After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 756: It's Dark

Chapter 756: It's Dark

The two walked to the school.

The other students should still be in class at this time, because they can now see the students in class from those windows.

It's just that the whole school is quiet, which is a bit too quiet.

Song Yanqing asked her: Where do you think the regular array will be hidden?

Qiao Jin thought for a while, and said: It is possible to hide anywhere, but the rules should conform to its characteristics, but the school is too big, it is possible to hide it anywhere, I can sense it now by using the formation. However, it can be moved.

Once it senses that Qiao Jin is looking for it, it will move to the next place.

So many times, it is a very troublesome thing to find.

Song Yanqing was thoughtful: Those teachers are in class now, we can go to the school office to have a look.

Qiao Jin nodded in agreement with him.

The two walked around the school's office several times before dark.

They don't need to go in, they only need to take a look at Qiao Jin to know whether the rules are in place.

When it was getting dark, the school bell rang again. With the ringing of the bell, the whole school was brightly lit, as if all the lights had been turned on.

The students ran out cheering one by one, and rushed to the cafeteria first.

And some people started to go back to the dormitory directly.

They hadn't eaten their supper, and strangely they were not hungry.

And thinking of the dark dishes at school doesn't make me feel appetizing either.

It was dark now, and it was a bit unsafe. Qiao Jin and Song Yanqing found nothing, and finally returned to the dormitory.

Along the way, they met many students.

It can be seen here that the students live separately for men and women, and those who have been assigned dormitories after the exam are all female dormitories.

The strange thing is that the female classmates along the way turned a blind eye to this man Song Yanqing, as if it was not surprising that he appeared here.

Fortunately, female students have the subconscious that female students should have. As long as there are people in each dormitory, the door is closed, and no one will see anything they shouldn't see.

When Qiao Jin and Song Yanqing returned to the dormitory, they saw Mu Qilian standing on the balcony looking down.

Hearing the person came back, Mu Qilian immediately said: We are actually in the girls' dormitory. I instantly felt that I could live in this dormitory.

Three people: ...

Zong Yu lowered his eyes, unable to bear to look directly at Mu Qilian.

After a while, he still looked up at Qiao Jin and Song Yanqing: Have you found any clues?

Although he didn't know what Qiao Jin and Song Yanqing were looking for, he probably knew that they were looking for clues, which must be related to the clues they went out.

Zong Yu couldn't go out because there was Mu Qilian, otherwise he would have to go out to find him.

Qiao Jin raised his eyebrows slightly: I didn't find it.

There are four beds in the dormitory, and only the lower bunk has quilts. She sat on the bed and said softly: There should be a few more exams, but I don't know when it will end.

When Mu Qilian came in from the balcony and heard this sentence, he was a little worried: Can we go out? I'm afraid that I will die young, and then my mother will lose her son and daughter in one breath. What a tragedy.

Qiao Jin sighed: Qi Lian, don't be so pessimistic. If you can't get out, I should be able to get out. I will comfort Fei Fei well.

Muzilian: ...

are you human?

Song Yanqing laughed again. They looked out the window and noticed that it was getting dark very quickly here.

Obviously the bell that was rang just now is completely dark now.

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