After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 969 Acting in accordance with the will

Chapter 969 Acting in accordance with the will

Of course, Qiao Jin didn't let her go, but with Mo Jiang here, he wouldn't let her go.

Don't be stupid about money.

The formalities can be handled as long as she comes forward. The lawyer has a law firm, and Mu Xiangshan told Qiao Jin when he came.

When the time comes, just take Guo Zhulian over there.

Even the Guo family will know.

So what if you know?

Of course, Hao Jiuzong was only perfunctory, at least to give Song Yanqing some face, on the surface he still had to make a show.

Qiao Jin didn't show his face publicly, but followed them secretly.

Mo Jiang took Guo Zhulian to a law firm to consult about the will.

Guo Jieshi's personal lawyer, surnamed Gao, has his own law firm. He is a middle-aged man who is full of elite style.

When Mo Jiang brought Guo Zhulian to find him, the Guo family happened to be here.

Cheng Yujun is still making trouble here because of the will, and now Guo Zhuyi is lying in the hospital, and the person has not been found yet, but in a blink of an eye, Guo Zhulian came to the law firm.

Of course, she immediately thought of the will, and immediately became furious: You still have the face to show up! You didn't show up when your sister had an accident, but now that you know your grandfather is dead and you are rich, you did show up.

He couldn't maintain his usual elegant posture at all.

It seemed harsh and bitter.

After all, before she was with Guo Zicheng, when she was young, she was a little girl who was defiant because of her beauty.

Now that I'm old, no matter how I pretend, I can't disguise my inner character.

Seeing Cheng Yujun, Guo Zhulian was subconsciously afraid, shrank a little behind Mo Jiang, and called out hesitantly: Mom.

I'm not your mother!

Cheng Yujun's head was buzzing. There was Guo Zicheng next to her, and the other descendants of the Guo family hadn't shown up yet. I don't know if they didn't care about their grandfather's affairs at all or they didn't have time to come back from abroad.

Guo Zicheng was also a little surprised when he saw Guo Zhulian coming.

He usually doesn't care much about this daughter, after all, he has several daughters.

Guo Zhulian is not the best, and he is not as ostentatious as Guo Shuoyu. He usually keeps silent, so as a father, he will inevitably have omissions.

However, he can't say anything harsh towards Guo Zhulian, at least he is a bit better than Cheng Yujun.

He thought for a while and said in a deep voice, Dad left her an inheritance, and it's not wrong for her to come back and inherit it.

Cheng Yujun was dumbfounded, and looked at her in disbelief: You really let her inherit? That's more than a billion yuan. Zhuyi and I are only a little bit, and we receive several million from the fund every month. Why should she Can you inherit more than a billion?

Guo Zicheng frowned and said, I own all the shares in the company, don't you still have me?

Cheng Yujun: ...

Can that be the same!

The key is why Guo Zhulian took the money.

Even if Guo Zicheng took his original partner, she wouldn't be so angry.

After all, there is no comparison.

The old man was always on the side of Guo Zicheng's original partner, but he usually coaxed her and Guo Zhuyi, saying that he would leave it to Guo Zhuyi after his death, but in the end he gave Cheng Yujun a blow.

Seeing her unconvinced look, Guo Zicheng said again: What's the use of your objection, Dad's will, we have no room to object.

After all, it was Guo Jieshi's will, and it would be useless for future generations to oppose it.

It's not that there is no will. Since he left a will, of course he must act according to the will.

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