After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 666 Still in the Dreamland

Chapter 666 Still in the Dreamland

Qiao Jin arrived at Meng Chengyu's house, but Yang Qiulu hadn't woken up yet.

However, she is not as calm now as she was at first.

Yang Qiulu, who was sleeping, frowned tightly, as if extremely disturbed.

Occasionally, she would twitch her body.

All the signs indicated that her experience in the backtracking formation was not so peaceful.

Meng Chengyu was flustered at the beginning, but she relaxed a lot when she saw Qiao Jin coming, and couldn't help asking Qiao Jin, She should be fine now, right?

Qiao Jin shook his head: It's not a big deal, it's just that it happens when you encounter exciting points in life.

Awakened, or not awakened, there will always be an end.


Yang Qiulu feels that his life has always been a tragedy.

When she was fifteen years old, one night, she felt someone pin her.

She opened her eyes in horror, only to find that it was a completely unfamiliar face.

No, he is not unfamiliar either. He is a well-known old bachelor in the village. He has never been married in his life because his family is poor and cannot marry a wife.

At this time, the ugly old face looked at Yang Qiulu lewdly.

And Feng Xiangli's voice came from outside the door: Hurry up, there are still people waiting!

The old bachelor waved his hand: I know——

He looked at Yang Qiulu and just smiled lewdly.

Even though Yang Qiulu is young, he knows the current situation.

She looked at the old bachelor, her pupils suddenly widened.

She screamed, but before she could say it, the other party covered her mouth quickly: Shhhhhh, baby girl, I gave your mother dozens of dollars. Tonight, you are mine!

Dozens of dollars, dozens of dollars——

Hearing these words, Yang Qiulu felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

She couldn't believe that something like this could happen to her.

Tears flowed down her cheeks, tears of despair.

How could there be such a thing, why would my mother do such a thing.

While crying, the old bachelor couldn't care less, and started lying on Yang Qiulu's body.

Yang Qiulu was terrified, and subconsciously resisted, and ended up staring at the old bachelor's legs.

The old bachelor's complexion changed, almost instantly ferocious.

The severe pain hit, and he didn't have the strength to restrain Yang Qiulu for the time being. Yang Qiulu didn't know where the spirit came from, pushed him away and crawled out, screaming and running outside the door.

Because she ran out suddenly, her parents were outside, and they didn't stop Yang Qiulu for a while.

The two looked at each other, Feng Xiangli immediately said: Not good!

If the people in the village knew about this, they would be scolded with pokes on their backs.

They also know that the dirty things they do can't be seen on the table.

Both parents came to chase Yang Qiulu, cursing at the same time: Why are you running, you dead girl, why don't you come back soon, you lose money!

Yang Qiulu was terrified, she didn't dare to go back, she just ran away in a hurry.

My scalp was numb, and I didn't know what to think about except running.

But after all, she was small, weak, and couldn't run. After a while, she heard the shouts getting closer and closer.

Feng Xiangli, who was caught up from behind, slapped her across the face.

There was a crisp sound of pop, accompanied by burning pain.

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