Chapter 33

The head nurse was surprised: Please take so long, what happened at home?

After all, this hospital is usually very busy. Generally, it is not a major reason or a last resort. Nurses rarely ask for leave.

Because you don't know, if you come back from a leave of absence, your position will be replaced by someone else.

Huo Ling couldn't hold back her tears: My younger brother had a car accident two days ago, he couldn't keep his left leg and had to amputate it.

The head nurse suddenly realized.

No wonder Huo Ling was in such a poor state these two days.

Her family is too unlucky, right?

The head nurse couldn't help but think so.

Then you should have said two days ago that such a big thing happened, and you really did.

The head nurse was a little bit blamed, but she didn't mean to blame too much: Come with me, write the leave note first, and then I will go to the dean to approve it for you. Hey, why do you have to go to work these two days? You go What are you doing with that Miss Qiao?

If you are short of money...

It is also impossible to find a stranger to turn around.

Huo Ling was crying now, and looked around after hearing this.

She didn't know whether she should talk about Qiao Jin's affairs, but she felt a little guilty when she thought about the rumor that Qiao Jin was out of her mind, and planned to clarify for her.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, she followed the head nurse, stopped her choking tone, and said in a low voice as much as possible: Nurse, you may not believe it, but I want to say, Miss Qiao didn't have a brain problem after committing suicide. But it’s really, enlightened.”

The head nurse turned her head and looked at her with disbelief: Huo Ling, what did you say?

Realizing that the sound was too loud, she looked around again, and simply pulled Huo Ling back to her office where no one was at the moment.

Huo Ling wiped away her tears and told her story: Miss Qiao got Huigen and learned some things that others don't know. When I drew blood for Miss Qiao a week ago, didn't she say she wouldn't let me do it...

At that time, Huo Ling briefly explained this matter to the head nurse, but he didn't take it seriously.

Now, she told the whole story of that day in detail.

Hearing Qiao Jin say that Huo Ling's brother would have a car accident, the head nurse was stunned.

Her jaw was about to drop, and after a long time, she said, This is impossible, how could such an outrageous thing happen?

These doctors and nurses are the most unbelievable things.

On the contrary, I often receive some patients who are blindly superstitious and use some local prescriptions to help patients, but in the end, even more disasters happen.

But how can their medical staff believe this?

Huo Ling, are you really driven crazy? How can you believe such a thing?

The head nurse still felt that this was unreliable: Impossible, she is just talking nonsense, it's just a coincidence.

Huo Ling didn't believe it: It's okay for ordinary people to talk nonsense, but she clearly said that it is a black car. There are only a few colors of the car, but she just said black!

If she just said that she was paying attention to the car, Huo Ling wouldn't believe it so much.

When the head nurse heard it, she also felt a little cold.

You want to say if Qiao Jin did it?

But Qiao Jin didn't know Huo Ling before, let alone Huo Ling's younger brother.

Still thousands of miles away.

The head nurse was a little dazed: This... this... this is simply...

She suddenly didn't know what to say.

Huo Ling wiped her eyes: I don't really want to believe these things, but now the facts are in front of me, I can't believe it.

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