After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 965 Just Get used to it

Chapter 965 Just Get used to it

Anyway, the news of Guo Jieshi's fraudulent corpse spread that night.

After Qiao Jin and Mu Xiangshan returned to Mu's house, Qiao Jin went to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I heard Qiao Fei's shocked voice when I went downstairs: The old man of the Guo family cheated on his body? My God, how could such an outrageous thing happen?!

She was terrified.

All the men from the Mu family were present, and Mu Xiangshan was in the main seat, but unexpectedly, he was not the one who said this.

Mu Qi even described it vividly: Really, I couldn't believe what they said this morning. Now this matter has been spread all over the world. It is said that Guo Zicheng was almost killed by the fraudulent corpse in the middle of the night last night. The police also came and took his body away for investigation, if there were not several witnesses, no one would believe it.

As for the others, they are all listening to him.

After Mu Zhenming finished listening, he was a little displeased and said, Do you believe this kind of false news? It must be some physical phenomenon, spreading rumors.

Mu Qilian: We have Qiao Jin in our house. Would you like to tell me about physical phenomena?

Mu Zhenming: ...

Mu Xiangshan added the knife calmly: It's not fake, it's a fake corpse. Qiao Jin and I were at the scene last night and saw Guo Jieshi jumping up and trying to kill Guo Zicheng.

Everyone: ...

All eyes subconsciously looked at Qiao Jin who had just come down from upstairs.

Qiao Jin was very calm: Don't look at me, I really don't care about my affairs. The old man of the Guo family cheated on the corpse for other reasons.

You guys didn't take me with you again!!!

Mu Qilian's attention was obviously not the main point, he was a little sad and angry: Why don't you call me together in the middle of the night?

Guo Zicheng called and only called me. His father died, and his father and I are friends, so we must go to pay respects. Mu Xiangshan took a sip of tea, and then said: What did you call you for? Thanks to me. It's Qiao Jin, if it wasn't for Qiao Jin last night, that old man Guo Jieshi would have killed Guo Zicheng if he cheated his body, if you were there, I'm afraid my old life would be involved.

Muzilian:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Is it really a scam?

Mu Qizhi was also unheard of such a thing, it was incredible, he frowned and said: Why did you cheat the corpse?

It was controlled by someone.

Qiao Jin walked to the dinner table, Mr. Guo is indeed dead. He cheated because he was manipulated. This is the power of a spiritualist. As for why he manipulated it, he probably wanted to kill Guo Zicheng.

It's a pity that Qiao Jin was here last night.

After all, it was in front of me, and the matter hadn't been clarified yet.

Of course, no one saw her when she made the move. Guo Zicheng was probably a little suspicious in his heart, but he was full of doubts, so of course he couldn't spare his hands to investigate Qiao Jin and Mu Xiangshan.

Qiao Fei was stunned: Xiaojin, it's a fake corpse, this is a fake corpse, aren't you even afraid?!

Just thinking about that scene made Qiao Fei feel suffocated.

Had she been there, she had no doubt that she would have suffered a heart attack.

Qiao Jin: Just get used to it.

Everyone:? ? ? ? ?

Is it possible to get used to this kind of thing?

She smiled: There are a lot of weird things in the spiritual master's world, and that's the way I see them.

She has seen the massacre scene even scarier than Guo Jieshi's fraudulent corpse, but it was just a fraudulent corpse. She knew that the man was dead, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

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