After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 715 He bullied you, I think he will be punished

Chapter 715 He bullied you, I think he will be punished

The woman was still a little cramped, mainly because the room was narrow. She walked inside and pulled out a small stool from under the table.

It looked like a child was sitting there.

She usually sits on the bed while eating.

A Jue sat down at the table naturally, with a layer of building blocks on the ground next to it.

There are also some cartoon posters that children like posted in the whole room. How should I put it, the cramped and difficult room has some warmth that belongs to my own family.

Qiao Jin didn't look around, she sat on the small stool and asked naturally, Have you lived here for three years?

The woman poured her a glass of boiled water, and said a little embarrassedly: Yes.

She carefully covered the door, sat cross-legged on the other side of the table, and looked at Qiao Jin with some hesitation: You said... you and my family, A Jue, are the same kind of people?

Qiao Jin nodded and put down the cup, When did A Jue start to appear abnormal in your opinion?

You Chu was stunned for a moment, and then she recalled carefully: It's about when he was a child...

What can be unusual in childhood?

Probably the obsession of a baby.

The baby's obsession is nothing more than eating, eating and sleeping. You Chu didn't realize what was wrong at first, until she had no time to take care of A Jue, and then she would see the bottle will automatically appear in A Jue's hand after being mixed with milk.

He was three months old then.

When meeting for the first time, You Chu was almost scared to death.

She soon realized that something was wrong than she had imagined. For example, when she was busy, she obviously wanted to be busy with the child and feed it later. Whenever A Jue cried, she would often have a special kind of behavior. The thought must immediately appear beside A Jue.

No matter where she is, the child cries, but she seems to be able to feel it immediately.

Because A Jue was too young at that time, her obsessions were nothing more than eating and seeing her.

But A Jue was too young, still a baby, completely unable to express her basic concepts. When she realized that something was wrong with A Jue, she took A Jue to move.

A Jue is her only child, and she doesn't want A Jue to suffer any harm, even if he may be a freak in the eyes of others, and there may be secrets in him that she doesn't understand.

At first she was also afraid, but when she realized that there was no danger, she gradually got used to it.

It wasn't until A Jue grew up and could speak that she realized that the situation was worse than she had imagined.

All children like toys, and A Jue is no exception. When A Jue sees something outside, he will often pester You Chu and yell, Mom, I want it!

You Chu couldn't afford those toys, so he had to take A Jue home.

At first, A Jue would cry loudly, and when he was crying, the toys would appear in his hands, completely out of nowhere.

You Chu has seen this many times, and finally confirmed: Ah Jue has the ability to make wishes come true...

Qiao Jin was silent for a moment.

The Lingling Master changed the rules, which can also be seen as his wishes come true.

You Chu was not happy with this ability. She realized that if A Jue was not educated well, there would be bigger problems with his ability.

She began to teach A Jue to be restrained, to restrain his desire for other things, and not to talk nonsense.

Because often a word he said with seriousness is likely to become a reality.

When You Chu found out, she was targeted by a wretched man next door, and A Jue said to her: Mom, he bullied you, I think he will be punished.

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