Five years ago.

Somewhere in a secret sea, the Naval Academy Headquarters

""Admiral Kuzan, please help me cool down my beer. It's not cold anymore."

Rock, who was only 14 years old, held a huge beer cup and approached Admiral Aokiji, asking fearlessly.

"Ah, Mr. Zefa, this is the most proud disciple you mentioned? He is nothing but a little brat!"

Aokiji Kuzan glanced lazily at the young Rock, and obviously did not find anything special about him.

However, he still released a stream of cold air, which instantly cooled the beer in the boy's hand.

However, the next second.

Gulp - a large glass of beer with a full two liters was actually drunk by the boy!!!

""Ah, slow down!"

Aokiji was obviously shocked.

He is still a teenager, but he drinks so fiercely. Is this how Mr. Zefa teaches his favorite disciple?!

"Hahaha, haven't you noticed yet, Kuzan? Rock can be so relaxed in front of the admiral of the navy. Such a guy is rare in the navy."

"Just wait and see. Sooner or later, Rock will be stronger than all of you. And I think he has the hope of leading the navy onto the right path!"

Teacher Zefa, who has retreated to the second line and aims to train newcomers, smiled and looked at Rock with eyes full of expectation......


In the ice prison.

Admiral Aokiji recalled the little thing that happened a few years ago, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He knew that Mr. Zefa had always had high hopes for Rock.

Because of this.

After Rock was officially transferred to the headquarters of the Navy, he took good care of the former.

And Rock is indeed very competitive. He has made countless military exploits in a short period of time. If nothing unexpected happens, Rock will become the youngest vice admiral in the history of the Navy this year!

That's right, shortly before Rock's accident, Marshal Sengoku and Chief of Staff Crane were considering promoting Rock as an exception.

But no one expected it.

Just because of an unreasonable request from the Celestial Dragons, things have evolved to where they are today.

To be honest.

Aokiji is not unable to understand Rock's approach.

It's just that killing Celestial Dragons is too serious.

As a navy admiral, Aokiji must stand firm in his position. There is no reason to let Rock go.

""I'm sorry, Mr. Zefa, let me clean up the mess for you today!"

At this moment,

Admiral Aokiji finally made up his mind. His expression sank, and he threw an attack at Rock.

Frozen time capsule!

Kukuku - as Aokiji launched an attack, the ground in front of Rock began to freeze rapidly.

The terrible cold air stretched out like a life-threatening ice blade.

Facing an opponent of Aokiji's level,

Rock did not dare to be arrogant at all.

Because just this ordinary frozen time capsule can probably easily freeze a vice admiral of the navy.

This is the horror of the navy's highest combat power!

Fortunately, Rock's goal is not to confront Aokiji head-on.

He just wants to delay the latter and buy time for the Straw Hat Pirates to be slapped away by the Seven Warlords of the Sea Tyrant Kuma.

Swish - after trying his best to avoid the freezing range of the frozen time capsule,

Rock backhanded a powerful slash and went straight to Aokiji's face.

"Your swordsmanship has become stronger again, Rock!"

Facing Rock's powerful slash.

Aokiji was obviously a little surprised. He raised his hands and activated the armed color domineering, and then he resisted the slash, but the huge force still made him step back half a step!

Didn't they say that Rock was infected with the World Government's X virus and was either dead or disabled?

How come there is not only no sign of poisoning, but he has become stronger!?

Did the intelligence of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters go wrong at the same time!?

There is no time to think too much.

Although Rock's swordsmanship is obviously stronger.

But for Aokiji, Rock is still not an opponent.

Let's see the time.

Kizaru is estimated to have caught up with the Straw Hat Pirates, and I don't know what the situation is.

Although Rock is the culprit of this extremely evil incident, the Straw Hat Pirates are still not innocent.

I just hope that Kizaru will continue to fish as usual.

Otherwise, in this situation, catching the Straw Hat Pirates will be a problem for the Navy. Hidden danger!

After making up his mind.

Aokiji's offensive became more and more fierce, and he released three ice pheasants at the same time!

Facing the continuous strong attacks from the navy admirals.

Rock also knew that he couldn't keep going like this, otherwise his physical strength would be too severe, and he wouldn't be able to leave when the time comes.

With his current strength, he is still not enough to fight with the top strongmen.

It seems that before the war on the top, I have to go to the Amazon Lily Kingdom as soon as possible!

Rumble- just when the battle situation became more and more critical, Rock was about to split the ice prison to expand the scope of the battle.

Suddenly, several thunders struck down from the sky.

Although it failed to completely split the ice layer above, it still caused a certain impact on the ice prison.

At the same time.

Aokiji had several snow-white arms on his body, as if he wanted to launch an attack.

But before Aokiji could react, those arms disappeared directly.

"Nami, Robin! ?"

At this time, Rock's expression suddenly froze.

The thunder in the sky was probably the thunder and lightning released by Nami, not to mention the white arm that appeared and disappeared out of thin air.

No one can do this except Robin who has the ability of the Flower-Flower Fruit.

But what worries Rock is that if Nami and Robin are separated from their companions and come back to help him out of worry, it's nothing.

I think General Kuzan may not kill Robin and the other two.

But the key is that whether it is Nami's thunder and lightning or Robin's ability, they only appeared for a while.

This means that the two of them may have encountered some danger outside!

After thinking of this keenly.

Rock did not dare to linger any longer in this icy prison.

He tightly grasped the famous sword, Undead, with both hands, and wrapped a wisp of the king's aura around it, and then slashed with the sword.

One-sword flow, the tragic song of falling stars!

Buzz - in an instant.

The slashing blows like a falling comet slashed towards the surroundings.

Boom - with a loud noise.

The surrounding icy prisons were all shattered by the slashing blows.

Even the admiral Aokiji stepped back a few steps, and his eyes looked at Rock with a little more solemnity.

He felt more and more.

If Rock could be given a few more years, this kid might be able to become the strongest admiral in the history of the navy! ?

It's a pity that there is no if in this world.

As an admiral of the navy, he will never let Rock go easily today.

"Nami, Robin! ? ?!"

At this time, Rock ignored Aokiji and used his observation Haki to the extreme, but he could not find any trace of Robin and Nami. Did they leave after helping?

That should be impossible!

Whoosh - in order to ensure the safety of Robin and the others,

Rock activated the Six Styles: Razor and disappeared in front of Aokiji in an instant.

However, after Rock left, two tall and thin figures wearing white cloaks and strange masks appeared in front of Aokiji.


"How did you get here and capture the Straw Hat Pirates' devil child Nico Robin and the thief cat Nami?"

"Does the World Government have new orders?"............ ps: Is there any fellow board watching? Please comment and support. It’s so sad to play alone.

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