After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 658 Song Yanqing Who Was Unprepared

Chapter 658 Song Yanqing Who Was Unprepared

Think about it, if Young Master Song has another girlfriend in the future, people will be unhappy if they know that you are always with Young Master Song.

With Qiao Fei's explanation, Qiao Jin instantly understood.

She and Song Yanqing are friends. She thinks that the meaning of friendship is different, so she never shy away from anything. Using modern thinking to explore now, it seems that what Qiao Fei said makes sense.

She used to unilaterally substitute Song Yanqing, but now that she thinks about it, does someone else have a girlfriend?

This relationship is different.

Qiao Jin followed Qiao Fei to watch a lot of goofy TV series, so he understands the truth.

This was because Song Yanqing had never had a girlfriend, it was hard for her to think about it.

Thinking of this, she thought seriously: Song Yanqing doesn't have a girlfriend yet.

Qiao Fei said: I said just in case, just in case you understand, Young Master Song is already 25, maybe his family is in a hurry, this kind of family is uncertain, maybe at that time, I will find him a good match like your brother Yes, by that time, Young Master Song will have a girlfriend, Xiao Jin, you also watched so much TV with your mother, the kind of people who have girlfriends and still hang out with them are not good women, but green tea!

What Qiao Fei said was filled with righteous indignation: Mom hates green tea the most. Mom knows that you are not that kind of person, but you can't become that kind of person unintentionally. Your uncle - there used to be someone like that by your side, saying that you are not like that with your uncle It's a friend who often gets mad at me in front of me. Fortunately, your uncle is decisive and won't meet her after he finds out. Young Master Song may not be such a person, but you can't let things go to this point.

Qiao Jin suddenly understood, Qiao Jin understood.

In the past, he could not care about other people's opinions, but now, if he thinks about Song Yanqing having a girlfriend, Qiao Jin has to worry about it.

The reason why Qiao Fei didn't think Song Yanqing would be with Qiao Jin was because of another more important point.

That is Song Yanqing twenty-five.

And Qiao is only twenty now.

It's not a matter of age, but that Song Yanqing is too smart, and took care of business in the family too early, making it seem that others think he has matured for too long, and Qiao Jin is only a third-year female student in her twenties. In terms of identity, there is a 'seniority' gap between the two.

The main reason is that Qiao Jin didn't have this idea, so Qiao Fei wouldn't think that Qiao Jin fell in love with Song Yanqing.

Qiao Jin nodded: I see, I will pay attention to it in the future.

Qiao Fei thought she understood, nodded in satisfaction, and put the clothes back: You can return the clothes to Master Song tomorrow, mom is going to rest, good night.

Qiao Jin: Good night.

As soon as Qiao Fei left, Song Yanqing called and asked Qiao Jin if he was resting now.

Ten o'clock, does not meet his rest time, he should go to bed.

But after Fate came back, he might not need to go to bed so early.

Qiao Jin said, Rest soon.

After thinking for a while, she asked again: Aren't you looking for a girlfriend yet?

Song Yanqing's heart skipped a beat: Why are you asking this question suddenly?

Qiao Jin repeated what Qiao Fei said, and said calmly: I think what she said makes sense.

She may not care about other people's opinions, but if Song Yanqing has a girlfriend in the future, she will not allow herself to be the kind of thorn in the side that hinders other people's happiness.

Song Yanqing: ...

Aunt Qiao's thinking is so positive, and she can still drive Qiao Jin, he was a little caught off guard.

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