After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 551 It won't be over until you leave

Chapter 551 It won't be over until you leave

Feng Qianshui's appearance is similar to Feng Qianen's, and Feng Qianen's appearance belongs to the obedient and sunny man.

Feng Qianshui also looks cute and cute, but she looks colder.

Just from the way she looked at Feng Qianen with a frown, it could be seen that she was not easy to mess with.

She is Feng Qianen's twin sister, but she is better than Feng Qianen.

Seeing her father's accident, she didn't feel much sadness, but a kind of relief.

She looked at Song Yanqing and blinked suddenly: Cousin, can we talk?

Song Yanqing looked at Feng Qianshui, smiled and nodded.

The two came to the door of the ward, Feng Qianshui looked at this cousin who was as cold as the bright moonlight, took a deep breath, and asked, Has the Feng family suffered retribution now?

Song Yanqing raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a smile: Why do you ask me such a thing?

Feng Qianshui let out that breath: I think, what do you know, brother, I want to ask, are there any experts around you?

Feng Qianshui has been in the Feng family for so many years, and her perception is actually very keen.

However, she also knew to hide it. After all, she didn't like places like Feng's house very much.

Song Yanqing: What exactly do you want to say?

Feng Qianshui continued: When the uncles of the Feng family and our brothers and sisters started to have accidents one after another, I felt that sooner or later the Feng family would have an accident, and my father might not be able to avoid it. Actually...

She lowered her head, glanced at the inside of the ward, and said to Song Yanqing: Cousin, I have believed in you since I was a child. If I tell you, don't you tell mom, okay?

Song Yanqing nodded: Of course I won't.

Feng Qianshui said: When I was young, my father quarreled with Uncle Wu and the others who came to visit our house. I heard what they said. Dad said that there are some things that the Feng family can't do anymore, otherwise they will pay the price sooner or later. Uncle Wu and the others said that the Feng family will not There is a price, and some of the price is paid for by people helping the Feng family. I was too young to understand what it meant, until now, I probably understand, and there are rumors outside...

Feng Qianshui's smile was a bit forced: So when Uncle and the others had accidents, I was worried about Dad, but now Dad has an accident, I don't know why, he just broke his hamstring, and he still has a chance to recover, so I feel very lucky.

Because at least, still alive.

Recently, two uncles had accidents, and some went directly to prison. I don't know if they can be fished out.

Now that the family is in a mess, Song Hening might have been affected if his natal family hadn't been powerful.

Because Song Yanqing belongs to the Song family, Feng Qianshui can trust him.

Song Yanqing lowered her eyes: It's useless for you to tell me these things. Even an expert can't save you. There are some things that you have to pay for if you use them.

Feng Qianshui: So you really know these things!

Song Yanqing chuckled lightly: Even if you lied to me, my cousin can't give you any good advice. Now that uncle has had an accident, you might as well take this opportunity to persuade uncle. I understand uncle's helplessness and painstaking efforts, but he You must also know that no matter how many things he does, all his prerequisites are attached to the Feng family.

So, if you don't leave, it will never end.

Unless the Feng family really completely collapsed.

Before that, if you have the opportunity to withdraw, you must withdraw quickly.

Feng Qian'en listened, and her heart that was originally let go hung up again.

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