's body...

Thinking of this, Hao Jiuzong rubbed his voice a bit: Zhu Lian, it won't happen. Your sister is recovering well now, and she no longer needs your donation. Your body is already weak, so you need to go back to Guo's house to recuperate.

Guo Zhulian didn't believe this.

Mo Jiang also took advantage of the situation and said: You don't have to worry about it. When she inherits the inheritance and gets the money, I will naturally take good care of her and let her rest. You are her brother-in-law after all. It's not appropriate to care about her like this. Outsiders will gossip .”

Hao Jiuzong's pupils shrank for a moment, and his tone was sullen: Who the hell are you?

Mo Jiang: I told you about her benefactor, why do you have such a bad memory at such a young age?

Cheng Yujun couldn't listen anymore: No, don't even think about it! The money belongs to the old man, and it also belongs to me and Zhuyi. What does it have to do with her?

Mo Jiangpi smiled but didn't smile: Are you telling me that you are strong, aunt? If I remember correctly, this kind of will must be done in accordance with the law. Does the law say it belongs to you?

When the high priest came to this world, he didn't learn anything else, but he learned these aspects very quickly.

When I came here, because I knew that I was going to grab the inheritance, I temporarily supplemented some legal knowledge.

It can be said to be well prepared.

Today, the money belongs to her—Guo Zhulian, and it's hard for anyone to use it.

The big brother was still watching from behind, and it was not in vain to make a move to Mo Jiang.

With the little salary she earns, when will she be able to buy a big villa.

Now that someone has sent money, it is absolutely impossible to let go.

Cheng Yujun was choked to death, and at the same time he was even more angry.

She couldn't figure out why that old bastard left the money to Guo Zhulian.

Thinking of Guo Jieshi, she recalled Guo Jieshi's fraudulent corpse last night, even though Guo Zicheng later said that some accident happened, not fraudulent corpse, after all they passed out.

But Mr. Cheng Yu still didn't believe it. It's not like she hasn't seen some unbelievable things.

Thinking of Guo Jieshi's appearance at this moment, his face turned pale for a moment, and he shuddered with fear.

I'm dead, and I have to scare my family, really damn it!

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