After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 383 It's just fate

Chapter 383 It's only fate's trick

Today: [Yes, but if you don’t make it clear, it’s hard for me to diagnose, and I can’t tell whether he is saved or not]

Anonymous Buyer: [Hi, it’s not that I’m worried about leaking privacy, it’s just based on your question. There are only four people in my family, my parents and my brother. There are very few relatives. My parents are peaceful and have never offended anyone. It is difficult to answer this question . 】

Today: [It seems that you don't know. 】

Su Nan was stunned.

Why does the fortune teller act as if he is sure that someone in the family has offended someone?

But who did he offend, and how did the other party do it?

They never thought about Su Xiu's matter as offending others before. They went to countless doctors, but the doctors said it was a medical problem, and they were helpless. It looked like they were poisoned when they were young, but they couldn't be cured.

It was not until later that I found some acquaintances who introduced a master. At first they didn't believe it, but later the master said something about Su Xiu's situation, but shook his head that there was no way to save them, which made them even more desperate.

Su Nan didn't know what he could do.

Su Xiu is his twin brother, he was fine when he was a child, but everything changed since he was three years old.

The master didn't send any more messages, Su Nan hesitated for a while, and asked his parents: Parents, I want to ask, has our family offended anyone?

Parents are equally at a loss: Who can we offend?

They have been gentle people all their lives, and the entire imperial capital knows that even Su Fu is a kind person, how could they offend others?

Su Mu was a little puzzled: Why do you ask that?

Su Nan thought for a while, and said the matter: I found a fortune teller on the Internet, and the other party asked if it was possible that our family had offended someone...

Why are you looking for a fortune teller online? Those are all liars!

Su's mother's face changed, and she didn't believe anything on the Internet at all: The master we are looking for is guaranteed. If a master like you on the Internet is really so effective, will you still be a master on the Internet? Do you know a master? How much is the price? How much did you spend for online fortune telling?

Su Nandao: One hundred thousand is not a lot, but this is his most expensive price. The usual fortune-telling price of this master is only 1,000...

Su's mother said: You have been deceived! How can it be so cheap!

Su Nan: ...

He felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Su's father also frowned and said: Su Nan, I know you want to help your brother, but we have found many ways to deal with my brother. In the last time, you should spend more time with my brother...

When he said this, his tone was choked and sad.

He is only in his forties, and now because of his youngest son, part of his hair has turned gray early, which shows his sadness even more.

As long as there is a way, who will let his son become like this?

When they were talking, a slender figure wearing a mask stood at the stairs.

He looked at them quietly, with a pair of beautiful eyes under the slender eyelashes.

He twitched his lips, not really knowing what to say.

A person may have a feeling when he is about to die. He already feels that his time is running out.

He saw his brother's annoyance and powerlessness, and he also knew that his family had thought of many ways for him, even this kind of magic trick.

It's just that his disease cannot be cured.

No one to blame, only fate to trick people.

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