After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 572 Little Fairy Benxian

Chapter 572 Little Fairy Benxian

Zhongli Panying thought she had no acquaintances at first, but now that she met Qiao Jin, she regarded them as acquaintances.

She leaned over very enthusiastically: Do you want to help? I am very good at tidying up.

Qiao Jin glanced at her very strangely.

Zhongli Panying suddenly felt that her overly enthusiastic attitude was a bit strange... especially the relationship with Qiao Jin now.

Last time, the matter of the Wanyan family has not been settled yet.

She smiled a little embarrassedly, and chatted with Qiao Jin on the bed frame: It's almost noon soon, do you want to have lunch together? There is a newly opened restaurant near the school. It tastes very good. Would you like to go?

She meant a little apology.

Qiao Jin opened the suitcase and took out his clothes, and said flatly: You don't have to do this for things that have nothing to do with you.

What she meant was that the affairs of Wanyan's family had nothing to do with Zhongli's family.

Zhongli Panying opened her mouth to speak, but the girl who was putting on her make-up over there let out a soft snort.

The brothers and sisters of Zhongli's family also transferred here halfway, but not many people had heard of them, and the people in the dormitory naturally thought that she was not a well-known figure.

But now Qiao Jin is the younger sister of the Mu brothers, which is well known to everyone.

In her eyes, Zhongli Panying was flattering Qiao Jin.

Inevitably, there was a light snort, but Zhongli Panying heard it.

The atmosphere in the dormitory was a bit suffocating, and the female student who was reading a foreign book didn't raise her head, she just glanced over from the corner of her eye, and quickly put it back.

Zhongli Panying was a little embarrassed. At this time, Qiao Jin received a call from Mu Qichu.

His voice was clear and cold: Qiao Jin, come down, Mom asked me to give you something.

Boys are not allowed in the girls' dormitory, even if they need help on the first day of school.

There is an elevator in the dormitory, which can go directly to the floor.

Mu Qichu told Qiao Jin to go down.

Qiao Jin went on as she said, and as soon as she came out of the dormitory, the girl who was putting on her make-up said, Ms. Mu's family, even if she was picked up, she has a really different personality. She is naturally arrogant, and ordinary people can't bear it. It really doesn't compare.

She spoke in a weird way, Zhongli Panying frowned slightly, thinking that they were just ordinary people, and felt boring, so she went out to eat with her brother.

She was indeed a little embarrassed towards Qiao Jin because of the Wanyan family matter, but Qiao Jin refused to accept the overture, and she couldn't help it.

The girl who didn't respond to her words turned around and left the dormitory door.


When Qiao Jin came downstairs, there were already students around who looked over curiously.

Both boys and girls looked at Qiao Jin and Mu Qichu with amazement in their eyes.

In particular, many juniors and juniors who just entered the school held their mobile phones and praised Qiao Jin: This temperament is too good.

Little fairy, this fairy!!

Oh, oh, it's really right to choose Yanhui back then, life is worth living with such a little fairy!

This handsome guy is so handsome, ah, what a good-looking school!!

When Mu Qichu saw Qiao Jin, he was still pushing two suitcases, and said, You can change the new quilt and bed sheets that Mom packed for you, and if there are some daily necessities left, tell me what is missing, and I will buy them for you. come over.

Qiao Jin took the box and smiled lightly: No, I can take care of myself, and I will buy what I lack.

Mu Qichu frowned slightly, and then said: It's up to you, call me if you have anything to do, I also live on campus.

The school was not strictly controlled in the past two years, but now it is strict. Besides, Mu Qilian has left and he is alone at home, so he naturally chooses to live in school.

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