Chapter 138 Danger

Qiao Fei saw Mu Qizhi's face getting darker, and quickly said: She's talking nonsense, she's just going to meet a friend.

Speaking of this, she rarely showed the majesty of her mother: You are not allowed to dance disco, you will break your legs if you go!

Qiao Jin: ...

Coincidentally, Mu Qilian also rushed downstairs at this time, Mom, I won't eat dinner, my friend asked me to go dancing.


Seeing that he had beaten Qiao Jin just now, and his son came out to make things difficult for him, Qiao Fei's expression became serious: Don't go, you will break your leg if you go!

Muzilian: ...

He looked around, seeing that Mu Qizhi hadn't left yet, he felt a little guilty, but he looked at Qiao Fei with a blank look: Why, I'm just going to have fun, and I won't mess around, Mom, aren't you Don't know me.

I have never seen Qiao Fei take care of Bundi before.

Mu Qizhi then added: From now on, no one in this family is allowed to go disco. This is a family rule, and pocket money will be deducted if you go.

Muzilian: ...

Is there still humanity? !

This is Mu Qilian's fate, but not Qiao Jin's.

She lifted her feet and went downstairs: Brother doesn't come along with me, I'll just go by myself.

Mu Qilian looked at Qiao Jin with puffy eyes, and then asked Qiao Fei, Where is she going?

Before Qiao Fei could speak, Qiao Jin lazily said, Go dance.

Everyone: ...

Mu Qilian looked at Qiao Jin who was striding away, and then at Qiao Fei, suddenly feeling sad and indignant: Why are you targeting me?

Qiao Fei: ...

At this moment she felt very tired.

When the child grows up, the rebellious period has arrived, and he is disobedient.

Especially Qiao Jin's rebellious period, which came later and stronger than anyone else.


It took some time to arrive at the appointment place with He Yao.

Since it was a meeting and a spiritual teacher, we didn't choose a particularly lively place.

Although a shopping mall is located in a downtown area, it seems that the business is not very good, and there are very few people in the whole shopping mall.

Especially the dining place on the top floor, there are not many people, it is very deserted, but it is very suitable for conversation.

When Qiao Jin walked over, he saw that the only person he met today was an acquaintance, He Yao, and the other two, a man and a woman.

Exudes a very powerful breath.

They are not simple spiritual masters.

What's interesting is that they are not only about their breath, but also about their clothes. The famous brands are expensive, and the ornaments on their wrists and necks also show that even if they are spiritual masters, they are not spiritual masters from ordinary families.

The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful, and they are very close, so they should be brothers and sisters.

He Yao saw Qiao Jin and waved at her, and the two looked at her at the same time.

At the same time, Qiao Jin felt a force intruding into his body, and looked at him very unceremoniously.

She smiled lightly and did nothing. The force penetrated Qiao Jin's body for only a second before being blocked back by a powerful backlash.

At the same time, the face of the girl among the two turned pale visible to the naked eye.

The boy glanced at Qiao Jin, noticed the change in his sister, and immediately asked in a deep voice, Panying, what's wrong?

The girl shook her head, and glanced at Qiao Jin, flashing across her pupils with a hint of fear.

He only uttered one word silently to his elder brother: Danger.

The boy's expression changed.

His younger sister is a testing spiritualist. She said that dangerous people must be something they can't deal with.

Look at Qiao Jin again, a knee-length dress with a summer pineapple pattern on a small suspender, exuding innocence and kindness, with a peaceful face, as if he can't feel anything, can't see anything at all, and has something to do with the word 'dangerous'.

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