Chapter 1089 Abnormal Human

During the meal, the topic that a group of women were talking about was now a bit out of the question for Qiao Jin.

What they were talking about was the current brand-name cosmetics. Qiao Jin didn't wear makeup, and Qiao Fei arranged for her skin care. She didn't even understand the brand. Now she deeply felt that there was still a serious generation gap between her and these women.

Mo Jiang raised his eyelids and brought the topic to Qiao Jin: Why didn't I see you bring your boyfriend over for the New Year's Eve?

Qiao Jin said directly, He's busy.

Mo Jiang glanced at Qiao Jin up and down, and suddenly said, I don't know why, but when you came, I always felt that something had changed in you, but I couldn't tell what was wrong.

Qiao Jin: ...

Why are women nowadays so sensitive?

She made an excuse casually: Perhaps she came out of the time matrix and experienced some things.

Mo Jiang was thoughtful: Have you found the space?

Qiao Jin shook his head: I have no clue.

There is a point, but after all, it is a conjecture and cannot be confirmed.

Mo Jiang nodded: There is no need to worry, the space array is of no use to you.

Qiao Jin didn't tell her that it was actually very useful.

With the space point, you can go directly to the Rakshasa world, know what happened that year, and know what Song Yanqing went through there.

However, they just remembered that although the women here knew that they were different, Fan Zhaoyao was new here.

She was just an ordinary girl that Mo Jiang invited to be her assistant after pretending to meet him in the hotel, and Mo Jiang was really busy on the set during this period, so he didn't have much time to tell her anything else, so now Fan Zhaoyao didn't know anything It's a spiritual master, what is a formation master.

Now that she heard the conversation between Mo Jiang and Qiao Jin, her mouth opened wide for a moment.

She felt that she might have auditory hallucinations somewhere, or that her education level was too low, why didn't she understand what Qiao Jin and Mo Jiang said?

But a few other people are used to it.

In fact, they don't understand either, maybe they don't know what array points and space array points are, but after all, it's the boss's business, so it's better not to worry about the boss's world.

But Fan Zhaoyao's surprise was still seen by Mo Jiang, who turned his head and saw Fan Zhaoyao's bewildered look, and said with a smile: Oh, why did I forget that I haven't told you these things yet, it's like this , you have to know that our world not only has normal humans, but also abnormal humans like us.

Fan Zhaoyao: ...

other people:……

Is your sentence too ambiguous?

What is abnormal, they are also human beings, fall!

Fan Zhaoyao felt like he was on some kind of thief ship, but looking at Mo Jiang's appearance, he didn't look like he was in a state of mental illness...

Fan Zhaoyao was dumbfounded.

Qiao Jin could only sigh and said, Mo Jiang is just kidding with you.

Fan Zhaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled: Yes, Sister Mo Jiang likes to joke.

She was not right just now. Qiao Jin became serious again: We are not abnormal, but compared with normal humans, we have some special abilities, and we are called spiritual masters, you can see As a person with supernatural powers, I found you not because of anything else, because you also have such potential, and you will know these things sooner or later, so I might as well tell you first, because I asked Mo Jiang to find you.

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