Chapter 399 Causal Weapon

While they were talking, Qiao Jin on the tree was silent.

This made Bruce more interested: Why doesn't she scream? Shouldn't she be scared and scream? I like that.

Lucia: Maybe it's not time for her to scream, Bruce, you need to hurry up, I need her heart.

Bruce: Lucia, I don't like your behavior at all. You eat a girl's heart for the sake of beauty, but the effect is not great. The emperor said that once you can't hide it, you will be backlashed to death...

What backlash, I will naturally let others block it for me, Bruce, hurry up, don't dawdle, Joanna is still waiting for us to go back, if we find that we are gone, we will have good fruit for us.

They spoke the last words quickly, and they only spoke English.

Qiao Jin understood.

She looked at the girl, her eyes that were originally calm exuded a strange brilliance in the dark night, and she murmured: I see, that's why the backlash has already come, and that's why she came to trouble me—that's great, I like it. You are like this.

Qingling's words, coupled with her hanging figure, gave off a faintly creepy smell in this quiet dense forest.

Lucia got goosebumps all over her body, What nonsense are you talking about?

She frowned and urged Bruce: Hurry up what you want to do, we don't have much time—

When she said this, she didn't notice any movement around her.

In the dark dense forest, there is still a faint light under the light of the asphalt roadside lights in the distance, but at the moment it is so dark that it seems that there is no light in it.

Even in such a treacherous scene, they could still see Qiao Jin's face clearly.

There seems to be some movement around, and under the feet, something is gathering thinly, which is very similar to the vines used by Bruce, but not quite like it.

Lucia finally noticed something was wrong, she looked down and saw traces of something crawling on the ground, and exclaimed, Bruce, what formation did you use?

Bruce's face froze: I'm useless...

Doesn't Lucia's sound prove that she doesn't use formations?

Who uses it?

The two looked up at Qiao Jin who was hanging from the tree at the same time.

At this time, the sound of the thin rope became louder.

Lucia and Bruce were horrified to discover that behind Qiao Jin, a huge figure was taking shape. The ones that were moving were the broken branches and broken leaves of the dense forest. They seemed to be manipulated by humans, frantically converging and spinning together, gradually It became a huge black figure.

Like a human being, it has limbs, but its face is closer to that of a treant.

It doesn't seem to be threatening, but it exudes a deadly dark atmosphere.

What's this?


What formation is this?


What made them even more horrified was that the gathered treants roared loudly. The roar was like a monster from the abyss, and it seemed to be able to penetrate people's eardrums. The moment it finished roaring, it ran and walked. He ran straight towards the three of them.

At the same time, seven or eight vines protruded from its body, like a trick used by Bruce. The difference is that the vines are extremely fast, like sharp swords!

Bruce, is this the trick you use?!

Lucia screamed, and Qiao Jin on the tree broke free from the vine and jumped off, dodging to the left in an instant.

With a swish, a vine passed by her ear, and the rough edge of the tree marks easily cut off two strands of her hair that were flying up due to the movement.

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