After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 88 Qiao Jin's customer service, humble online

Chapter 88 Qiao Jin's customer service, humble online

Now the fortune-telling unit price of the event price of 99 is okay, but the next few packages almost made her eyes pop out.

What's more, this store doesn't even have a single business.

It looks like it's a scam.

At first, she just wanted to take a look, but accidentally clicked on the other party's contact interface on the phone interface.

The merchant responded instantly.

The customer service is at your service 'today'.

Today: Dear, hello, fortune telling?

Today: Oh, are you married? Marriage is now at a discounted price of only 99 yuan, so don't miss this opportunity.

Lin Si was taken aback.

The previous sentence is okay, the line of panacea oil, but how does the store know that she wants to count it as a marriage?

80% is blind, after all, only marriage and luck are 99 yuan for a single trip.

Lin Si thought about it and had nothing to do, so he replied quickly.

Anonymous buyer XXX: How do you know I want to count marriage?

Today: I run a fortune-telling shop, but I don’t know what kind of fortune-telling shop to open?

Lin Silai: ...

The tone is quite awesome.

Anonymous buyer XXX: / Smile Aren’t all of you fortune-telling shops pretending to be ghosts? Your store only has 99 chances of marriage and single luck.

It is impossible for someone to pick the expensive set meals at the back.

Today: Place the order first, and I will count for you after placing the order.

Anonymous buyer XXX: ? ? ? You asked me to place an order without saying anything?

Strong buying and strong selling!

Today: Is it worthless not to place an order? I have no objection, but little girl, your luck can't hold back this kind of calculation first and payment later.

Lin Si was shocked for a moment.

Not because of what the shopkeeper said, but because of that little girl. protects the buyer’s information. Before placing an order, it doesn’t know whether it is a man or a woman, and it is impossible to open the buyer’s history.

How did the store know?

For a moment, Lin Siliao felt that his information had been sold.

But she is actively consulting anonymously... Isn't it too evil to see that she is a little girl at once?

Oh no, isn't this a fortune-telling shop? !

Lin Siliao felt that it was a bit evil, but anyway, 99, if the other party pretended to be a ghost, she could apply for a refund and let customer service intervene.

99 is just a bit of her pocket money.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Si also gained confidence.

She placed an order and chose a single marriage.

The other party replied very quickly.

Today: Kiss, please give your name and age, preferably with a specific month of birth.

Anonymous Buyer XXX: Uh, mine?

Today: What you don't need is the man's.

Ever since Lin Si came to contact her, Qiao Jin already knew the general information about Lin Si.

Anonymous buyer XXX: Hu Wei, born in August, 24, is this information enough? Is my information really not needed?

Customer service didn't reply for several minutes.

Just when Lin Siliao suspected that he had met a liar, the other party replied quickly.

Today: Kiss, I think you are also a little unlucky.

Anonymous buyer XXX: ? ? What do you mean, personal attack? Believe it or not, I will complain to you!

She counted it as a marriage, so how could it be related to her being an unlucky bastard?

Today: The first time I like someone, I like a murderer. Kiss yourself and tell me if you are a little unlucky.

Anonymous buyer XXX:. . . . . . .

Lin Si was shocked.

Kill... a murderer?

How could the person she likes be a murderer? !

Lin Siliao almost screamed on the phone.

Customer service pursues the victory.

Today: Kiss recommends that you choose another life robbery package. I can explain it in more detail, otherwise you can choose to call the police.

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