After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 1054 Everyone is in a hurry

Chapter 1054 Everyone is in a hurry

That being said, Qiao Fei couldn't stop crying if she really didn't cry.

After the call was connected, Qiao Fei cried for half an hour.

She is too worried.

Qiao Jin understands Qiao Fei's worry, but she can't do anything about the things in the array, she doesn't know that she will stay for so long.

There were other people's voices next to Qiao Fei's cry. Qiao Jin heard Mu Qichu's voice, probably knowing that Qiao Fei had contacted Qiao Jin. Mu Qichu and the others were quietly listening to Qiao Jin's recent situation.

There were many things difficult to talk about on the phone, so Qiao Jin could only say, I'll tell you when I get back, Song Yanqing and I are going to have dinner.

The time is passing by in the time point, but at least you will feel full after eating inside. Once you come out, you will not be very hungry, but you will still be hungry.

They were going to eat soon, Song Yanqing contacted the hotel to prepare the meal while calling.

Qiao Fei hummed: You can still eat!

Qiao Jin: ...

Why can't she eat it.

He could only look at Song Yanqing while answering the phone.

Song Yanqing was also constantly on the phone, and basically never stopped. Seeing Qiao Jin looking over, she made a gesture to Qiao Jin, indicating that she was still on the phone, and there was no way to stop.

This time it disappeared for more than a month, and even the progress of work fell behind.

Although his father could help with many things, he was not too busy this time with Song Yanqing disappearing at every turn.

Not seeing anyone for more than a month was enough to cause some panic in his heart.

He is just such a son, absolutely nothing can happen.

Listening to Qiao Fei's cry, Qiao Jin's thoughts drifted a little.

The main reason is that Song Yanqing is here now, and Song Yanqing entered the Luocha Realm ten thousand years ago.

How did he get out?

He is a spiritual master, going back and forth between two dimensions is something Qiao Jin can't do without a space array.

What's more, he opened the junction at the beginning, and he probably paid a lot of price in the past.

Li Jiao said that he was suffering in the Raksha world, and Qiao Jin probably knew that even though Song Yanqing was here now, he must have something to do with the Raksha world.

Seeing Song Yanqing calmly talking with the people at home, Qiao Jin fell into some trance thoughts.

Song Yanqing turned her eyes around, saw Qiao Jin staring at her on the phone, smiled, reached out to stroke Qiao Jin's hair, and continued to speak calmly.

It seems that he will not want to calm down tonight.

Xiao Jin, you can't do this again in the future, you can't say hello again, you know?

Qiao Fei kept crying: It's so chaotic abroad, and it's still legal to hold a gun. Mom, I'm not afraid that you will be kidnapped by the mafia or sold by outsiders. Think about it, there are people who specialize in collecting human bodies. Foreign tissues of organs, so scary, so scary!!

Qiao Jin didn't feel terrible, but Qiao Fei felt a sense of dread while talking.

Qiao Jin had no choice but to comfort her: I'm really fine. I'll fly back tomorrow, but it may take the day after tomorrow for you to arrive.

Qiao Fei was not very happy: Why don't you go back right now!!

Qiao Jin said: We are a little tired and need to rest for a night.

I just came out of the time matrix, and some things still need to be slowed down.

Qiao Fei couldn't help either, she didn't know what Qiao Jin had experienced, so she could only hang up the phone after talking for more than ten minutes.

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