Chapter 540 Search

Are you hungry?

When returning to the hotel, Qiao Jin asked Song Yanqing.

Song Yanqing's face was already too pale at this time, he was indeed very hungry.

And he was so thirsty that his mouth was parched.

He endured and said, It's okay.

But he walked quickly to the table and poured himself a glass of water.

Qiao Jin: It's normal. If there is no accident, we have actually stayed in the cave for a few days.

The formation of time regression is to make you forget the flow speed in your reality.

It unknowingly uses the degeneration of bodily functions to kill you.

Qiao Jin and the others seem to have experienced Hu Qin's short life in it, but in reality, a few days have passed.

Song Yanqing was already physically weak, and she was able to hold on without fainting, which was much stronger than before.

Song Yanqing probably understood a little bit. When he came back here, the phone didn't respond, and he took it out to check and found out that the battery was out.

Fortunately, they were prepared in advance and booked for several days. Even if they left, the room service staff would not be suspicious.

He called to ask the kitchen to prepare food immediately, and Qiao Jin noticed the folding fan in his hand.

He smiled and said, You got it?

Song Yanqing poured a glass of water for Qiao Jin, nodded and handed it to Qiao Jin. Qiao Jin took it, and Song Yanqing also gave her the folding fan, with a tired brow.

He just came back, there was no light in the cave, and he hadn't looked at the folding fan carefully yet.

Now hand it over to Qiao Jin without hesitation.

Qiao Jin took a sip of water, opened it, saw the black lines on it, and blinked.

Song Yanqing drank two glasses of water before asking her, What is it?

Qiao Jin said: A very ordinary folding fan seems to draw a map.

Hearing what she said, Song Yanqing also came over and looked down.

The fan is very large, and although a few strokes of ink are simple, they do outline a landscape.

But because the area of ​​the fan is so large, this picture is more like a meaningless landscape picture, and it is difficult for normal people to see it. This is a map.

Song Yanqing felt a little interesting, he looked at it carefully, thought of something, and went to charge the phone first.

If no one is seen for a few days, the Song family is probably going crazy again.

Qiao Jin just looked at the folding fan.

This is what Song Yanqing brought back, and it stands to reason that it belongs to Song Yanqing's premonition.

This folding fan does not appear for no reason, so what does it represent?

She spread out her palm, and the dots of time regression jumped twice before jumping into her palm.

Immediately, a butterfly appeared in front of her eyes, and the light spot merged into the butterfly's body. The butterfly fluttered its wings, and then disappeared.

Hu Qin—

she muttered to herself.

Since she came here, Hu Qin should have some chance with her.

She walked to the computer in the hotel, turned on the computer, and looked up information about Hu Qin on the Internet.

Of course, there are a lot of people named Hu Qin, and some people from ancient times, but none of them are like Hu Qin.

She searched and confirmed that she couldn't find it, then closed the page.

During this time, Song Yanqing had answered several calls, all of them were asking about his whereabouts. His parents were indeed dying of anxiety.

Fortunately, after he explained it, he didn't ask much.

Knowing that he was with Qiao Jin, Song Siyin felt relieved.

He was about to ask Qiao Jin what he was searching for, but it probably had something to do with the people in the formation just now.

There was a knock on the guest room door, their food had arrived.

Qiao Jin went to open the door and pushed things in.

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