Chapter 66 Three Days Later

It was almost half a month ago.

Qiao Jin looked confused: I don't remember clearly, and I don't know Ge Jiazhen very well.

Ge Jiazhen belonged to Tan Xuejia's group, so he was indeed not very familiar with them.

The female policeman still smiled and said, Don't be nervous, we're just making a routine inquiry. Then, do you know if there is anyone who has a grudge against them?

Isn't it normal to have a grudge? But how do I know?

Qiao Jin said slowly: I must have an alibi when she died, because I was at home at the time. If you really don't have any clues, you might as well let me do the math, maybe I can provide you with clues.

The policewoman froze.

He Yao also raised her eyebrows and spoke for the first time, Are you a fortune teller?

Sitting on the side, she seemed to be a person who stayed out of the matter, and now she finally opened her mouth.

The voice is cool.

Qiao Jin nodded: Well, I plan to do this business recently.

The female policeman's face became a little serious: Miss Qiao, there is no room for joking about the matter of human life.

I'm not kidding, it's as if you brought me here because this woman asked for it.

Qiao Jin pointed at He Yao: Miss He, what you want to know requires a price.

Oh? He Yao put his hand on the table, looked at Qiao Jin with cold eyes: What price do I have to pay?

Qiao Jin also approached her with a smile: Don't use your ability on me, you are not high enough, be careful to ask for trouble.

As soon as this sentence was finished, He Yao's body slammed backwards, hitting the back of the chair directly, and the hard voice sounded like pain in the bones.

The policewoman was startled: Miss He?

He Yao's face became tense.

This is a very difficult opponent, and arrogant.

Her ability is very strange, He Yao couldn't see her spiritual ability at all at first.

If it's the ability to predict, she shouldn't have attack power...

but now……

The back hit the hard stool in the interrogation room, the pain went deep into the bone marrow, and He Yao's face didn't change a bit.

Qiao Jingao should take a look at this kind of endurance.

It took He Yao a long time to speak again: Isn't Ms. Qiao a fortune teller? Can you tell me a fortune?

Qiao Jin: I don't need to calculate it for you, it's better to calculate it for this young lady.

Qiao Jin smiled, showing the innocence that a twenty-year-old should have. She looked at the policewoman, Miss, do you want to tell your fortune? Maybe it will help your case?

How could the female police believe this, they didn't even know who He Yao was.

But Qiao Jin was really tricky. Seeing what tricks she could pull off, the policewoman nodded upon hearing that, Yes.

There were other people watching outside the interrogation room, and everyone was a little baffled when they saw this scene.

How can a suspect who is being interrogated be counted?

Isn't this a joke?

He Yao stared at Qiao Jin's movements closely.

I saw Qiao Jin holding the policewoman's hand and drawing a few times on her hand. She didn't even make extra movements, she withdrew her hand and put it on the table, her eyes were calm: Three Days later, it will be the next one. It will take at least a month for you to solve this case.

He Yao's pupils shrank, she didn't feel that Qiao Jin used the power of spiritual thoughts at all.

And the policewoman was even more unbelievable: You said that the next victim will appear in three days? Are you kidding me!

Could it be that she had premeditated it and said it in advance now?

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