After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 536: A Different Ending

Chapter 536: A Different Ending

In this era, the status of women is inherently humble, especially when facing the eldest and youngest of the Wu family who is interested in her.

The young master of the Wu family felt anxious when he thought that the girl in front of him might be taken by another man first.

Let someone take her away.

Of course she refused to obey!

Let her go!

However, who would have thought that Du Jingcheng, who had left originally, would come back!

With an angry expression, he looked at the servant of the young master of the Wu family.

Let her go!

Hu Qin was full of tears at that moment, as if he saw the light.

The face of the young master of the Wu family changed greatly: Okay, it must be you, it must be you, right! You are the man who had an affair with this bitch!

Du Jingcheng just looked at him indifferently: I am in love with Qinniang, and we have no affair at all. What's bothering you, you ugly bastard?

The life attack and the revenge of grabbing women instantly made the blood of the Wu family's youngest rush up, Give it to me, kill him! Kill him!

Countless people rushed towards Du Jingcheng.

He was already injured, Hu Qin was worried about him, and yelled: Jing Lang, you go, you go!!

Hongliu and the others stood aside and watched the plot, a little anxious, but unable to intervene.

They are all a group of weak women, how dare they go up?

The maid next to her, Aman, was a little tangled in the application, as if she was caught in some kind of struggle.

This is not the case...

Shouldn't he?

No, he's just a helpless maid, what can he do?


No, no!

Something is wrong!

Aman frowned in pain, she wanted to hug her head, the surrounding people and the environment, the scenes formed by this scene seemed to be a little cracked.

When Qiao Jin was caught and struggling desperately, he took the time to give him a somewhat surprised look.

She knew who this was, Gu Yizhou whose fortune had been told by herself...

this person...

Willpower can resist this time formation?

It really surprised her a little.

The maidservant next to her with dark green eyes flickered frantically, not knowing what she was thinking.

Du Jingcheng came from the battlefield, even though he is very skilled, but after all, two fists are no match for four hands, especially when there are dozens of people in front of him.

He knocked over a few in one breath, and was soon hit by someone on the wound that hadn't fully recovered. He vomited a mouthful of blood and fell down.

Jing Lang!!!!!!

At that moment, Qiao Jin felt that his eardrums were about to be shattered because of the voice he yelled automatically because he was integrated into the plot.

It's not like a TV series, there are not so many beautiful moments.

Du Jingcheng was actually beaten to the ground.

The young master of the Wu family saw Du Jingcheng's incredible bravery. He was still afraid at first, but now that he actually fell down, he was extremely proud and happy. , and threw it on Du Jingcheng without hesitation.


This time, Qiao Jin almost fainted.

She watched Du Jingcheng being hit by the torch and howled in pain, feeling like her heart was going to explode.

She struggled to get away from the two people who were pulling her, and wanted to rush over, but was grabbed by them.

Looking back, it was the eldest son of the Wu family, with a stern look on his face: If you dare to go over, I will kill everyone in this theater!

Hongliu couldn't help watching Du Jingcheng being burned at first, but now she rushes up to scratch the face of the youngest of the Wu family: You bastard!!

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