After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 284 The Surveillance Team's Waste

Chapter 284 The Surveillance Team's Waste

The next day, Qiao Jin asked for leave from school.

She saw Xu Rong taking Mingchu out of the house normally, because the police have been visiting and investigating for the past few days, everyone looked at them with weird eyes again.

But nothing was found after the investigation, and a neighbor reminded Xu Rong.

Xu Rong just smiled and didn't take it seriously.

She walked through the street holding Mingchu's hand, and there was an old couple not far away, just looking at them.

Their eyes were full of horror.

Looking at the eyes of Xu Rong and Ming Chu, it was completely unbelievable. In broad daylight, they trembled as if they saw a ghost.

The old woman in the old couple seemed unable to bear the stimulation, she rolled her eyes and fainted.

Next to them, there are two hidden policemen.

That's Mingchu, that's indeed Mingchu!

After waking up, the old woman cried and explained to the police: But...but I saw my son's body burnt with my own eyes. How could he be alive? How could he be alive?

The police were also surprised by this incident, and at this time, they received an order.

This matter was handed over to a special organization, and the police did not need to conduct additional investigations.

Although they didn't know what the special organization was, they retreated as promised.

And in the back, a few cool men and women in overcoats came to the hospital.

Grandma, we have something to do now, please follow us to Xu Rong's house and investigate Ming Chu, okay?

He Yao asked politely. They actually didn't understand why such a thing was handed over to them. Through the information, they felt that the biggest possibility was that the police did not investigate clearly at the time, and the person who was burned to death might be another tourist who made a mistake. .

Mingchu is not dead.

But after looking at the information carefully, I found that there are many things that are not right.

However, this matter was secretive from beginning to end, they could only see if that Mingchu was a spiritualist when dealing with this matter.

The newly brought back little spiritualist was also taken by them, looking at all this curiously.

She put on brand new clothes, biting bread, braiding her hair, and was hugged by the tallest Cao Yikai.

The old couple were actually a little scared, because they saw their son's body burned with their own eyes, and they really didn't know what it was that Mingchu was still alive.

The older generation has a strong idea, thinking that there might be some kind of weird existence.

They followed He Yao and his party carefully to Xu Rong's house.

Then I saw Qiao Jin.

Seeing Qiao Jin here, He Yao's heart skipped a beat.

Yi Shuodai didn't follow her in class today, but Cao Yikai and Hua Yanming who were behind saw her, and after looking at each other, they realized that they were really spiritual masters.

Otherwise, Qiao Jin would not appear here.

However, the presence of Qiao Jin here meant that this might be a demonized spiritualist.

But He Yao was stiff because the person monitoring the Lingzu clearly said that Qiao Jin was at home...

This is at home? !

How did they monitor it?

Since Qiao Jin chose to show up, he didn't mean to avoid He Yao. When He Yao saw Qiao Jin, he came forward and asked, Qiao Jin, why are you here?

Qiao Jin smiled: I bought a house here, and I live here.

He Yao:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Wow, those trash from the Ling group, the report for so long has always been that Qiao Jin is at home, but everyone bought a house here, and they are still at home!

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