Chapter 781 High Priest!

I heard that the audition is not difficult? Why is it so easy for you?

Qiao Jin ordered a cup of coffee, and Mo Jiang looked at her seriously: I look better than those women, why didn't they choose me?

Qiao Jin: ...

This makes sense.

Mo Jiang is very beautiful, the key to her beauty is charming, the pure natural charm without makeup.

This alone is very rare, the beauty is strong and enchanting, and all the excellent conditions of the station alone are enough to compare with ordinary actors even with makeup. Of course, the director knows who to choose.

Especially in the entertainment industry where pure beauties are becoming rarer and rarer.

Of course the director chose her.

To put it simply, Mo Jiang acted on beauty.

Qiao Jin doesn't understand the rules of the entertainment industry, but understands her beauty, so she nodded when she heard the words: Then you act well, and when you become popular in the future, you won't have to worry about money.


Mo Jiang blew her nails: I still have to help you raise those two women.

Remember your responsibilities.

Probably no one would have thought that Mo Jiang entered the entertainment circle for such a nonsense reason.

Mo Jiang was quickly called away. She signed a contract with an agent and established her own agency. Everything was very fast.

Even the next day, she told Qiao Jin that she was going to act on the set.

And post the news in the group.

Meng Chengyu called for her to film other stars in the crew, but she refused.

Mo Jiang: Look at what they do, they are not as good-looking as me, just look at me.

Meng Chengyu:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The thickness of this skin is pinched according to the Great Wall, right?

Can being so shameless be beautiful?


Mo Jiang vividly explained this truth.

While chatting nonsense with them in the group, Mo Jiang stayed in the crew, and even on the first day he came, countless people looked sideways.

First of all, she doesn't have an assistant, but she has more airs than the protagonist, and she doesn't like to talk to anyone. If someone greets her, she will say hello twice if she is happy, and pretend she didn't see it if she is not.

The key point is that Mo Jiang has found no such person in the entertainment industry, and he can't find any news at all. He even got the role of the second female lead. Many people seriously suspect that she brought money into the group.

You must know that in the circle, those who are popular have always had more power to speak than those who are not popular. Mo Jiang, a paratrooper who doesn't know where he came from, is so arrogant that he can only be suspected of having a backer.

Then they didn't know that not only did Mo Jiang have no background, she didn't even have any experience, but she had advantages that others didn't have. She remembered her lines to death and never forgot them.

In addition, the second female role is a vase, and her performance is too convincing. Many fans of other stars who came to visit the set turned fans on the spot.

Good looking - can really do whatever he wants.


Someone was calling someone's name, Mo Jiang looked over boredly, and suddenly saw a familiar profile.

The handsome boy's face looks young, and the whole face is filled with the sunny youthfulness of a teenager.

She thought it was a very familiar face.

But she didn't know each other.

She just stared at that person, feeling an inexplicable sense of sadness in her heart, and suddenly there was a shrill and sharp cry in her mind——

High Priest!

With this shout, Mo Jiang, who was shouting loudly, had a headache, as if a tendon had been pulled, she couldn't help shaking her head, feeling something was wrong.

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