After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 77 Someone is following us

Chapter 77 Someone is following us

After Qiao Jin left, He Yao added the other party's WeChat.

【It's Xiaojinjinyo】This name will shock anyone who sees it first.

It's a little hard for He Yao to imagine that a girl who looks a bit cold would have such a cute name.

Perhaps this is the double-faced faction between the Internet and reality.

He Yao will not believe Qiao Jin just because of two or three words, nor will he continue to make trouble for Qiao Jin.

At this moment, the headquarters called He Yao, saying that they would send someone to them temporarily, which made He Yao faintly frown.

She didn't think much about it, and was going to go back and read it first.


Back home, Qiao Jin began to exercise formally.

She can use formations to attack the enemy, but she can't do it without physical training.

Qiao Jin is thin and needs exercise.

She set up a formation in Mu's house, and it's twice the result with half the effort.

When eating in the evening, neither Mu Qilian nor Mu Qichu came home, and she was the only one at home.

She received a video call from Qiao Fei.

In the video, Qiao Fei is at a house near the sea, holding up her mobile phone and smiling brightly at her. The time there is about the same as here, and the sky seems to be darker, and the sound of the sea breeze can be heard.

Xiao Jin, how are you at home today?

Qiao Jin took a sip of the soup calmly: It's pretty good.

Are Qi Chu and Qi Lian eating with you?

Qiao Jin said truthfully: They haven't come back yet.

Qiao Fei: That's unreasonable! If you don't go home at what time, is it because I left with their dad and started to mess around? Wait for me to call them!

Qiao Fei doesn't restrain them so much, but now that she and Mu Zhenming are gone, Mu Qichu and Mu Qilian won't eat at home, leaving Qiao Jin at home alone, she thinks it's too much.

Qiao Jin: ...

In fact, she wants to say that it doesn't matter if she is there or not.

Qiao Fei hung up the video call to call the two of them, and Qiao Jin went upstairs directly after eating, and then previewed her physics homework in the room——

It's so miserable.

While she was reading, Qiao Fei flashed her a call again, saying that she had called them home, and by the way, she greeted Qiao Jin with concern, and then hung up the phone after begging for advice.

When Qiao Jin answered the phone, she noticed a message on WeChat. She clicked on it now and saw that the message was sent by Song Yanqing.

Song Yanqing: Miss Qiao, do you have time this weekend?

Song Yanqing: My father wants to ask you to meet

Song Siyin wanted to find Qiao Jin, probably because he had some clues about what he was investigating. Qiao Jin thought about it and sent Song Yanqing a message.

It’s Xiaojinjin: Okay, if you have time on weekends, just send me the address and time.

Song Yanqing: Good

After Song Yanqing saw that Qiao Jin accepted, the arrangement was also very fast, and the specific information location was sent to Qiao Jin very quickly.

It was almost the weekend. Qiao received a call from Song Siyin after class on Friday. The other party apologized in person and said that the plan had changed temporarily. He was going on a business trip tonight due to work. He asked if it could be changed to tonight. Meet.

Of course Qiao Jin has no problem, anyway, she has a lot of free time now.

So Song Siyin sent her the address of the meeting, and after school, Qiao Jin got into his driver's car and set off at the agreed place.

The Mu family's driver was also specially trained, and he was extremely sensitive to ordinary things. After driving for a few minutes, he suddenly said, Miss, someone is following us.

Qiao Jin twitched his lips: It's okay.

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