After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 394 You Are Married, You Must Divorce

Chapter 394 You Are Married, You Must Divorce

Forget it.

Ji Ping'an also knew that Qiao Jin didn't call anyone, so he called him old man anyway.

Look at her calling Qiao Fei Fei Fei directly.

Thinking of this, I felt a lot of balance in my heart.

He said before that the same is true for foreign education, it doesn't matter if the children don't call themselves people.

It's a bit of a pity now, but it's okay.

It was the first time for Ji Skye to know about this, and after looking Qiao Jin up and down, she remembered the last time in her heart.

No wonder he didn't even want to call his brother.

The corner of his lips twitched, he didn't know where he got his weird temper.

Ji Ping'an wanted to pull Qiao Jin to talk about the old days, but found that Qiao Jin's attitude was cold, and he knew that it would be the same if he continued talking, so he could only live in the future.

Anyway, I can go to Mu's house to see people.

What's more, the matter of Chai Yueli must be dealt with at home now.

Thinking of this, Ji Ping'an couldn't help but glared at Ji Qiyue, it was all caused by this useless thing!

Ji Qiyue was angered by Qiao Jin, and now being blamed by his own father, he is not human anyway.

When he went back, he had to face Chai Yueli who was crying, making trouble and hanged himself, and a son who didn't know how to face him. He felt that the world was really unfair to him.

Qiao Fei, Xiao Jin still needs to ask you to take care of her. If you need anything in the future, just ask.

Facing Qiao Fei, Ji Ping'an asked earnestly and earnestly. Now that Qiao Fei knew that Qiao Jin would not go back, she was much happier, and at the same time felt sad for Mr. Ji.

Although the parents are useless, the old man is also right, he just wants his granddaughter to go back.

He didn't force his granddaughter to go back, and he was already very open-minded.

Qiao Fei respected Ji Ping'an very much: Uncle Ji, don't worry, Xiao Jin is doing well in our house, you can come to see Xiao Jin more in the future, and I can also bring Xiao Jin to visit you.

She would still do some things, which comforted Ji Ping'an.

Qiao Jin didn't want to go back, but he didn't object to Qiao Fei's plan to take her to see Ji Ping'an.


Ji Pingan glanced at Qiao Jin reluctantly, feeling relieved in her heart.

Fortunately, she has a weird temper, but she looks excellent, and she is her granddaughter, which is the most comforting point.

At this time, Jiskai took the initiative to speak: Third Grandpa, I will take you back.

Ji Pingan did not object and nodded.

From the beginning to the end, except for a few words, Ji Qiyue was like a transparent person. No one wanted to talk to him, so he held back his anger.

After they parted ways, Qiao Fei took Qiao Jin and the others back, and when he got into the car, he complained to Ji Pingan: Dad, look at her, how has she been taught by the Mu family? She doesn't even want to call someone. of!

What's the matter?

Ji Pingan spoke for Qiao Jin: She just doesn't want to call people, she's not very polite to us, and she didn't point your nose and scold you? If I had a father like you, I wouldn't recognize her either!

Ji Qiyue: ...

Besides, how did you make her think?

Ji Pingan sneered: That wife of yours threw away her own daughter for a son. They were raised by the Mu family for so many years, and it's not your turn to blame. You might as well go back and ask your good wife, What happened to Qiao Jin, and what happened to Ji Fanzheng! If she abandoned her own daughter in order to marry into Ji's family, then she is really not a thing! Even if Qiao Jin recognizes it, you This marriage must also be divorced!

Ji Qiyue was stunned for a moment and opened his mouth wide, but he didn't dare to say anything to refute.

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