New World, somewhere in the sea!

Top naval warships lined up one after another, sailing in an orderly manner.

Although the navy had just suffered an unprecedented defeat in Marinford.

Not only was the headquarters of the navy destroyed by the enemy, but even the elite combat forces were lost.

But even so, the navy still has extremely powerful strength.

After all, in terms of top combat power, the navy did not suffer any particularly large losses.

Therefore, the navy still has a strong deterrent power on the sea.

"Admiral Borsalino, with your speed you should be able to catch up with the rebels, right?"

After more than two days of tracking and besieging, they still failed to cause any substantial damage to the rebel Taotu’s fleet.

This surprised many naval elites.

Because with Admiral Kizaru’s ability, not to mention destroying the rebels by himself, he would definitely not let them have an easy time.

However, the fact is that Admiral Kizaru did not take any action from beginning to end.

"Yo~ Do marines now dare to ignore the candidate for admiral? It's really scary~"

Admiral Kizaru glanced at the adjutant who asked the question beside him, with a calm expression.

As a candidate for admiral of the navy, Momotosuki is quite strong.

Speaking of Momotosuki, who is a top-notch swordsman and physical fighter, the only difference between him and the admiral of the navy is a strong enough devil fruit.

Of course, it is the difference of this devil fruit that means Momotosuki is not his opponent yet.

The reason why he has not launched the attack yet is mainly because of another person.

To be precise, it is a little devil.


Even though the war at the top has been over for a while.

But whenever Kizaru thinks of what Rock did at the top, he still feels his hair stand on end.

Especially the knife that chopped him at that time, he had to run tens of thousands of meters to barely avoid it!

If possible, he didn't want to have anything to do with Rock anymore.

But there was no way.

Now among the three admirals of the navy, only he had the most free time, so the task of hunting down Momosaurus had to be carried out by him.

Of course.

The real target of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government is not Momosaurus.

A defected candidate for the Navy Admiral is not enough to cause such a big fuss.

"Admiral Kizaru, there's a call from headquarters!"

Just as Admiral Kizaru was looking at the sea and thinking, a communications marine ran over holding a Den Den Mushi.

"A call from headquarters?"

Kizaru's mouth twisted when he heard this.

Are we going to start the action?

This is really troublesome!

"Borsalino, you didn't lose me, did you?"

"Zefa has sent a letter of rebellion to all naval bases in his name, and intelligence has revealed that Rock is also on his way to the area where Zefa is."

"The war is about to start. You must destroy Momosagi's fleet as soon as possible. I want to see which blind guy dares to join Zephyr and Rock!"

Akainu's gloomy voice came from Den Den Mushi, with a hint of excitement.

Obviously, this admiral who suffered a great loss in the war at the top hates Rock very much.

The World Government obviously knows this.

Therefore, the commander-in-chief of this battle is not Sengoku who proposed the battle plan, but Akainu!

For this reason, many people in the navy have already turned to Akainu.

"Are we going to start so soon? And is Mr. Zefa really going to cooperate with Rock?"

"Zefa's prestige plus Rock, oh~ what a terrifying combination!"

Kizaru said with a strange expression

"Stop talking about this nonsense, Borsalino."

"Let's do it now, the Navy needs a victory to wash away the shame!"

Akainu on the other side of the Den Den Mushi was obviously more anxious, and he hung up the Den Den Mushi as soon as he finished speaking.

"In that case, let's start the action. It's really troublesome~"

After hanging up the phone,

Admiral Kizaru did not hesitate too much and immediately ordered the fleet to pursue at full speed, and ordered all warships to fire at Taotu's fleet......

At the same time, on the other side of the sea, the Taotu Fleet, which had been on the run, also discovered the unusual movements of the Kizaru Fleet.

"Report, the navy has begun to launch an all-round bombardment against us, and Kizaru himself has not made any unusual movements for the time being!"

While Kizaru's fleet was cutting off the bombardment, former Rear Admiral Alice had already reported the latest situation to Momotsuki.

Previously, the fatal injury Alice suffered in Marinford had been healed by Rock's potion, and there was no wound left.

Now she, together with most of the elite soldiers of the former G9 branch base, followed Vice Admiral Momotsuki to join up with Teacher Zefa and Rock.

In short, they no longer belong to the navy sequence!

On the contrary, they will be enemies of the navy and fight for the new order!

"Has the Navy's conspiracy finally begun?"

"Hehe, Marshal Sengoku would never have thought that his last battle before abdication would push the navy into an even more terrifying abyss!"

At this moment.

Taotu, the former candidate for admiral of the navy, came to the deck of the battleship and looked at the rapidly approaching navy fleet with cold eyes.

As a well-deserved core figure.

Taotu naturally knew some of Rock's plans and intentions.

This time, the Navy Headquarters must have thought that the encirclement was flawless and they could be wiped out in one fell swoop.

But the fact is.

All the arrangements of the navy and the world government have been completely mastered by Rock.

From the current point of view, the information Rock has is accurate.

Even Taotu finds it magical.

Logically speaking, this war should be top secret to the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, and I don’t know how Rock knew it so easily. It can’t be that Aokiji revealed it, right?

As far as she knows, Aokiji’s situation in the Navy Headquarters is not good now, and there are signs of being excluded before the battle for the marshal has even begun.


There was not much time to think.

As the navy fleet pursued at full speed, the distance between the two sides became closer and closer, and the shells became more and more dangerous.

"Alice, notify everyone to begin a full-scale counterattack with artillery shells, and fight and retreat to the planned sea area!"

"Also, use Den Den Mushi to send a message to Zephyr-sensei, telling him and Rock that the war has begun!"

Boom boom boom - shells exploded on the sea.

A few days after the end of the war on the top, a war initiated by the Navy Headquarters officially kicked off!

At the same time, the former Navy guerrilla supply base and the Amazon Lily Kingdom located in the Calm Sea both have military forces from the World Government and the Navy.

It is obvious that the Navy wants to fight on three fronts at the same time, making Rock overwhelmed, destroying the latter's alliance with Zephyr, and finally exterminating all the criminals!

And at an altitude of several thousand meters.

Rock stood above the thunderclouds, overlooking the sea, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"After today's battle, the new navy will make a radical change!"


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