After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 945 It's All Your Brother's Blame!

Chapter 945 It's All Your Brother's Blame!

Don't care what the few people downstairs are thinking now.

Qiao Jin said what he needed to say, and gave them time to digest, while he went back to the room to wash up.

I have to go see Guo Zhulian tomorrow morning.

The formation is resolved, and she is fine now, but after all, she has been trapped for so long, and now she has a bad temper.

Mo Jiang is going to the production team during the day, and Guo Zhulian cannot appear outside until the Guo family's affairs are completely resolved.

Within half an hour, Qiao Fei, who seemed to have finished digesting, actually came to knock on her door.

Mu Qizhi and Mu Zhenming are not here, and they are not suitable to intervene in such outrageous matters. Of course, Qiao Fei is the most appropriate to ask.

Qiao Fei looked at Qiao Jin and saw that the person in front of him was still so cute. She felt relieved, but also a little uncomfortable, and her tone was a bit awkward: You are a magician, you awakened at that time, did you get a lot of stimulation? ?”

She thought that after so long, Qiao Jin didn't care anymore.

Now knowing that Qiao Jin was awakened, it proves how much the original incident hit her.

She didn't care because she was exposed to another world.

That's right.

The stimulation of suicide is still strong enough, but in fact it is not a stimulation. The main reason is that her soul will reawaken after committing suicide in the past.

The fusion of memory fragments became her now.

Qiao Fei listened, feeling very sour in her heart: In the final analysis, Mom is sorry for you. If it wasn't for me, I would rather you were not like you are now...

Qiao Jin paused: Why? It's fine now. I don't mean to blame you. It's a good thing for me to be awakened. At least I have seen a different world. I used to be too fragile.

But mom hopes that you will always be under mom's protection. If mom took good care of you, you wouldn't be where you are today, right?

Qiao Fei's tone was particularly sad.

If those things are not mentioned, they will be forgotten.

It's really all right.

Qiao Jin looked at Qiao Fei, and said in a very calm tone, You don't need to think too much, don't you think I'm fine now? I've really forgotten the past, and I'm telling you these things today because I can't keep it a secret looking at you.

Otherwise, I will have to keep making excuses when I ask for leave in the future.

But I'm just...

Qiao Fei burst into tears again.

She was originally very soft-hearted, and now thinking of the pain Qiao Jin had experienced before, her heart hurts.

If she really protected Qiao Jin well, how could Qiao Jin wake up.

This awakening was bought at the price of pain.

She would rather not know anything, and their family still live happily.

You have to think better. Qiao Jin sighed and had to persuade her: If I don't wake up, maybe I will still be the same as before, Mu Qilian and Mu Qichu will still not accept me, and I will not come to Mu Home, it won't be like this now, the family will live together. Isn't it good?

Qiao Fei froze for a moment.

What Qiao Jin said was also true.

If it wasn't for the suicidal awakening, she might still live alone outside, and occasionally Qiao Fei would visit her.

She was still the dull and weak Qiao Jin.

How can I be sure about some things?

As a result, Qiao Fei cried even more fiercely: It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I should have brought you back together at that time... It's all your brother's fault!

Qiao Jin: ...

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