After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 345 Explains that your luck is stronger than I imagined

Chapter 345 Explains that your luck is stronger than I imagined

Qiao Jin let out an ah and said, It's pretty nice.

Song Yanqing: ...

Qiao Jin: But you are the prettiest.

I have to admit that Song Yanqing was pleased by this sentence during his lifetime, and he couldn't help laughing: Guess why I think it's him?

Qiao Jin glanced twice: Intuition.

Just like her own intuition, the first time she saw this person, she felt a kind of disobedience.

A sense of disobedience like someone else's face growing on him.

It's certainly not that he's had plastic surgery or anything, it's just a metaphor, like he's stealing something from someone else.

But it was probably too conspicuous, so Qiao Jin and Song Yanqing never thought of starting with famous people, and they didn't expect the other party to be so high-profile.

I happened to see his photo when I went abroad this time. I felt very familiar with him the first time I saw him, as if he...

Song Yanqing raised his eyebrows: It's another me in this world. In fact, he is not like me at all. Even Ah You thinks we have nothing in common. I first found someone to investigate and ruled out that he might be my brother's. The truth, and the rest is the truth.

If it's not a brother, then it's the object of changing fate.

Just as Qiao Jin believed in his intuition, Song Yanqing also believed in his own intuition.

After he became a spiritual master, some intuitions were terrifyingly accurate.

Ferdinand actually didn't appear before, he just appeared recently. A TV series became popular in the whole of the United States, and even China was shocked. He has a lot of fans, almost all over the world. Because he has an intoxicating and peerless face.

He is also the son of retired former world superstar Lois.

Lois's husband is a mysterious super rich man in China with a powerful background.

Song Yanqing did not tell her father for the time being, but chose to tell Qiao Jin instead.

Qiao Jin's reaction further confirmed his intuition that he had found the right person.

Qiao Jin looked at the other party for a long time, and suddenly showed a strange smile: I think the other party should hold the opposition of people in the family to become a star. If it were me, I would never let someone who stole other people's fate So loud.

It was because it was too high-profile that it was discovered immediately.

Of course, without Qiao Jin, this matter might not have been discovered.

But nothing if.

Even though Ferdinand had been discovered, Song Yanqing was not impatient, he just asked Qiao Jin slowly: Actually, I really want to know, how is it different from me when he changed my fate?

A big difference.

Qiao Jin said: You still have some things that are deceived, and you are tainted with his bad luck. It should be him who is weak, not you.

There is also the most important fortune. Without him, you should have led the Song family to a better stage long ago, not what it is now... Of course, to be more specific, the most important thing is that your fortune is taken away by him. disadvantages.

Song Yanqing suddenly smiled and said, Actually, I don't think my luck is too bad, at least... I also met you, didn't I?

Qiao Jin pinched his chin and looked up at him, a little puzzled.

Those bottomless black pupils were like obsidian, full of charming brilliance, and they were looking at her intently at this moment.

Qiao Jin thought for a while, and said, Actually, what you say makes sense, it shows that your luck is stronger than I imagined.

Song Yanqing: ...

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