Chapter 734 Classroom?

This rule matrix is ​​even simpler.

It is the existence that makes the rules.

No matter how unreasonable things are, as long as the rules are set, they can become true.

It has the same attributes as Song Yanqing's ability to follow the law.

Song Yanqing was a little surprised: How could such a powerful formation be in such a place?

Because this kind of natural matrix can move, it doesn't necessarily exist here all the time.

Qiao Jin looked at the strange aura coming from the mountain, and felt a little regretful: It's a pity that I got it and it doesn't help much, and others don't have the ability.

Song Yanqing raised his eyebrows slightly: Since the formation point belongs to your formation masters, why is it useless if you get it?

Qiao Jin looked at Song Yanqing: You have reached the point where you can't say what you say, will you use your ability at will? With strong power, you will be subject to stronger suppression. These types of formations are the same. If you formulate The rules are too illogical, even if they become true, the karma you have to bear will kill you in an instant, this kind of power itself is not prepared for human beings.

Array points exist, but they are not something humans can use.

Qiao Jin's devouring ability is extremely powerful, she can devour other people's abilities at will, but she never does that.

——There is already a backlash of resurrection, and it is too serious to commit evil.

Qiao Jin said: Compared to rules, space and time are more useful.

Because she has no ambition at all, getting the rules means holding it in the palm of her hand.

Song Yanqing couldn't help laughing and said: This is just your personal idea. If others know that there is such a powerful formation here, no one can resist being indifferent. Even if you have to bear the price, you can use others to fill it.

Qiao Jin glanced at Song Yanqing: This kind of point is not so easy to get. Even if I go in, I can at most save my life and get out under the rules set by it, but...

Song Yanqing: There is a reason for the location on the fan to guide us here, why not go in and have a look?

Qiao Jin thought for a while, then nodded and said, Alright.

Anyway, she can guarantee that she can withdraw.

If you happen to find where the rules are hiding - take it.

The two went up the mountain together and walked up the road in the park. There were street lights on both sides. Under the dim light, the figures of the two people were stretched and slender.

Song Yanqing took her hand, The driver said that many people are missing here.

Qiao Jin nodded: There will always be visions in the existence of the matrix. These people should have been drawn into the world it created by the rules. However, you will only know what it is after entering.

They walked along the mountain road and soon reached the rule. On the way, Qiao Jin found many footprints.

There are quite a few people who have come here, but they all have footprints to go, but no footprints to come back.

She paused, feeling Song Yanqing holding her hand, and a mist suddenly rose around her.

Qiao Jin said, I'm going in now.

Song Yanqing also saw it. He saw the white mist around him. It was indeed like a scene from a horror movie, but the two of them were not afraid, and it was not the first time they had experienced such a thing.

Until the white mist dissipated, they found themselves sitting in a classroom.

This is a very ordinary classroom, how should I put it, it is so ordinary that Song Yanqing has never seen such a classroom.

Blackboards, classrooms, desks, everything is old.

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