After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 308 Don't meddle in other people's affairs

Chapter 308 Don't meddle in other people's affairs

It is indeed cold for Song Yanqing to turn on the air conditioner in the hotel, but recently his body has been slowly changing.

He is not as chilled as before.

A few minutes later they went upstairs together, Qiao Jin followed him to his suite naturally, of course, he was just a guest.

Zhongli Panying and Zhongli Xiyu naturally wouldn't follow, seeing this, Zhongli Panying was particularly curious: Is this really a boyfriend and girlfriend? Why does the information show that they haven't met a few times?

Zhongli Xiyu: Ever since the monitoring team lost her tracking records on the spot in the WeChat group, I don't really trust the information about her that the Lingji team has investigated.

Zhongli Panying: ...


Upstairs, Song Yanqing asked Qiao Jin, What were you going to do just now?

Qiao Jin thought for a while and said, I saw a particularly interesting person, and I just want to follow him to see what's going on with him?

Song Yanqing entered the room, and continued to ask with a little interest: An unawakened spiritualist? Or a demonized spiritualist?

Qiao Jin nodded: Maybe, everything you said is possible.

Song Yanqing understood instantly.

It may be a spiritual teacher who has not yet awakened, but may be demonized.

That would be useful to her, but it wouldn't make her come here on a special trip, It seems that it's not an ordinary spiritualist who can let you go abroad on a special trip, either he is also stared at by the Rakshasa world, or he is a psychic. A mage or a spiritualist.

He guessed right, and Qiao Jin didn't intend to hide it: Speaking spirit masters are not so common. After a pause, he continued: Maybe they are formation masters.

Duan Rouyan's being an array mage was just her guess, and she was wrong when she was not fully awakened.

It's like when she signed up, she felt that there was something useful to her. It wasn't until she met that she probably confirmed that this person was Duan Rouyan.


There are still a group of people who have not arrived, so we cannot be completely sure.

If Duan Rouyan is just one of them, then this event will surprise her too much.

Song Yanqing showed a little curiosity about not yet being demonized: Is there any chance of being saved before being demonized?

There is always a process for a person to be demonized. It is not so easy for a spiritual teacher to awaken and save her before she is demonized. Is it possible to make the other party wake up and not be demonized?

Qiao Jin shook his head: It's difficult. Those who can be demonized must have been stared at for a long time. There is still an equivalent exchange. If you want to get abilities, you have to be enchanted. Stronger abilities. Basically, there is no magic. A spiritualist can resist this temptation.

There is a strong incentive for this.

For example, Zhao Chunfeng, who once killed several people in Tan Xuejia, had a strong incentive to avenge his parents. It was originally a crack full of holes, and the devil penetrated silently.

Generally speaking, 99% of spiritual masters awakened with a strong purpose of revenge are demonized.

She thinks Duan Rouyan is probably the same, and she is usually bullied too much.

Not to mention that she can't save this situation, it's not a good end to save others with kindness, but she can save it, she has a premonition that Duan Rouyan may be a little too late.

Because he is an array mage, even the demons are chasing after him.

This is fundamentally different from Song Yanqing, the demon followed him for a purpose, and he could see the Rakshasa Realm.

Duan Rouyan couldn't see it, but she must be gradually getting in touch with the devil.

Song Yanqing seemed to be able to understand this situation, and he suddenly said to Qiao Jin, Don't meddle in other people's affairs.

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