After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 1128: Weeping and Fainting Out

Chapter 1128: Weeping and Fainting Out

Qiao Fei was sitting at home, watching TV and suddenly burst into tears.

Obviously she watched a comedy.

Her face turned pale for a moment, and she felt something bad happened, so she screamed immediately.

This cry also startled Mu Xiangshan. Although he always felt that something bad happened, he didn't expect Qiao Fei to react so strongly. When he raised his head to curse, he saw Qiao Fei was crying and was shocked: You can cry watching a comedy?

Qiao Fei ignored the old man's questioning, she just felt anxious and angry suddenly, and jumped on her feet, I want to call Xiao Jin.

Trembling, she took out her cell phone and wanted to call Qiao Jin, but no one answered.

The phone didn't go away, and there was power, but no one answered.

It's impossible for her not to hear, and now Qiao Jin will carry his mobile phone wherever he goes.

Qiao Fei cried even more violently. Seeing that she was in a bad state, Mu Xiangshan hurriedly called Mu Qilian down, and then called Mu Zhenming.

Seeing Qiao Fei crying so exaggeratedly, Mu Qilian was a little surprised: Mom, what's wrong with you?

Qiao Fei's tone trembled: I have a bad premonition that something happened to your sister...

Muzilian: ????

He was a little surprised, and he was shocked for a while: Impossible?

Having said that, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Qiao Jin.

Of course the call was not connected, and Mu Qilian also realized that something was wrong, so he called Song Yanqing immediately.

Unexpectedly, even Song Yanqing didn't answer.

Mu Qilian tried his best to comfort her: Maybe it's okay, after all, it's not the first time she disappeared.

It's different, it's different!

Qiao Fei screamed, she never felt such palpitations when she disappeared before, something must have happened to Qiao Jin.

Thinking of what she said some time ago, if she disappears one day, let her live a good life.

No no no.

Thinking about it this way, Qiao Fei was really angry and anxious, and she couldn't get over it for a while, and she fainted due to her panic.


Mu Qilian was taken aback, and immediately rushed over to hug Qiao Fei, and then called the hospital.

The Mu family was in turmoil, but Mu Xiangshan still called the police.

The reason for the chaos is that Qiao Jin is missing and cannot be contacted, so of course he has to call the police.


In the hospital, Qiao Fei was still in a coma on the hospital bed. Mu Zhenming and Mu Qizhi from the company rushed back and looked at Qiao Fei on the hospital bed, frowning.

Not only that, but there is also bad news. It is not only Qiao Jin who disappeared, but also Song Yanqing.

He suddenly fell into a coma yesterday, then woke up, but disappeared immediately.

No one knows where he went, Nuoda is an imperial capital, and they lost their traces strangely.

Unlike before, at least he and Qiao Jin still have flight records.

There is not even a surveillance video, which shows that he is missing in Song's house.

But this is outrageous.

They never saw Song Yanqing go out at all, and the Song family was turned upside down, but Song Yanqing was never seen.

The Mu family was under a lot of pressure. The Song family didn't know if they felt something was wrong. Song's mother also fainted from crying. Song Suyu is now guarding her mother. Generally speaking, there is a terrible Speculation weighed on everyone's minds.

Song Yanqing also said the same thing to the Song family a few days ago, if he disappeared suddenly, tell the Song family not to look for anyone.

It's strange that this combination can make people think better.

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