Chapter 962 Jump up

Their screams can make people's scalp go numb.

Qiao Jin and Mu Xiangshan also saw it. Compared to their fear, one of them was shocked, and the other lifted his chin to look inside, as if he was a little curious.

Of course, this scream also allowed Guo Zicheng from outside to come in.

His face was a bit ugly, and there were no other guests coming at this time, so when he came in, his face was sullen: What are you yelling for?

Cheng Yujun ran towards him suddenly, and tears burst out of his eyes: Husband, Dad... Dad...

She was so frightened that she couldn't utter a complete sentence for a while.

Guo Shuoyu was much more decisive, she cried to Guo Zicheng: Dad, Grandpa opened his eyes again!

Guo Zicheng was a little shocked.

His shock didn't seem fake, and he didn't see any fear.

Immediately ran to the coffin, and then saw Guo Jieshi who opened his eyes as expected.

Those eyes just stared at the ceiling dumbly, without any movement, it looked like a dead body with eyes closed.

Seeing Guo Jieshi's eyes reopened, Guo Zicheng's expression was quite ugly.

Of course, Mu Xiangshan couldn't stay silent all the time, so he immediately asked, Zicheng, what's going on?

Guo Zichang turned his head, looked at Mu Xiangshan, and said with a smile, It's nothing, it's probably just some conditioned reflex, Uncle Mu, don't worry, there is nothing weird in this world.

As he spoke, he walked to the coffin and reached out to wipe Guo Jieshi's eyes.

Both Guo Shuoyu and Cheng Yujun were startled, they never imagined that Guo Zicheng would be so courageous, and would dare to touch Guo Jieshi when encountering such a strange thing.

Qiao Jin pondered for a while at that time: Mr. Guo...

I advise you to think twice...

Before he finished speaking, Guo Zicheng, who was going to wipe Guo Jieshi's eyes, just touched Guo Jieshi's hand, when suddenly, Guo Jieshi raised his hand and grabbed Guo Zicheng's wrist.


This sudden incident obviously frightened Guo Zicheng, and his face was a little shocked.

Guo Shuoyu and Cheng Yujun became a duo of screaming chickens at that time, and each scream seemed to break through the roof of the building, and in the end it was the final destination of human beings.

I was so scared that I automatically fainted.

Qiao Jin: ...

And Guo Jieshi inside the coffin seemed to be holding Guo Zicheng with incomparably strong strength, obviously not the strength an old man should have.

Guo Zicheng was also frightened, and subconsciously wanted to shake off Guo Jieshi's hand.

Those hands were like old tree bark, with bluish-gray traces all over them at this moment, and they grabbed Guo Zicheng firmly, no matter how much he shook them, he couldn't shake them off.

Even the servants in the villa saw this scene.

Immediately, the timid ones were frightened and fainted, and some courageous ones surrounded them, and some anxiously called out: Sir!

Mu Xiangshan was also a little shocked: What's going on?

Qiao Jin whispered, It's under control.

It is impossible to cheat the corpse, but Guo Jieshi's corpse has been controlled.

This kind of control is not the control of the formation, it should be the wizard.

It's just that this wizard is hiding in the dark and hasn't shown up for a while.

Qiao saw this morning that Guo Jieshi had the feeling of being watched by someone before he was alive, but he didn't expect to cheat his body suddenly after he died.

Mu Xiangshan looked at her: Who?

Qiao Jin shook his head: I don't know for now.

At this moment Guo Zicheng was still struggling, Guo Jieshi inside the coffin grabbed Guo Zicheng with one hand, and suddenly got up.

Don’t write shit, this plot is finished, I shouldn’t write at night that I was wrong, I was scared by myself, and I will follow up with the rest of the two during the day tomorrow, I’m afraid.

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