After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 228 Summer Vacation Activities

Chapter 228 Summer Vacation Activities

Yue Sike was handed over to the headquarters of the spirit group that night. After investigation, it was found that there were indeed no spirit seeds, and the spirit group felt uneasy.

There is an inexplicable existence that can absorb the spiritual seeds of demonized spiritualists, using an ability they don't know.

This is already the third time, and it is impossible for Lingzu to let it go.

Zhongli Xiyu and Zhongli Panying reappeared around Qiao Jin's life.

The only clue they got was that the demonized spiritualist had contact with Qiao Jin in the previous two times. This time Qiao Jin did not appear, but he also appeared in a nearby coffee shop.

In other words, in the range where the demonized spiritualist appeared three times, she was the only one who was present except for the members of the spiritual group, and she was also a spiritualist.

Qiao Jin could erase the traces of the surveillance video, but she didn't.

Because she doesn't care whether Lingzu harbors doubts at all, what's the use of doubts?

I can only doubt it.

She erased the traces of Song Yanqing's appearance. After all, she was exposed on the bright side, and Song Yanqing could stay in the dark as a trump card.

Lingzu realized that Qiao Jin was a girl with serious problems, and this time directly sent Zhongli Xiyu and Zhongli Panying over to transfer schools.

Proper approach to Qiao Jin.

Even though the school is about to be on holiday, Qiao Jin, who is now a sophomore, still has two years to study.

As long as you are in one school, you can do a lot of research.

Qiao Jin wasn't surprised when he saw Zhongli Panying appearing at school, he just smiled a little.

Zhongli Panying looks delicate and weak, has a special surname, and is in the same German department as Qiao Jin.

Her brother is in the finance department next door.

When seeing Qiao Jin, Zhongli Panying showed a friendly smile: Qiao Jin, we meet again.

Qiao Jin smiled and said, There are not enough people to monitor, and now you are going to fight in person?

The Zhongli family has a high prestige in the Lingzu. Sending these two brothers and sisters to investigate Qiao Jin shows that they attach great importance to Qiao Jin.

Zhongli Panying's smile froze, since she was at school anyway, she thought Qiao Jin would put on a show, so she said it directly, which actually made Zhongli Panying feel a little thin-skinned and embarrassed: It's not... it's just academics. Problem, you don’t have to think about it when you transfer from another school normally.”

Even if it's the truth, it's impossible to say it face to face, how annoying is that?

Qiao Jin just nodded: Yes, after all, this school is good, and the German department is a good major.

In fact, there are quite a few members in this school who are members of the spirit group. Just like Isodai, they have to live their own lives, and different members have different tasks.

There are members of the spiritual group who are exposed, and there are spiritual masters who are not exposed.

Zhongli Panying felt a little timid when she saw that Qiao Jin was about to leave after speaking.

She is not a bad person, but Lingzu is suspicious of Qiao Jin. She has always grown up under the protection of her brother, and she is a little at a loss in the face of Qiao Jin's direct attack. She wants to stop Qiao Jin, but there is no valid reason.

She was a little frustrated, knowing that it was a bit impossible for her to approach Qiao Jin through the route of her friend.

When school was over in the afternoon, the school announced a news that the school had a summer vacation activity, overseas travel and communication projects, and a group of outstanding students would be specially selected. Of course, you can also sign up yourself.

This activity seemed nothing out of the ordinary, and had little to do with ordinary students.

But Mu Qilian and Mu Qichu both signed up.

Because, Qiao Jin signed up.

There are still 2000 tomorrow, and I still have some headaches.

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