Chapter 960 Creepy

Mu Xiangshan sighed and helped him up: My condolences.

Guo Zicheng nodded when he stood up. He wore glasses, his face was calm, and he said softly, Thank you, Uncle Mu.

He glanced at Qiao Jin again, but he didn't pay much attention to it, and quickly looked away.

Calling you late at night, Uncle Mu, forgive me.

No need to talk about this. Mu Xiangshan waved his hand: Who would have thought of these things? I'll go and explain to the world.

Guo Zicheng nodded and fell silent.

He took Mu Xiangshan and Qiao Jin in.

In the hall, Guo Jieshi's photo of the mourning hall was hung in the center. His photo should have been taken early in the morning, with a faint smile on his mouth, but the black and white photo is a bit creepy no matter how you look at it.

In front of the photo is a coffin, which has not been closed yet, and Guo Jieshi, wearing a shroud, is lying inside.

He obviously still looks a little energetic, but now he is dead, and can only lie in it, closing his eyes forever.

There were two people kneeling in front of the coffin, Guo Zicheng's current wife, Cheng Yujun, and Guo Shuoyu, who was not her biological daughter, but also Guo Zicheng's daughter.

Guo Zhuyi is in the hospital now, but Guo Zhulian is not there. Besides Guo Zicheng's original son and daughter, there should be a grandson, but he is not here now.

Mu Xiangshan looked at Guo Jieshi's mourning hall photo and sighed slightly.

He still remembered that when he came that day, he jokingly said that if Guo Jieshi suddenly walked away one day, he would not be able to see him for the last time.

I didn't expect it to be true.

In just two or three days, no one knew that such a thing would happen.

He burned three sticks of incense to Guo Jieshi, and Qiao Jin who followed him also burned three sticks of incense according to the etiquette.

After offering incense, Guo Zicheng said to Mu Xiangshan, Uncle Mu, it's too late now, you and Qiao should go back now, and we'll have time to come back tomorrow morning.

It's okay, I'll sit here for a while and accompany Xie Shi on his last journey.

Mu Xiangshan shook his head, and finally asked, How did Xie Shi get away?

Guo Zicheng smiled wryly: Something was wrong when he came back from the police station. He had a big fight with me. He probably felt ashamed to see me. He was so angry that he couldn't wake up when the servant called him to eat at night. He saw that he was It's gone.

Mu Xiangshan just nodded.

Guo Jieshi was already dead, so of course Guo Zicheng could say whatever he wanted, even if someone had doubts, he would not be qualified to investigate.

Furthermore, Mu Xiangshan didn't care too much about how Guo Jieshi died.

Sooner or later, he would have such a day, if he hadn't found out that he asked someone to kill his first wife.

After Guo Zicheng said this, he didn't stop Mu Xiangshan and asked him to sit at home.

Now in the middle of the night, he has notified quite a few people, and naturally others will come to express their condolences.

Mu Xiangshan found a place to sit down, and he didn't mind being creepy. Although the villa was brightly lit at night, it was extraordinarily quiet.

Qiao Jin was standing on one side, and Guo Shuoyu, who was kneeling on the other side, secretly raised his eyes to look at Qiao Jin.

In fact, she had a kind of fuzzy feeling in her heart, mainly because she went to see his grandfather's body after his grandfather died.

Grandpa is clearly dead.

He lay on the bed and stared at his eyes. Later, he didn't know what method his father used, so he closed his eyes.

But Guo Shuoyu couldn't forget what he looked like before he died.

Obviously there are so many people that she shouldn't be afraid, but now that she is kneeling in front of the mourning hall, the coffin panels in front of her have not been closed yet, she always has an inexplicable creepy feeling.

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