Facing the aggressive attitude of the Sabaody Archipelago bank manager,

Nami directly retorted that she was not someone to be bullied, and immediately asked with a gloomy face.

Then she showed the deposit slip in her hand to the man.

However, she did not hand the deposit slip directly to the other party. This bank was obviously a bit of a black shop, at least it discriminated against pirates.

"How much do you want to take?"

"Take All"

""Let me see how much money this deposit slip has."

The bank manager's face was obviously unhappy.

But he thought about it and felt that there was no need to conflict with the Straw Hat Pirates, who were in the limelight recently.

So if the amount was not much, he would just let them take it.

However, when he saw the specific amount written on the deposit slip and the special mark of their Sabaody Archipelago, his breathing stopped for a moment.

Damn, they want to withdraw so much money?!

"Nearly 10 million Baileys?"

"Miss Pirate , are you kidding me?"

The manager's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he asked loudly in a threatening tone.

���It's not a lot, but it's definitely not a small amount.

Buying a first-class beautiful slave in the Sabaody Archipelago costs less than a million berries.

Nearly 10 million berries can buy ten high-quality maids!

"Hey, what do you mean? You won't let me withdraw the money?"

The bank manager kept making excuses and his attitude was so bad, it seemed that he was planning to attack Nami.

Rock stepped forward and blocked Nami behind him.

Nami also took this opportunity to secretly take out the Den Den Mushi. If Rock couldn't do it, she was ready to contact her friends to come to the rescue at any time.

"Who are you? Are you also a member of the Straw Hat Gang?"

The manager's attitude weakened when he saw Rock standing up.

There was nothing he could do. Rock's tall and strong figure gave him an invisible sense of oppression just by standing there.

"I am the owner of this deposit slip. Take the money for me now, immediately."

Rock looked at him unkindly.

He didn't want to waste too much time here.

If he guessed correctly,

X. Drake had probably contacted the Navy Headquarters to ask how to deal with him.

Drake was one of the supernova pirates on the surface, but he was actually an undercover agent of the Navy, a member of the Navy's secret force SWORD, and had always been in contact with the Navy Headquarters.

"Are you the owner of the deposit slip?·D·Rock... Such a familiar name."

When the bank manager saw Rock's name, he suddenly felt that the name seemed a little familiar.

It seemed that this person was on the bounty issued earlier?

"It's you, the defected Navy Captain Draculas Rock, with a bounty of 100 million Baileys!"

Suddenly, the bank manager pointed at Rock and sneered as if he had found a treasure.

Thai pants are hot!

I'm really lucky today.

This Rock's bounty order is very special, with two notes added on it.

【1、This person is poisoned and his strength is greatly reduced, so it is easy to capture him alive!】

【2、If you capture this person alive and hand him over to the World Government or the Navy Headquarters, the reward will be doubled!】

"Come on, arrest this traitor of the navy and... the little thief Nami. We are going to make a fortune today!"

Without any hesitation, the manager showed his vicious side after confirming Rock's identity, and he planned to get rid of Nami as well.

Although it might cause trouble for the Straw Hat Pirates, as long as he didn't admit it, what could those pirates do?

This place is quite close to the navy headquarters!

With the man's order, hundreds of guards with weapons rushed out quickly and surrounded Rock and Nami.

"Damn it, this bank is so unethical!"

Nami was a little nervous when she saw the serious situation. She took out her weapon, the weather stick, and stood back to back with Rock to prevent being attacked.

"Poor little Ms. Thief Cat, morality is not something that should be taught to pirates like you, hahaha!"

""Go, take them all down!"

The bank manager looked like he had Rock and the other two in his grasp, his expression extremely arrogant.

After all, in his opinion, the information clearly written on the bounty order by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters could not be wrong.

The strength of this naval traitor named Rock was definitely greatly reduced compared to before.

And let's take a step back.

Even if Rock was not poisoned

, a naval colonel might not be able to deal with his one hundred well-trained strong guards.

As for Nami.

There are countless pirates with a bounty of 16 million in the Sabaody Archipelago, not to mention that she is just a navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. The high bounty is mainly due to the relationship with the Straw Hat Pirates.

Therefore, whether it is Rock or Nami.

How could these two guys be the opponent of his one hundred powerful guards!?

He has already foreseen the wonderful scene of himself exchanging Rock and Nami for Bailey.

Oh, by the way, the nearly 10 million Bailey on that deposit slip is also his, hahahaha

"Rock, hold on for a while, I'll contact Luffy and Zoro!"

Seeing the other side rushing forward in large numbers ,

Nami was a little flustered.

These bank guards are obviously much stronger than ordinary trash.

Although Rock showed great swordsmanship in the previous battle against the Flying Fish Knights.

But Nami really couldn't judge Rock's physical condition.

What if this guy is really just holding on, and his actual physical condition is very bad.

Don't fail to withdraw the money and then beat Rock here

"No need, Nami. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me if you still need to call for help in this situation?"

"I'm enough, just wait a moment."

Rock smiled and stopped Nami from dialing the phone.

Then he drew out the famous sword, the Undead, from his waist, and pointed the tip of the blade at the bank manager.

As for the hundreds of guards rushing towards him, he didn't even look at them.

"Oh, at this time, you are still showing off in front of the beauty? Without the blessing of the navy status and with a poison in your body, who do you think you are!"

At this moment, the bank manager of Shampoo looked at Rock with a sneer on his face.

In his opinion, Rock was just a turtle in a jar, and this kind of arrogant behavior would only make people laugh.

However, just a moment later, the sneer of the bank manager solidified on his own face.


Rock disappeared in his eyes!

Not only the bank manager, but also the hundreds of bank guards who were attacking madly, even Nami was stunned for a moment.

Especially Nami.

She was closest to Rock, so her perception was more real.

Just now, she just felt a gust of wind blowing across her cheek, and Rock disappeared from her sight.

Swish - just when everyone was a little dazed.

The next moment, Rock's figure appeared half a meter in front of the bank manager.

Famous sword ·The undead just happened to be on the bank manager's neck.

At this moment, the whole place was silent!

The bank manager was completely frightened at this moment, and there was only extreme fear in his eyes!

Navy Six Styles·Shave!

Wasn't this guy poisoned?

And even if he was shaved, it wouldn't be so fast!

The bank manager expressed his shock in despair. What shocked and frightened him even more was that as Rock appeared in front of him.

The one hundred bank guards suddenly began to faint one after another.

Overlord's Haki!

At this moment.

The bank manager realized that he had kicked the titanium alloy steel plate this time!

This is not the seriously injured and defected navy colonel. It is clearly a monster-like strong man!

World Government, Navy Headquarters, you™ have caused a lot of harm to people!......

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