After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 152 There is no shadow of the young master

Chapter 152 There is no shadow of the young master

This is an abandoned construction site.

It is said that something happened before, and it will be restarted soon, but it has not reopened yet.

There was no one around, it was very quiet.

There are only dim lights, one at a distance, so that the road will not be as dark as an abyss, but it is not too bright.

Normal people would not choose to pass by here.

Even the driver showed surprise when he sent the two of them here.

After getting out of the car and standing on the ground of the construction site, Song Yanqing pressed the center of her eyebrows without any trace.

This place has been deserted for a long time, and there is an unpleasant stale smell in the air, as well as flying dust.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for him to come to this kind of place.

And excessive inhalation of dust is not good for his body.

He looked at Qiao Jin with a slightly strange look. He didn't know what Qiao Jin brought him here for, but he knew that Qiao Jin had his own purpose, which was related to his body.

“The environment is not so good, but convenient.”

This place was carefully selected by Qiao Jin, no matter how loud the movement is, it will not attract the attention of others.

There will be no ignorant people breaking in.

The people in Lingzu who followed her were already fascinated by her, thinking that she was still staying at home, and had no idea that she was already thousands of miles away from home.

Song Yanqing just looked at her quietly: What do you want to do?

His voice was very low, unhurried.

Qiao Jin looked at him with a smile: Do you know people's beliefs?


He didn't expect Qiao Jin to mention an irreconcilable word with himself, and after carefully savoring it, he still chose to listen to Qiao Jin.

There are many miracles in this world that can be achieved with the belief of many people.

Qiao Jin said slowly: As long as a person has a firm goal and a firm belief, he can accomplish many things. Even when his belief is strong, he can often burst out with incomparable potential. Faith, this is an illusory thing.

She looked at Song Yanqing, in such a dim environment, there was an extremely bright light in her eyes.

But there are some things, no matter how much you have faith, you can't do it. For example, changing the rules of nature is like people will be born, old, sick and die, the earth will dry up, the sky will rain, and you and I will turn into dust. This is the rule of heaven , relying on people's beliefs, cannot be changed.

She said something like this, which made Song Yanqing guess a little bit, You brought me here because you wanted to know something?

Qiao Jin nodded: You will know soon.

She stepped back, and her figure gradually disappeared behind the buildings on the construction site.

Completely merged into the darkness, without a trace.

Song Yanqing watched her leave, her bright eyes flickered, but she still held her breath.

He didn't know what Qiao Jin was going to do, all he had to do was wait and see what happened.

He knew very well that if Qiao Jin wanted to kill him, he would not use any strenuous means.

And what Qiao Jin said just now has her deep meaning.

She doesn't say nonsense on purpose.

While bowing his head in thought, Ah Another, who was in the distance, followed them, but found that he could no longer see the shadow of the young master and Qiao Jin.

There was an abandoned construction site in front of him, he was a little shocked, wondering if he just lost it because he was dazzled.

But it's impossible!

It is impossible for him to lose the young master!

Furthermore, he took out his mobile phone and took a look. The coordinates clearly showed that the young master was still ahead. He was a little puzzled and drove in after him.

However, the construction site was empty, so there was no sign of the young master.

There will be more drops in the next three days, um, let’s ask for a ticket to open it

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