Admiral Kizaru sneered at Rock.

Although his tone was somewhat mocking, he was also somewhat surprised.

He never thought that he would meet Rock, the proud disciple that Zefa always talked about, here.

After all, according to the accurate intelligence jointly determined by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

Rock, the then Navy Captain who defected from the Navy, had been attacked by Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the headquarters and was hit by the special venom weapon No. X.

This highly toxic weapon was specially developed by the World Government to deal with some powerful criminals.

Therefore, the core senior officials of the Navy have always believed that even if Rock did not die, he would probably become a complete cripple.

But now it seems that the intelligence of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters is a bit wrong!

How does this Rock look like he is poisoned! ? He can even easily block his flash kick.

Such a record is impossible even for some vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

In addition.

Thinking of the strange masked man in the Straw Hat Pirates just now, it should be Rock without a doubt.

That is to say.

This extremely evil incident that is destined to shock the world, the real culprit is probably Rock!

"Rock, come with me back to Marinford to await execution!"

He didn't hesitate for too long.

Facing Rock, Admiral Kizaru obviously became more focused, which was completely different from his performance against Zoro and Luffy.

He dodged and stepped back to create a safe distance, then formed an ellipse with his hands, and the next moment, endless light particles condensed out of it.

Eight-foot Mirror!

Swish, swish, swish - as Kizaru launched the attack, countless beams of sharp light shot out, and refracted many times in the middle, shooting at Rock at various angles!

Facing Kizaru's attack.

Rock did not dare to be careless at all, and directly launched the Perfect Navy Six Styles·Shave at full speed, while wielding the famous sword·Undead, dodging at full speed. Avoid and resist the attack of the Eight-foot Mirror!

Unlike Admiral Kuzan.

The relationship between Rock and Kizaru has always been average, and it can even be said that they have no friendship at all.

Because many years ago, the relationship between Kizaru and Zephyr was very unharmonious.

In addition, Kizaru is the kind of person who likes to slack off, and has the lowest presence among the three strongest forces of the navy.

So Rock and Kizaru have almost no friendship.

Because of this.

Kizaru has no reason to be defensive against him, unless he is really slacking off.

But based on the current situation in the Sabaody Archipelago, if Kizaru really slacks off the whole time, he will not be able to explain when he goes back.

"Oh? Rock, what a terrifying Six Styles·Shave, he is worthy of being one of the strongest geniuses in the Navy identified by Mr. Zephyr!"

A few seconds later.

Looking at Rock who withstood the attack of the Eight-foot Mirror and was still unharmed ,

Admiral Kizaru's expression showed a touch of 'real' surprise.

When Rock came just now, he didn't pay attention to the former's speed.

But now he saw it, it really made him a little scared!

There is no doubt that the body movement displayed by Rock is definitely the Navy Six Styles·Shave.

But there is a problem here.

The Navy Six Styles·Shave.

Although it is used to increase speed, it is definitely not so terrifying!

Rock's speed when dodging the beam was so fast that even Kizaru was dazzled!

Even though this speed is much worse than his flash.

But you have to know.

The reason why he can be so fast is because of the power of the Pika Pika no Mi. However, this guy Rock is using the real Six Styles·Shave!

This is what surprised Kizaru.

He asked himself, if he didn't have the power of the Pika Pika no Mi, his Six Styles·Shave would never be able to reach such a speed.

Not only him, even if you look at the entire navy, it is impossible for anyone to practice the Six Styles·Shave to such a level. The

Six Styles·Shave displayed by Rock at this time is probably infinitely close to perfection.

What a pity.

If Rock hadn't left the navy, he might really be able to become an absolute pillar of the navy in the future as Mr. Zephyr said!

""Hey! Senior Rayleigh, isn't it time for you to come out?"

During the battle,

Rock ignored Kizaru's surprise.

Instead, he paid close attention to the movements around him.

Just now,

Tyrant Bear, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, had intervened in the battle and slapped Chopper, Usopp, Franky, and Brook away. He also appeared in front of Luffy and Zoro.

In addition, Tyrant Bear mechanically shook his head in the direction of Rock, indicating that he had not found any trace of Nico Robin and Nami.

This undoubtedly made Rock even more worried.

He couldn't continue to entangle with Kizaru.

One reason was that he couldn't beat Kizaru for the time being, and the other was that he had to confirm the whereabouts of Nami and Robin as soon as possible. What

Rock could be sure of was that the Pluto Silvers Rayleigh must be in the dark at this time.

If he hadn't helped Zoro block Kizaru's flash kick just now, Rayleigh would have taken action.

"Hahaha, you are such a jerk. I've already said that I don't want to reveal my identity, otherwise I won't have a peaceful life!"

Just as Admiral Kizaru attacked Rock again, an old but very cheerful voice came.

The next moment, a nimble white-haired old man flashed in front of Rock and blocked Kizaru's attack for the latter.


"Pluto Silverbaz Rayleigh?"

"What a terrible opponent has come!"

Admiral Kizaru looked at Rayleigh's old face and couldn't help but screamed with a crooked mouth.

Here it comes, finally here, this time he has a legitimate reason to slack off, right!?

After all, this is the legendary pirate, the right arm of the former Pirate King Roger!

Straw Hat Luffy and the like, let others catch them!

As for Rock, he can't control it.

However, Kizaru has a vague feeling that if he lets Rock go now, he will become a big worry for the navy in the future.

But...So what? He won't be a Marine Admiral anyway.

"Rock, go away, don't worry about us!"

At this time, seeing Rock escape,

Zoro who was standing in front of Luffy reminded loudly.

There was no other way.

The one standing in front of him now was the Tyrant Bartholomew Kuma, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

His companions had all been killed by the Tyrant Kuma.

He and Luffy were afraid that they would not be spared.

If Rock had a chance to escape, it would be worth their sacrifice.

It's a pity that everyone's dream will be shattered today?!

One Piece.

The world's number one swordsman


Is everything over? ?


Zoro hadn't finished his words.

With a slap from Tyrant Bear, the figure of the three-sword swordsman instantly disappeared.

Luffy also woke up at this time, and jumped up the first second he saw Tyrant Bear.

However, Luffy was also seriously injured, and could only watch Zoro being slapped away.


At this moment, Luffy almost collapsed.

"Calm down Luffy, Zoro and the others will be fine."

At this time, Rock flashed and came to Luffy's side to comfort him, then turned his attention to the Seven Warlords of the Sea Tyrant Bear

"Mr. Big Bear, please!"

Before this, Rock had reached an agreement with Big Bear.

Rock would do something for Big Bear.

And Big Bear would take Rock and Luffy to Amazon Lily together.

But now Rock is not happy at all.

"Sister Robin, Nami..."Wait for me, I will never let anything happen to you!"

Rock looked up at the sky and swore in his heart.

Then, an unexpected scene happened.

Just before he and Luffy were slapped away by the bear, an ice pheasant just flew over his head.

Although it was a short time,

Rock still saw the message left by General Kuzan on it.

【Nico Robin, CP0, Marinford!】..........

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